"Hey, I said, can you please stop first?" I jumped back and forth, avoiding the ice thorns that were constantly piercing, and then slashed with a knife, cutting a meteorite that hit me in half, and shouted sharply. : "If you don't stop, don't blame me for my ruthlessness."

Seeing me splitting the meteorite with a single knife, the girl in red was stunned. She was dull for a few seconds. She suddenly straightened her arm, raised her magic wand, facing me, and there was a series of hollow voices in her mouth: "Humans trespassing here Ah, I will drive you out in the name of the Fire Spirit!"

After all, I held up the magic wand, muttered words in my mouth, and said words that I could not understand at all.

"What is she talking about?" I asked Otachi, "Is it a local dialect?"

"Magic" Otato said: "She is chanting magic."


I suddenly felt anxious. If it were magic, what kind of magic would it be?

As I was thinking, a scorching heat wave scorched the ends of my hair, and suddenly, I knew the effect of magic.

The effect of this magic is to summon meteorites.

As soon as I looked up, I saw two hot meteorites, burning with raging flames, hitting me one after the other.

"His grandma's" I scolded angrily: "The tiger doesn't show off, you really treat me as a sick cat!"

Without saying a word, I immediately condensed the killing intent, wrapped around the blade, and at the same time, my body was slightly bent and my knees bent slightly, and I decided to slash the meteorite that was about to fall and the two girls after the meteorite.

Although these two girls have good looks, and I am not a devil who smashes flowers, after all, there are still a group of fiancees in the family waiting for me to return, and there are still many things I need to do, I don’t intend to waste too much time. it's here.

Originally thought that the portal was wide open and I could leave this floor smoothly, but now it seems that I will have to kill again. After all, the two girls blocking the way are really annoying.

After I was ready, I took a step back and gave up the position of the first meteorite. As soon as I stood still, I noticed a chill on my back. I didn’t need to turn my head. I also knew that it must be the snow ice ball against me. A provocation.

Speaking of it, this provocative self has never been interrupted since the encounter with it. Almost every ten seconds, it will stab me with a raised ice thorn, then immediately retract the ice thorn and install a pair. The appearance of okay people.

If I react, it will threaten me with aggrieved words. If I don't react, it will stab me again with ice thorns after ten seconds.

This kind of behavior seems to be completely naughty by young children, which makes people helpless and not angry.

Ignoring the mischief of the snowflake-shaped ice ball, the moment the meteorite was flush with my body, the blade was unsheathed, and the cold light flashed, and instantly cut the meteorite in front of me in two.

At the same time, with the forward momentum, the blade cut straight to the necks of the two slender girls.

However, at this moment, it seemed that my calf was hit by something. The impact was not heavy, even only the sound was heard, and I didn't feel the force, but the effect after the impact was far beyond my expectations.

In just a few seconds, the leg that was hit started to freeze inexplicably, and within a few seconds, a thick layer of ice had formed!

Could it be that the girl in blue did it?

I raised my head in surprise and looked at the girl in blue, who also raised his head and looked at me, but she was not looking at me, but over and looking behind me.

Following her gaze, I turned my head and saw a cute snowflake-shaped hockey puck, and said to me in a pitiful voice: "Hey! Don't bully me! Otherwise..."

"Otherwise you go and tell Brother Shok to go, don't you?" I said first.

The hockey puck was suddenly speechless, and its body, floating in the air, trembled slightly, looking very pitiful.

"Give you a chance" I said: "Explain, why are you hindering me?"

"Um..." The hockey puck shivered more violently, as if it was about to cry.

"Smelly human!" The fireball angrily blocked in front of the hockey puck, and said irritably: "You humans are really not good things, and you know to bully us inferior spirits!"

"Elf?" I was startled, and said casually: "Aren't you monsters?"

"You humans are monsters!" It said angrily: "We are elves, we are the supreme elves, are..."

"Wait" I stopped it, turned around, and stared coldly at the two girls, one blue and one red. The frozen leg gave a slight force, and the thick ice instantly shattered: " When I get rid of these two things in the way, it's up to you to explain."

"You are not allowed to do anything to them!" The fireball yelled, speeding up, rushing in front of me, spreading his arms, and blocking the two girls.

At the same time, the hockey puck, which seemed to be shrinking, floated tremblingly beside the fireball, and also stood in front of the girl, except that it had no arms and looked like a small shield.

"I didn't mean to hurt them" I said in a flat tone: "But they have to block my way."

"That's not the case!" Fireball stared at me with the pair of orange-red holes, and said: "This is not their will. Like us, they were all tricked by the dragon villains to help them guard the tower!"

I frowned: "You said... lied?"

"Yes, just cheating!"

After that, I told me how the fireball would enter the Sky City and how it was deceived to guard the tower.

In the meantime, I noticed that as long as these two little guys are nearby, the girls will not act rashly.

"So, in other words, you were lured here by Tyrannosaurus King Bakar with interesting things, right?"

"That's it" Fireball said.

"What about them?" I asked.

"They were both humans once, but because they strayed into the enchantment of the elves, they ended up starving to death. Although the erroneous entry of the enchantment was caused by their subjective behavior, after all, the enchantment was set by our elves, and we couldn’t get out of the relationship. In order to redeem their sins, the Elf King used magic to transform their bodies into the same elven forms as ours, and then they were reborn."

"No wonder their eyes are different from other humans."

I looked deeply into the eyes of the two girls for a while, and then asked: "By the way, you have been calling yourself an elf since just now?"

"Is there a problem?" Fireball said grumpily, "Are you questioning my identity or despising my race?"

After all, it slapped me angrily again, another shining spark.

"I don't mean to contempt, but I am indeed questioning your identity. I have seen elves. It's not like you, but the same as humans."

"You're talking about fairies!" Fireball said: "Humans often confuse us with fairies, but it's no wonder why we were born in the same place?"

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