I also asked Master Dewey about the relevant information about the monsters that appeared in Ere City.

Master Dewey said that he is not very clear. After all, the relationship between Ai Rui City and Fort Witch is normal, and the Fort Witch army can no longer be stationed there as before. It is even more impossible for residents to move to a country that excludes foreigners.

Therefore, neither in terms of intelligence sources nor intelligence updates can be the latest and fastest.

Master Dewey's tone was full of helplessness.

I can fully understand his mood at the moment.

Faced with a country that excludes foreigners, the only way to obtain internal intelligence is to use money to buy informants.

Human race is not a good race, they are more greedy than goblins, and they are good at calculating, and also good at playing clever.

After knowing the employer's identity through side-by-side tapping, the intelligence fee will be increased according to the employer's identity, status, and financial resources.

Some civilian informants are okay, although they will improve a little, but due to their status and background, they dare not be too presumptuous, for fear that they will accidentally anger a world-class tycoon like Master Dewey, and then take their own lives. .

But civilian informants can only get a relatively vague intelligence profile at best, and those who really master the details of the intelligence have to be the nobles in high positions, especially the upper-class members of the nobles-the big nobles.

These people are highly powerful, and they have many intelligence personnel under their hands, and they know almost everything that happens in their own territory.

If you want to buy people of this level, money is not impossible, but the number must be huge, large enough to make them feel scared, to force them to lower their proud heads and willingly give intelligence with both hands.

With Master Dewey's financial resources, even if all the nobles in the city are bought, he can do it, but he has no hatred with Qian, and he is not the kind of person who throws money as waste paper.

On the contrary, he is only willing to spend money where he thinks it is valuable, and he refuses to spend a word where there is no value.

The occurrence of monsters in the forests around Ai Ruicheng was a new and interesting thing for Master Dewey, but it was far from a valuable thing.

Since there is no value, he naturally refuses to waste too much money on this, and will only order people to buy some civilian informants, and probably figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

What if it’s not clear?

Anyway, this is just a vision that appears around Ai Rui City, and it is impossible to fight with Fort Witch. Why waste money and material resources?

After listening to Master Dewey's more vague remarks, I felt helpless, sighed and said, "Foster father, I have a merciless request."

"You want me to pay more attention to the monster, right?"

"That's it," I said: "To put it bluntly, I don't think it is accidental that monsters appear in the forests around Ai Rui City. On the contrary, I suspect that someone is conducting unknown experiments in hidden places. The monster is probably the result of the experiment."

After a moment of silence, Master Dewey's voice came out again. This time, his tone became slightly serious: "Well, I know, you pay attention to safety."

After all, hung up the call.

Master Dewey’s solemn tone made me very at ease, and through my advice, he finally planned to face this matter seriously.

But having said that, if the monsters were really created through Carter Scott's experiments, there must be a considerable scale of monsters wandering around the test site.

Infiltrating the forest, especially the informant who sneaked into the vicinity of the test site, will definitely be subjected to terrible attacks, and may cause a large number of casualties.

If such a tragic thing really happens, can I take this opportunity to further shake the Carter family's dominance through the mouth of the people of Eri City?

To put it bluntly, the army and the Adventurer’s Guild are not the biggest problems, but the people if they want to compete for the entire country of Ai Rui City.

Assuming that all the people support the rule of Carter Rodney, I can now encourage the nations to join forces to attack the city of Ariel. It will not take long before Carter Horton’s regime will be overthrown.

But the current situation is that Carter Horton is still the king in the minds of the vast majority of the people in Arri City. Even if Carter Horton’s regime is overthrown and Carter Rodney is promoted to the throne, those people who do not obey the control will definitely Will become the bane of the Rodney regime.

In order to eradicate the evil, it is not enough to use violence alone. It also needs to be co-opted and bribed.

When I think of these troublesome questions, I can't help but have a headache.

"Okay, don't think about the fictitious things anymore" Data said: "Let's think about the reality. I think your injury has largely recovered and you can continue to the next level."

"That's the same." He stretched his waist, got up from the ground, shook his arms and legs, looked at the pierced leg armor and shoulder armor, frowned and thought for a while, and walked to the wreckage of the green puppet knight. , Replacing all the armor on his body with green puppet knights.

After the dressing, I put a few shapes against the translucent film that can be imaged. I thought it was pretty good, and I left with satisfaction.

Just after passing the portal, two groups of little monsters appeared in front of me, a group of burning flames, and a group of snow-shaped ice **** exuding cold air.

And they all have very interesting characteristics, that is, they have both eyes, the eyes of the fireball are two orange holes, and the eyes of the hockey puck are like two light blue plasters attached to the face.

I was looking at them curiously, just listening to the fireball said: "Hey, what are you looking at?"

Faced with its very unfriendly attitude, not only did I not get irritated, but I became more curious.

"Can you talk?"

"Are you underestimating us!" Fireball angrily waved a small slap and slapped me severely.

The small slap on the breastplate immediately caused a slight explosion.

"Hiss" I took a breath, looked at the chestplate that was constantly heating up, and said in my heart: "This little thing is too irritable, don't say a word, it just doesn't start communicating at all. Do it!"

Just as my face was inexplicable why the fireball suddenly attacked me, the face of the ice hockey next to me suddenly protruded, and it became more protruding and exaggerated. Soon, a very sharp ice thorn stretched out in front of my arm.

Suddenly, from the point where he was stabbed, a thin layer of frost spread, and soon wrapped half of his arm.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I took a step back and slammed my hand to shake the frost off the armor.

It was originally the ice hockey that attacked me first, but when I dropped the frost, the ice hockey blinked big and round eyes and warned me in a very aggrieved tone: "Don't bully me, otherwise I will tell Brother Szeke. !"

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