Listening to Lucas's bad tone, I suddenly realized that I was too rude, and when I was shocked, I asked questions that shouldn't be asked. It was a sin to touch the sensitive parts of it.

At the moment, I quickly apologized to show my sincerity.

Lucas saw that I was sincere and didn't care too much. He just repeated the previous question again.

In order to win its favor, I confessed my identity and the purpose of this trip to it.

Lucas was surprised. It didn't expect me to come here by the evil dragon Spitz.

"Master Spitz rarely trusts humans, especially humans with fairy blood like you."

What does this mean?

Why is it necessary to bring the word ‘especially’? Could it be said that there is any unclear ambiguity between the evil dragon Spitz and the fairy?

"That..." I hesitated for a few seconds, or decided to express my doubts: "I dare to ask you, evil dragon Spitz...Is there any contradiction between your lord and the fairy clan?"

Lucas curled his eyebrows and thought for a long time before slowly saying: "Originally, this matter was regarded as Master Spitz’s Missing. Generally, it will only spread among the dragons, but because you and your majesty are friends. , It’s okay to tell you."

It thought for a while, and continued: "In fact, before your Majesty's visit to the Hefeng Continent, he sent three adults here to explore the way. The first is the Mad Dragon Hertz, the second is the Ice Dragon Skasa, and the third. This is the evil dragon Spitz-sama..."

"Wait!" I interrupted, and immediately caused Lucas' dissatisfaction. I quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Lord Lucas, I just heard a very familiar name suddenly, and I couldn't control my feelings for a while. ."

Lucas stared at me for a few seconds, and said in a deep voice, "Which name makes you familiar?"

"Ice Dragon Scarsa" I said.

Then, I talked about all the things related to Skasa.

After listening, Lukas’s face suddenly became solemn: "The ice dragon Skasa you describe is very similar to the real Skasa, but the strength of the two is very different. The breath of Skasa can be In an instant, a mountain of hundreds of meters was frozen in ice, and against it, there is no possibility for a weak human being like you to survive."

It exhaled and said, "Perhaps the ice dragon Skasa you saw has the same name as Master Skasa."

"Then why does your face suddenly become so solemn?" I wondered.

"You said that the human named Skarsa turned into an ice dragon after he died, is that correct?"

I nodded.

"It is for this reason that makes me very uneasy," Lukas said: "When your Majesty ruled the Celestial Clan, he had read the historical documents in their collection, and there were experiments in which humans were transformed into other species. Your Majesty thinks this kind of experiment. Possessing unstable power, a little carelessness will inevitably lead to disasters, so all relevant historical documents are burned, but I did not expect that this knowledge will be passed on."

"There is more than just one set of historical documents," I said: "Almost every race and every country has historical documents with similar content, but most of these documents have been determined by experts as lost. Monuments."

"Since someone can use this technology, it means that the relevant historical documents have not been lost, but have been collected, and the secrets are not revealed." Lucas gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty has a long-term vision, you can see the history only once. The content contained in the literature that can cause disasters, even if human beings do not have the excellent knowledge of your majesty, they can't miss it too much. Anyway, you put thousands of people to create a puppet mecha that can severely damage your majesty. Now that you have this intelligence, you should also be able to see the power of disaster contained in historical documents!"

"I'm sorry about this. The vast majority of humans, including me, are not as smart as you think." I pouted, and I continued: "The vast majority of humans will never realize that disaster will come. They only know that they blindly pursue themselves, as long as they are beneficial to themselves, as long as they can make their life more comfortable, as long as they can improve their strength to the strongest, as long as they can surpass others, even if it will lead to the destruction of the world, they will Do whatever you want."

With a light sigh, I said: "Humans, they are too greedy, just tell me. I just accepted Spitz’s suggestion to come to the Sky City to experience my strength, and at the same time to figure out something I haven’t The truth is known, but since I came here, I have developed a keen interest in many items inside, such as this—"

I took out the crystal ball filled with water and showed it to Lucas.

"This is the spring water of the Sky City" Lukas said: "It was originally a kind of magic spring water rich in the territory of the dragon family. It can supplement the magic value and the effect is quite good."

"Are there any side effects?" I asked.

Lucas shook his head.

Carefully put the crystal ball away, I opened the bag and took out the red pterodactyl.

"It's miserable." Looking at his former companion, Lucas sighed, "Why did you cut off its head?"

"Except for the thin neck, I really have nothing to do with its hard scales."

Looking at my helpless expression, Lucas sighed deeply.

"And this" I took out the spar of the golden giant.

"This is the puppet manufacturing technology that your Majesty learned from humans. Through your own transformation, you have created a puppet warrior. You have the gold giant in your hand. It's not bad. You can kill a few gold specially made by the master. One of the giants, it seems that your strength is not weak."

"Absurd praise" I smiled awkwardly, and told it about the process of killing the Golden Giant.

After listening, Lucas hissed and laughed: "You are really a funny human being, but only you humans would think of this way to defeat the enemy."

After laughing, Lucas said a little worried: "According to your description, I'm afraid I can't defeat the Golden Demon Platani."

"I didn't plan to fight to death as soon as I met," I said: "I plan to talk to it first, and see if I can save the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar..."

Before I could finish, Lucas interrupted: "Your kind of opportunistic method may work when facing Salen and me, but Platani is different, it doesn't have its own thoughts. Just blindly follow your Majesty’s instructions."

It paused and continued: "The last time your Majesty gave Sky City is to kill all invaders, so you can't communicate with it unless you kill it or be killed by it. "

"...But I don't want to be killed by it." I was full of black lines, with a bitter expression on my face: "Would you like to help me figure out a solution?"

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