It was the sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air when it fell.

This sinister goblin threw a dart at me while I was squinting!

Although this trick is very detrimental, it has to be said that it is simply an inevitable and wonderful murder!

Regrettably, although I can't see, my ears are still very sensitive. This is all thanks to Akahavi. The killers he dispatched are a rookie, but a group with strong concealment ability!

In my life of being tracked and assassinated for a long time, my five senses have been tempered to a very high level, that is, the mosquitoes humming five meters away. I can hear them clearly, not to mention the rush of darts. A powerful scream.

I gave a disdainful sneer, raised my foot and walked a few steps, just after stopping, I heard a crisp sound, the sound of a dart being bounced by a hard object.

This voice is not far away from me, about where I stood just now.

After a miss, the angry roar of the goblin rang again, and at the same time, I heard the creak of the chandelier.

Hearing the sound, I became more determined to regard the explosive bomb as a baseball.

The chance of being able to throw a goblin with a dart is extremely small, but the explosive bomb is returned to the chandelier, the explosion is used to blow the chandelier, or the power of the air wave is used to blow the goblin from the chandelier. In the end, this is the most effective way to solve the goblins hidden in the chandelier.

Finally I cleaned the foreign body from my eyes, wiped off the gunpowder sprayed on my face, and raised my head again, I could see the ugly face of the goblin on the chandelier.

Yes, it is an ugly face distorted by anger. The reason for this honor is really because its belly is too small. It has repeatedly attacked, but failed. I think it should not be angry. Instead, you should think calmly, is there a problem with your sneak attack strategy?

It's a pity that the goblin didn't have time to reflect. Seeing that my vision was restored, it launched a bomb attack again and dropped three in a row.

It has a good idea. It wants to force me to retreat irresistibly through the increase in numbers, so that I will be buried in an explosion and achieve once and for all.

But it never expected that I had already figured out a countermeasure.

In the last life, on the blue planet, I never played baseball, but during school, I often used the book roll to hit the chalk head, which indirectly exercised my ability to hit.

So when facing the three explosive bombs that were smashed in succession, my mind was calm and calm, swinging my knife calmly, and systematically hitting the three explosive bombs back one by one.

Facts have proved that my previous exercise is valuable!

Although one of the explosive bombs fell directly under the chandelier in a parabolic trajectory, the other two literally slammed into the chandelier.

With two roars in succession, a **** goblin head fell from the sky and landed at my feet.

It's still that ugly look, the difference is that this time, its expression is no longer angry, but panic.

It probably never thought that he would be killed by his own explosive bomb, and even more unexpectedly, I still have the ability to hit the explosive bomb back.

Staring at its head for a while, I chuckled, "Oh, stupid goblin."

Due to the impact of the explosion and the splash of gravel, my clothes and pants, including my shoes, have become tattered. The only thing in good condition is this close-fitting mithril inner armor.

It is not impossible to continue to attack the Sky City in rags, but who knows if you will encounter creatures such as Seren or Lucas that can return to the dragon territory?

Once I spread my ragged, awkward and sloppy appearance in the dragon territory, and wait for the future to see Bakar, or Seren, Lucas, it would be so embarrassing!

No, I have to find a suitable coat to cover my shame.

Thinking of this, I looked around the hall, but didn't find a piece of clothing suitable as a coat. The only piece of fabric was blown to pieces along with the goblin's body in the explosion just now.

This is embarrassing.

Holding my chin and thinking for a long time, my eyes finally fixed on the metal armor of the puppet knight.


After a while, I gathered a complete set of fitted armor and put it on.

Slightly move your hands and feet. Well, it’s not bad. It doesn’t affect your activities at all, and then twists the joints of the body. Although it is slightly uncomfortable, it is better than ragged clothes or nakedness, and the metal armor can still be Play a protective role to a certain extent.

Looking at the armor on my body, I nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the helmet on the side, hesitated, and finally decided to pick it up and put it on my head.

However, after putting on the helmet, I realized that even though it has many holes, it is actually quite boring.

It is best to keep breathing smooth during the battle. Thinking of this, I took off my helmet again, threw it aside, picked up the package and the body of the pterosaur, and continued to walk to the next floor.

Out of the portal, a group of puppet knights appeared before my eyes.

Yes, you heard it right, it is a group of puppet knights.

How many are there in a group?

Sorry, I didn't count. It's not that I don't want to count, but before I can count them, they all resurrected from the sculptural state.

In this group of puppet knights, in addition to a group of ordinary white puppet knights, there are also a group of puppet knights with green armor. These knights are similar in size to the white puppet knights, but they use knight guns. Not only that, they hold their left hands tightly. The shield is more delicate than that of the white puppet knight.

Isn't this a group of elite puppet knights?

I guessed.

In addition to the white and green puppet knights, there is also a taller, stronger body, and a red puppet knight all over.

The armor and shield of this puppet knight are more sophisticated than those of the green puppet knight, and the weapon in his hand is actually a glowing sword!

"That's a lightsaber" Datadao said.

"Lightsaber?" I frowned. "Could it be the kind of weapon used by Jedi in Star Wars?"

"Almost" Dadachi said, "But Star Wars is a movie after all, and here, it is real."

"Do you know anything about lightsabers?" I asked.

"I know a little bit" Data said: "I only know that this kind of sword is formed by magic, activating the crystal inside, and the sharpness is almost the same as that of ordinary weapons. The only advantage is that it is a good carrier of magic."

"In other words, can magicians use lightsabers to release magic?"

"Well, it's absolutely OK" Otato nodded, "It's just that you don't think that the magician is holding a sword to perform magic. This kind of scene is against harmony?"

"Hey, what you said is not unreasonable." I nodded secretly as I imagined the magician wielding a lightsaber.

Almost at the same time, the awakened red puppet knight spotted me, took a few steps, and suddenly raised his lightsaber.

The lightsaber that was lifted high suddenly burst into light green light, and in the next second, all the puppet knights swept back to me, and at the same time raised their weapons.

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