Balan City is still prosperous and lively, crowded and busy.

But I am here not to watch the flourishing atmosphere, but for the sake of the industry here.

I have three properties in Balan City, cafes, jewelry stores and underground fighting arenas.

The café is still as usual, and it is full every day. Not only is the shop full of people, but there is also a long line outside the shop.

These people are well-known honors in Balan City. They are not here just to have a cup of coffee, nor to see the beauty of the clerk, but to gain the reputation of the high priest.

You know, this cafe is the only commercial shop in the history of Dasai City where the high priest personally participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. This alone shows the weight of this shop and its strong background.

As for the orc king, the orc queen's personal arrival, and the property of the prime minister, they are not as heavy as the high priest.

Therefore, even if I lose my position as prime minister, it will still not affect the operation of the cafe.

However, the jewelry store will not work.

Its existence is purely dependent on the support of my identity. Now my identity is gone and my status is gone, I have to find a strong enough backing for it.

Although the big tree is strong enough, the high priest is far away, and the emperor is far away from the sky.

Ever since, I found the cafe owner, Isha, and the accessory shop owner, Anna, and sat around a table to discuss development plans.

Before waiting for the wine and food to be on the table, I will tell the two women about my idea. The main idea is to classify the jewelry store as a subsidiary industry of the cafe. In this way, even if someone wants to make the jewelry store idea, they have to weigh themselves. His body is big enough to shake the position of the high priest.

After the two women listened, they didn't even mean to refute, and they passed my idea directly.

After signing the agreement, everyone took a copy, and all this was done. It happened that the food came up, and the three of us ate together.

During the dinner, Isha told me that she was a little homesick.

I understood her feelings, so I let her out. You can go back whenever you want, as long as you explain your work tasks. You can even remotely control the cafe in Moonlight City.

This remark made Isha's heart beat, but it was only heartbeat.

After all, she is a conscientious girl. During the holidays, she takes a magic airship back home, sees her parents and relatives, and plays with her younger siblings, but if she is allowed to sneak back to Moonlight City from time to time during working hours , To meet her family, it really goes against her heart.

Compared with Yisha, Anna has no concerns about this aspect. Her parents have been living in Balan City. But before, she was just a small shop assistant and had little savings at home. She could only maintain food and clothing. Now, she has changed and became The manager of a large and medium-sized jewelry store in Balan City has seen an increase in income. Not long ago, she bought a small villa with full money and moved the whole family in. The previous small house has also been transformed into Treasury, she is satisfied with today's life.

After sending the two women home, I slowly returned to the villa of the Fearless Guild in Balan City to rest.

No one came in for a long time after seeing this villa, and there was a thin layer of dust on the chain head.

Opened the lock and entered the villa, what came out was a rotten wood scent. The smell was not unpleasant, but it was choking when it became heavy.

After opening the doors and windows and letting it taste for a long time, I went into the villa again and cleaned it a little bit. Ben Xunsi was sleeping on the bed, but found that the beds in several rooms were piled up with dust, and almost half of my thumb was thick. I lost my interest in bed.

After turning around twice, I sighed softly, plunged into the sofa and fell asleep.

The next day, when the sky was still dark, I got up from the sofa, stretched my waist, and moved a few times. Suddenly remembering that I hadn't received a call from Phoenix all day, I reached into my pocket suspiciously. Come and touch.

This touch doesn't matter, I was shocked by a cold sweat on my back, the miniature call more!

After a moment of sluggishness, I sat back on the sofa, kneaded my temples vigorously, and began to remember the bits and pieces of yesterday.

"Before I returned here, I sent Yisha and Anna home, and went on to eat together in the hotel. When I checked out, it was the money I paid, but the money and the call crystal are not a pocket..."


"We left the battlefield early, and came back by magic airship...Leave the battlefield early, the battlefield...Taylor, yes!"

I patted my forehead, and said embarrassingly, "I forgot to forget that the call crystal was handed over to the old man to let him report it for safe use."

After thinking about the location of the call crystal, I was finally relieved.

This thing is not only expensive, but also the patent of Master Dewey. If it is lost, it will be a troublesome thing after all.

After taking a bit of breakfast, and lying on the sofa for another hour, he got up and rushed to the underground fighting arena.

At the entrance of the fighting arena, there were more than a dozen sturdy men with a bad face, all of whom were at least level five or six.

After I showed up, one of them stared at me with an unkind complexion, and said with a smile, "Boy, something?"

"Something" I nodded.

"Say something quickly, and get out of here!" Another wolf clan adventurer wearing a black jacket, staring at a pair of green eyes, shouted.

I know that these people are guards who have been sent to guard the underground fighting arena, and I also know that their bravado behavior is to maintain the peace of the fighting arena.

Although the attitude is arrogant, it is beneficial to me after all, and indirectly counted as my subordinates, I will naturally not get angry, let alone kill them all in vain.

So I took a deep breath and chose to persuade people with morals: "I bother you, and I told Arnold that there was a visitor called An Xiaoyi, thank you."

After that, I took out a handful of silver coins from my pocket and handed it to the wolf clan adventurer with extremely arrogant attitude in an extremely obscure manner.

It can be seen that this wolf clan adventurer is the strongest and should be the leader of this group.

The wolf clan adventurer did not refuse, but gave me a glance and grinned: "It's quite familiar."

Collecting money and eliminating calamities with others, the wolf clan adventurer was still conscientious, and as soon as he turned around, he entered the underground fighting arena.

This process lasted less than ten minutes. When meeting the wolf adventurer again, this guy was trembling with a flattering smile. With both hands he bribed the money I had given him, lowered it back without any difference, and tried to suppress his voice. Even with a bit of gentleness: "Big...big...big boss."

As soon as this statement came out, the other adventurers took a breath, and their eyes were not right when they looked at me. They were surprised with fear.

I chuckled and waved my hand: "You are doing a good job. Treating people you don't know will be vicious. If you save my property, your pockets will be stronger and your jobs will be harder. These money will reward you. Yes, put it away."

The wolf clan adventurer was still hesitating, and he heard a loud laugh behind him: "The big boss tells you to put it away, so you put it away, don't you want to disobey the big boss?"

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