I will tell the truth about the information access in the future, and invite her to go together.

After a little thought, the elf queen agreed to my request and walked out of the office with me.

On the way, I met countless waiters and royal families, but their eyes were full of ambiguous eyes.

No matter how graceful and solemn the elf queen was, she couldn't stand such a charming atmosphere, and she lowered her eyelids.

Looking sideways at her for a while, I can't help but want to laugh.

Walking all the way to the royal library, the Elf Queen did not hesitate, and she went straight to several bookshelves, skillfully took out a dozen books from the dense collection of books, handed them to me, and then moved lightly to another one. In front of the bookshelf, I took out a few thicker books...After repeating this a dozen times, the books piled in my hands have become a hill and successfully blocked my sight.

I was annoyed how to see the way forward through this mountain of books, I heard a pleasant chuckle, and then a slightly joking groan: "Put the book aside, you are holding it like this, so tired? ."

Hey, why didn't I think of this way? I have been holding the mountain of books in a daze, and I really deserve to be affected.

Putting the mountain of books aside, I was empty-handed, and then followed.

After more than half an hour, the table was full of a mountain of books, roughly counted, there were hundreds of books.

"These are all historical records from the melee period to the present. There are a total of 712 volumes. Do you read them yourself, or should I send someone to help you find them?"

"Will you help me?" With a bitter expression on my face, I approached the elf queen and said in a slightly coquettish tone.

"Don't be fooling around" The Elf Queen gave a small face: "I still have a lot of political affairs to do, and I have to take time to hone my strength."

"Honing your strength will definitely not be delayed. I only want you to spare me the time for administration."

"How can this be done!" The Elf Queen turned to me, with a distressed expression, and said: "Now the Hefeng Continent has constant visions. First, the aristocratic power has risen, causing the country's civil strife, and then the disaster recovery. Although the location is not near Moonlight City, Who can guarantee that there will be no disasters dormant near Moonlight City? In order to prevent tragedy from happening, I need to think about many things, and I will arrange..."

Speaking of later, the empress sighed faintly, her tired look hard to hide.

"You can't put everything on your own head. If everything is up to you, what do you want the elders to do? What do you want those powerful? What do you want the courtiers to do? Even I know this kind of simple truth. It’s impossible for those guys to understand. They are just trying to understand and pretend to be confused. They want to be in a high position but are not willing to take responsibility. On the contrary, they are bullying you by changing the law. Girl, what a kill!"

"Xiao Yi, don't talk nonsense. Those are the important ministers of the DPRK. They all have their own responsibilities, and the burden on their shoulders is no lighter than mine.

"You are always like this, always thinking about them, but when did they really think about you? How many people are willing to think about you? Elder Sonoda Mai has always been thinking about you, but in the midst of rolling in the hall, She can’t scream alone, no matter how strong she is, it will not relieve you much pressure, and sometimes even because of her fierceness, things will become more difficult... Hey, after all, I Your Majesty, why do you refuse to cultivate a few reliable confidants?"

The elf queen had flushed cheeks, shy and embarrassed.

Staring at her changeable pretty face for a while, I sighed and said, "If you are so tired, don't be a queen at all. Obediently come home with me, be an ordinary adventurer, and wait for the situation in the mainland to stabilize. I will marry you and lead you to find an island and live a paradise life."

The elf queen became more shy and uncontrollable, she coughed lightly, and said: "Don't, stop talking nonsense, I will help you find it."

I smiled, stopped teasing her, sat opposite her, and looked through historical documents.

I turn the book very slowly. I have to read almost every page, every line, and every word, so I can read the next page without worry.

This is just to prevent you from inadvertently losing some important content.

The Elf Queen is the opposite of mine. She has almost ten lines at a glance. The speed of reading depends not only on her having read these books, but also on her proud talent.

In the past three hours, the Elf Queen has read more than two hundred books, but I have only read a dozen books, the speed difference is more than 20 times, it really makes me ashamed.

When the Elf Queen finished flipping through the document at hand, she squeezed the bridge of her nose lightly and sighed, her eyes met with me, and she whispered, "Are you hungry?"

I subconsciously replied: "You want to cook noodles for me ********* The Queen smiled slightly: "I don't know how to cook noodles. If you want to eat it, you can talk to the people in the Imperial Kitchen. "

"Forget it" I shook my head: "Let's eat the usual meals."

"Yes." The elf queen stood up, shook her waist slightly, kicked her leg again, shook her arm, twisted her neck, and then let out a comfortable moan, but after speaking, she suddenly remembered that I was still there. Looking at it, I couldn't help blushing.

"It's a good exercise. It can relax muscles and invigorate blood. It's worth promoting." I smiled and followed the movements of the Elf Queen, and the joints made a click.

The queen whited my eyes, and she took a step to leave, but I quickly caught up and walked side by side with her.

After eating, I took a short break and played against the Royal Arena for a while before returning to the study room and continuing to search for information.

After a full day, I searched through all 712 volumes of literature. I searched for more than 40 copies, and the Queen searched for more than 600 copies.

In the end, the information found related to blood purification was less than a thousand words, and the main content was related to assassination. The general content was that at a certain moment, a great leader was assassinated, and it was suspected to be a member of the blood purification. For it, at a certain moment, a certain village was destroyed. It was speculated and analyzed that it was the hands of **** purified members, and so on.

As for other content related to the **** purification organization, such as important information such as organization members, organization logos, and organization history, there is no record.

What a shame!

I can't help feeling a bit unlucky.

After reading more than 700 books, there is only so little content related to it. Is the **** purification organization too mysterious? Or is it because no one took this organization seriously, so I took it all at once?

I rubbed my temples in distress, and suddenly felt my shoulders hot. Then, a comfortable kneading sensation came. I knew that the elf queen was helping me massage.

"Thank you" I said softly.

The elf queen just gave a soft ‘um’ and continued to massage me, but through the peripheral light, I caught a glimpse of the woman’s cheeks, which were as red as blood.

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