"Wait" I raised my hand and interrupted Bingnas' words: "Will not die?"

"Yes" Bingnas said solemnly: "Look, the four of us have been deceived by the smelly dragon since the establishment of the Sky City. You just said that hundreds of millions of years have passed, since hundreds of millions of years have passed. We are not dead, can we be called'immortal', right?"

"Yes, absolutely possible" I nodded again and again: "But this is exactly where I am puzzled. You have not been out of the city for a long time, and you don’t know the changes in the outside world. Just like what I said before, today’s Hefeng Continent is truly known and possessed People of pure fairy blood, count me, there are only three people in total, I think, before you were tricked into the Sky City, there were not only so few fairy people, right?"

"How could there be only three people!" Yadyan was shocked: "If it weren't for a sudden death, the fairy tribe would never die!"

"That's why I asked you **** you." After a pause, I added: "You shouldn't misunderstand me anymore, right?"

Yadyan, Bingnas, and the two girls faced each other with eight eyes and whispered to each other for a while, Yadyan said: "Since everything is up to this point, it's okay to tell you, anyway, we have also recovered to perfection. Even if you have hidden murderous intentions, you are not our opponent."

Yadyan shook a pair of small hands and put on a posture that he considered domineering, and said: "In fact, it is not difficult to kill us. As long as our body is completely chopped and the blood drained, we will be completely death."

Bingnas added: "If there is still blood remaining in the body, we will still have a chance to be reborn, so we will be the first to propose the request to wipe our body with your blood, because even if our body is covered, If you still have blood, you will not die."

"There is still such a thing!" I was amazed.

"That's it." Yadyan slapped the sparks with a pair of small slaps: "That's why I always think you are teasing us. In other words, are there really only the last three fairies left in the Hefeng Continent today?"

I nodded solemnly: "I won't make jokes about this kind of thing."

"Then...what about the elves?" Bingnas asked worriedly.

I was silent, not knowing how to answer its question.

Say that they are also like other ancient races, completely disappeared?

But that is just the rhetoric recorded in historical documents. Who is effective in the real situation?

But facing their ardent eyes, I was embarrassed to say that I didn't know.

While hesitating, Yadyan became impatient, so he slapped me up and melted a big chunk of my arm armor: "What the **** is going on, you have to give me a word!"

The molten iron got on my skin, and I grinned in pain. Bingnas hurriedly stopped Yadyan: "Sorry, it's too impatient..."

"It's okay" I waved my hand, threw the arm armor aside, and tore off the iron **** stuck to the skin, and then said: "I don't know the specific situation, but according to historical documents, other than fairies All the ancient races were wiped out because of a disaster."

"Disaster?" Yadyan and Bingnas said in unison.

Afterwards, Yadyan asked in a puzzled tone: "What calamity can destroy so many creatures at the same time! Even our elves were buried in it? And why did the elves survive?"

"About these questions you asked, I can only answer the first one."

"Say it!"

"It is said that the disaster that led to the destruction of the ancient races was the first of the three disasters in the underground city."

As soon as the voice fell, the four elves exclaimed at the same time. From their exclaims, I heard horror.

"Do you guys... know what is the head of the three major disasters in the underground city?"

"We don't know the specific situation," Bingnas said: "But we heard the Elf King mentioned once about the three major disasters in the underground city."

It paused and continued: "The third of the three major disasters in the dungeon, called the strange tide, is a disaster that will seriously threaten the safety of the adventurers who go deep into the dungeon. The three major disasters in the dungeon, said For dungeon changes, the changes are also divided into levels. When the changes reach a high-risk level, the monsters in the dungeon will be introduced to the mainland, threatening the lives of the mainland’s creatures. The first of the three major disasters in the dungeon, our king It didn't mention its title, only that when this disaster strikes, the Hefeng Continent will be destroyed."

The disaster of extinction!

I was immediately taken aback by these four words: "I'm going, so exaggerated!"

"It's not an exaggeration!" Yadeyan said: "Our king never lies!"

"Uh, sorry, I didn't mean to discredit your king. I was just too surprised and didn't control the feelings for a while."

"Humph!" Yadyan snorted angrily, but it was rare that he didn't inflict a brutality on me, and it must be related to the ice Nass who stopped in front of it.

"If it's really the first disaster, our people..." Bingnas couldn't say anymore, it blinked twice, with a sad look on its face.

"Maybe the historical documents are deceptive!" Yadyan comforted it: "Besides, the fairy in front of us is not as knowledgeable as the fairy we have encountered before, and it is impossible to be as omniscient as the fairy king. So we don’t have to be so lost. When we leave the Sky City, we will try to contact the king."

Bingnas nodded pitifully, "Okay."

"Hey, fairy" Yadyan said to me arrogantly, "You take us out of here!"

I smiled bitterly: "I think, but I'm afraid the next road will not be so easy."

"Is there anything to worry about!" Yadeyan slapped the sparks in his hand: "Aren't we still there!"

I fixed my gaze on the two girls and asked tentatively: "Don't they need to draw magic power?"

"Forget it," Yadyan said: "They are just half-elves, even if they have absorbed the magic, they can't do it here. Anyway, with the help of the two of us, it is easy to break into the lord's house. Go and go! Don't! Ink!"


I took the lead in opening the way, leading the four elves into the portal.

After exiting the portal, there is another hall, but the decoration of this hall is completely different from the previous ones, because at the ends of both sides of the hall, I saw a huge eye.

"Wow, these two eyes are really majestic!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's not just prestige" Yadyan said in a serious tone: "They are still dead!"

"Death?" I wondered: "Aren't they sculptures carved on the ends...Oh, shit, they are alive!"

Just now, under my gaze, the two giant eyeballs turned at the same time, and the deep pupils were fixed on our group at the same time.

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