Humans are greedy.

When you encounter something that is sufficiently tempting, you must get what you can get, and you must find ways to get what you cannot get.

Wealth, reputation, knowledge, force... as long as they need it, as long as they see it, as long as they think they have enough ability to acquire it, even if they do not resort to any means, they must get it.

Yadyan told me that when they learned that the Elf Queen could transform humans into half-elves, they even threw their living children into the enchantment set by the Elves, watching their enchanted power. Killed, and then pleaded with the elf queen to save their children with an extremely pious and sad attitude.

Although the Elf Queen will be responsible for the mistakes she made, she will not be responsible for the mistakes made by others, especially those made because of greed and blindfolded.

Greedy and stupid human beings were angered by the ignorance of the Elf Queen. They did not hesitate to assemble an army to launch a fierce attack on the hometown of elves and elves.

The result is self-evident. Even though the army is aggressive and screaming and killing, once they fight against each other, they can't resist the attacks of the middle elves. Escaped.

Invincible after repeated battles, the confidence of the human monarch is wiped out, replaced by helplessness and fear.

So they thought about gathering the Mori fairies together and sending them to the battlefield, wanting to challenge the goodness of the fairies and fairies with their blood relationship.

But with only half of them flowing, or even less fairy blood, how can they be treated as the same?

The war was about to break out, and the war ended in no time. Numerous forest fairies shed blood on the battlefield. Those who were alive abandoned their armor and surrendered, and were sent back to the human settlement.

Hearing this, I was a little curious: "Why don't humans marry those forest fairies? By doing this, wouldn't it be possible to continue the descendants of the fairies blood?"

"That's a good question." Yadyan slapped me excitedly: "The most essential difference between fairies and elves is that they are a collection of magical powers. Most of their bodies are composed of magical powers, while fairies are a collection of half-magic powers. Although the body also contains a huge amount of magic power, it is usually shown as a human body. Even if it encounters an empty bone fish that feeds on magic power, it will not be much threatening, but the problem is that the fairy and human are combined. The descendants of the reproduction, the fairy blood in the body, are recessive, that is, as long as the bloodline is not awakened, in essence, the Mori fairy is no different from human beings."

"What if awakened?" I asked.

"Awakened, it's still a fairy fairy" Yadyan said: "Although it is not as good as a purebred fairy in all aspects, it is much better than a human."

"Then why don't they think of a way to marry in large numbers, or marry fairies?" I wondered.

"This is the generation gap!" Yadyan slapped me on my shoulders twice. The heat surged and scorched a lock of my gray hair: "Do you really think fairies are willing to combine with humans? Unless they are very charming and excellent, Humans who also know how to talk and can win the hearts of fairies barely have the opportunity to marry, or marry fairies, and these fairies who marry humans will be sent out of their hometowns on the day of their marriage to the human settlements. Live, and will never be allowed to return to his homeland after marriage."

I frowned: "Why are you so unreasonable?"

"Humanity is fine, but if something goes wrong, can you solve it?"

"What's the trouble?" I wondered.

"When you go back to your hometown and province, you generally have to bring your child. If you bring your child back, the child will have half of human blood, and he will definitely not be able to pass through the barrier. You can only close the barrier, in case something goes wrong during the closure. , Who is responsible?" Yadeyan glared at me and said loudly: "Even if there is no problem, who can guarantee that the child will stay in the barrier without going out, or staying outside the barrier and not coming in? Dishonest, touched the barrier, it is a life-death thing! If a child dies because of this, will their parents hate our two races?"

I pondered a little, and felt that although this rule is strict, it is still a practical rule and can at least eliminate a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"But you just said that the forest fairies who attacked the hometown can even form an army. There must be a lot of them. With such a large number, they will not just be the children born by the few fairies, right? If so, then they are too capable of giving birth!"

"It seems that your concept of Mori Fairy is a little vague," Yadyan said: "The Mori Fairies are not necessarily born of fairies. As long as they have the blood of the Fairy, even the descendants of Mori Fairies can be collectively called Mori Fairies.

"Then they all have the possibility of blood awakening?"

"This is true, as long as you have a fairy bloodline, there is a possibility of awakening, but this possibility is infinitely close to zero" Yadyan couldn't help but sneered.

"Infinity is close to zero?" Raising my eyebrows, I was a little surprised: "Why is this happening?"

"Because they can't get the blessing of the Fairy King, let alone the power from their hometown," Yadyan said: "Without any of these two points, it is impossible to complete the awakening, but even if these two points are satisfied, It also depends on luck. Good luck may awaken, but bad luck may not awaken."

Hearing this, I couldn't help exclaiming: "Hey, I didn't expect the conditions for blood awakening of my clan to be so harsh!"

"The above is only for the Mori fairy. A purebred fairy like you is already awakened at birth, but I am curious about who it is and why, to seal the magic in your body."

"About this issue, I am also very puzzled." I spread my hands and said: "Don't talk about this first, you haven't told me why they will cause a war between humans?"

"As for the answer to this question, haven't you already said it at the beginning of the topic?" Ya Deyan said, "It is for reproduction."

"Are the offspring they reproduced the same as the Mori Fairy? They all need blood awakening to gain special power?"

"You are wrong," Yadyan said: "Half-elves are also elves, and most of their bodies are made up of magical powers. Just like them, the offspring they reproduce have the characteristics of elven bloodlines."

"Isn't it said that fairies and elves belong to the same family? Why is there such a big difference in the reproduction of offspring?"

"The size of the leaves of the same tree is not the same. What's more, human beings are divided into multiple races. Even human beings of a unified race have different bloodlines. You actually expect our two races and the descendants of humans to have the same characteristics? "

Yadyan snorted, shook his head, and said, "Besides, looking at the entire elven race, it is only them who can combine with humans and reproduce offspring. Except for them, no human being can bear it. The pure and majestic magic in the elves."

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