The small eyeballs are like weeds after the rain, and the big eyeballs are like a positioning system. The small eyeballs are constantly naming the attack direction. I am like a desperate hare, running wildly while going in circles, trying to get rid of the small eyeballs. In pursuit, I want to take advantage of the situation and give the big eyeball a ruthless note.

However, this opportunity has not come.

After running for an unknown number of laps, the ice shell covering the other big eyeball melted a layer, but I still did not find a chance to kill the injured big eyeball.

"I'm so anxious!"

I ran wildly while dragging the knife, panting and screaming. The anxiety and the exhausted physical energy made me sweat, which had already soaked my clothes.

"Where are you darts?" Odachi asked.

"It's on the ground" I said: "But I don't have time to get it now!"

"Stupid, don't you have a ready-made dart!"

"You?" I glanced sideways at Odachi, and I immediately denied the idea: "Come on, you can be a flagpole, but you can never be a dart."

"You don't believe me if you are stupid." Otato snorted and said, "I can't make a dart, but this demon sword can."

"Demon knife?" I glanced at the demon knife in my other hand: "Can it work?"

"Can you do it, you should give it a try!" Odachi suggested, "It's better than running a'marathon'."

"It's reasonable." My eyes narrowed: "If I can't get rid of the big eyeballs, I will be exhausted sooner or later, or I will be petrified and killed if I lose my energy. Instead of doing this, I should use my remaining energy to make a bet. I'm naturally happy if I win, and I don't regret it if I lose."

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and shook his heart. When he ran to the big eyeball less than two meters away, he slammed the demon knife.

The demon knife gleamed with a strange cold light, and it pierced straight into the center of the vertical pupil of the big eyeball.

The killing intent attached to the blade began to decrease sharply the moment the blade flew out, but the speed at which it decreased sharply was far less than the flying speed of the demon sword.

When the killing intent was still more than half, the sharp tip of the knife finally came into contact with the big eyeball, and a confrontation took place.

Although the time of the confrontation was extremely short, the process was extremely intense. The big eyeballs did not hesitate to withdraw the magic power of the small eyeballs, condensing them into a shield with all the magic, against this flying knife.

The strong killing intent on the flying knife ruthlessly corroded the magic shield layer by layer, and in a flash, it had penetrated more than an inch deep.

However, the magic shield is more than ten inches thick, even if the flying knife still has stamina, it is bound to be unable to penetrate it.

The victory or defeat is only in the blink of an eye, and perhaps the next breath, the Demon Blade will be exhausted.

The demon sword may not be able to break the defense of the big eyeball, but I can!

How can I waste such a good opportunity, waiting for a long time by the side!

Lifting the Odachi with the majestic killing intent, I slammed it up with a few steps and pierced the vertical pupil.

The power of this sword is different from the demon sword. The demon sword is instant, and the successor is weak, but my sword is full of success.

Hearing a muffled sound, the magic shield was pierced in an instant, and a pure black big sword was deeply pierced at the center of the golden vertical pupil.

Immediately, a deafening sound resounded throughout the hall.

I was caught off guard and almost let go. My original keen sense of hearing also turned into a hum after the loud noise. At the same time, two lines of heat flow from my slightly numb cheeks.

Reaching out his hand, it was scarlet and warm, blood.

The loud noise broke my ears and temporarily lost my hearing. No wonder I only heard the hum, but not the loud noise.

But I'm not worried. This small injury doesn't matter to me. It can last for half an hour or a few minutes, and the damaged ear can recover.

It’s just that the buzzing really upsets me.

When I was mad, I made a violent disturbance, and then slashed again.

After dozens of knives, his big eyes were riddled with holes and mucus dripped down, and he didn't move anymore.

"Finally...dead" I gasped, looking up at the sky, and taking deep breaths to dispel the irritability in my chest.

"Be careful!"

A violent shout came from his mind, it was the voice of Odachi.


Before I finished speaking, there was a sharp pain in my chest, and at the same time, I saw a white beam of light flashing away, leaving only the afterglow.

Slowly lowered his head and found that the position of his chest had been penetrated by a hole the size of a fist, a pool of blood came out, and at the same time, breathing became inexplicably difficult.

The location of the hole is where the heart is.

I coughed slightly, only feeling weak, and the voice of Odachi again sounded in my mind, anxiously: "Hold on, brat, you must hold on! Isn't it the heart? As long as you can hold on for five minutes, no, Three minute! You can heal yourself in one minute! Hold on! You must hold on!"

Odachi’s urgent voice, if in normal times, I would definitely find it very noisy, but for some reason, at this moment, my heart is inexplicably calm...Oh, I forgot, my heart is already No, it was penetrated by the laser.

Haha, I even forgot that there was a big eyeball behind.

Confronting the enemy, but leaving behind to the enemy, this is the lowest level mistake that adventurers should never make.

I should have made such a mistake. Damn... Damn...

My vision gradually blurred, my spirit gradually languished, I... am going to die?

In a daze, I saw a lot of people, there are Phoenix, Emily, Kagali, Barbara, there are...too many, I can't count them anymore. , They are all my family, family members who are looking forward to my return.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

In all tastes, I didn't notice a wry smile of self-deprecation.

"You are dead, are you?"

A voice rang in my ears, hoarse and low.

A figure appeared in my consciousness. That figure was very clear and familiar. It was Di Ruiji.

"It's you" I said calmly: "Di Ruiji."

"It's me" Di Ruiji turned his head, staring at me for a long time with blood-red eyes, then turned back again: "Are you going to give up?"

"What?" I wondered, and at the same time I walked slowly to Di Ruiji and sat down.

"Did you give up living and choose to die?" Di Ruiji asked, this time, it did not turn its head.

"No, how could I give up living?" I smiled bitterly: "But my heart..."

"If the heart is gone, will you die?" Di Ruiji slowly said: "You are not a human, and don't think of yourself as a human. You are me...our hope, only you can do it. "

"What to do?" I asked.

"The gear of destiny" Di Ruiji suddenly turned his head, his red eyes stared at me closely. Those eyes were filled with endless madness and killing, and there was a trace of hope that could not be thrown away: "Only you can turn it. , If even you give up, this world will be over."

It slowly turned its head back, then slowly raised it, looking up at the deep purple sky, feeling the deep purple raindrops: "This...the world I miss."

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