It's dawn.

I slowly got up from the sofa, put on my clothes, and hurried to the palace.

Palace, back garden.

The rings of gold and iron cried, like gusts of wind and rain, endlessly lingering in the ears.

Looking sideways, I saw an old and a young, and two queens, dressed in light armor and holding swords, were fighting swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship of the elven queen is rigorous, but quite satisfactory. It belongs to the type of textbook, without any omissions, but also without characteristics.

The swordsmanship of the Fairy Queen is light and weird, and it means that the sword goes slanting forward. After every move, there will often be unexpected changes in the sword move. It is like a candy in an iron box. If you don't eat it in your mouth, you can never guess it. What will one taste like.

Although their swordsmanship styles are quite different, the two have a solid foundation in swordsmanship, and it is difficult to find flaws whether it is a common move or an elusive sword move.

It can be said that every opponent will meet a good talent.

After playing ping-pong-pong for hundreds of rounds, I saw the fairy queen shook her hand and shook away the fairy queen's sword with the sword in her hand. Then she pulled a sword flower and closed the sword to the side, saying: "Standing for so long, yes I have something to tell our grandparents."

Until then, I did not know that the fairy queen had already noticed my existence, so she laughed twice, strode into the garden gate, bowed and said: "Chen, An Xiaoyi, bye... ."

"Okay, let's forget the vain etiquette, there are no outsiders here, just tell me something."


I answered, sorted out my thoughts a bit, and told the two queens what happened last night.

After listening, the elf queen was slightly surprised, slightly surprised, her eyes full of worry, and she kept looking at me up and down.

Seeing this, I responded with a smile: "Don't worry, my body is already invincible."

The Elf Queen sighed slightly, suddenly remembering that the Elf Queen was still by her side, and hurriedly glanced at her, seeing that the old man didn't look at her, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her cheeks turned red.

After all, the fairy queen came here, and she has already understood the prudent thoughts of the fairy queen. Besides, the fairy queen does not mean to beat the mandarin ducks. This man and woman's matter is originally yours, as long as both parties are willing and really like it, don't say it. Marry only one queen, even if you marry ten or eight, why not?

Maybe we can closely link the destiny of several countries and create a harmonious future together.

As a result, the fairy queen automatically ignored the elf queen who was so shameful on the sidelines, but frowned, her eyes flashed with her debut, and there were bursts of chill in her eyes.

"I've only heard the name of **** purification. I really didn't expect it to have such a huge energy, not only can it forge the identity of the special envoy, but also dare to threaten to poison a country's important minister in private, huh, look. Someone is deceiving me and there is no one in Moonlight City."

With a cold snort, the fairy queen's angry heart was revealed.

She is a strong woman, how can she calm down and ask others to ride on her head and pee.

But she is not simply an impulsive woman, otherwise she would not have been hiding in the Fairy Forest with her people for ten years.

Although the remarks just now were cold and domineering, they seemed to have the meaning of fighting the **** purification, but after these cold words, she stopped mentioning the **** purification, and asked me what's happening with Xiao Leimi. .

Little Leimi is naturally still lively and cute. She is good at acting like a baby. She hugs my head when she is happy, and when she is unhappy, she encourages the little princess Analetta to fly around the house, even messing up and throwing around and destroying it.

All in all, it is as quiet as a virgin and moving as a madman.

After reporting everything about yesterday, I completed the task and walked home slowly. On the way, I bought some fruit juice and pastries along the way.



Entering the palace again, it was already half past seven in the morning.

The time in the forbidden area passed very quickly, unconsciously, it was noon.

The lunch was prepared casually, with steamed buns, pickles, and a bowl of hot vegetable soup. The purpose was not to delay access to information. I ate very smoothly, but I did not expect that the elf queen would also eat with relish.

Under curiosity, I couldn't help but smile and ask her why she can eat such simple and plain dishes with relish. Can it be said that it is delicious because it is fresh and not eaten before?

The Elf Empress smiled and shook her head, without giving any explanation.

After a simple lunch, we once again entered a busy state of reading.

Unknowingly, the early evening fell, and the library in the forbidden area was finally two-thirds finished.

Rubbing her swollen eyes and sighing, I walked out of the forbidden area side by side with the elf queen.

Today, it is my old acquaintance who is holding the forbidden ground. It is the first elf guard who received me after I came to Moonlight City. After seeing me, he called "Elder Lord", but his eyes kept blinking and his face The smirk kept throwing ambiguous and admiring eyes at me. The meaning couldn't be clearer: OK, you kid, even our most respected queen, her Majesty.

I grinned, quite proud.

Today is not in good condition and mentally withered, so he informed the elf queen and asked her to help tell Emily that he could not discuss with her today.

Then we looked at each other affectionately, and then we reluctantly said goodbye.

Walking slowly down the street at the beginning of the evening, looking at the setting sun on the horizon, like blood and fire.

At this moment, a familiar and erratic voice rang in my ear: "Follow me."

As soon as I looked up, I saw a stranger standing a few steps away, staring at me as plain as water, but I felt a familiar feeling inexplicably.

After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered, and couldn't help laughing: "No wonder it's so indifferent, it's him!"

So he nodded slightly, and walked quickly towards the Fairy Forest in tandem with the stranger.

Entering the forest, came to a relatively secluded place, the stranger stopped, turned around, and said lightly: "As expected, the person my sister likes, dare to challenge the majesty of **** purification."

I chuckled, "If I don't even dare to **** purification, how can I be worthy of Anasta?"

After a pause, I said again: "Speaking of my prince, you are wearing this human skin mask, are you hot?"

The person in front of me is my future brother-in-law, the prince of the elves, Akahavi.

Akahavi ignored my joke, but did not ignore my words. He stretched out his hand and brushed his face and gently removed the paper-thin human skin mask. The handsome face without a friend appeared in front of me again.

My face suddenly became bitter: "You should put on a mask, otherwise you are too handsome, so handsome that I feel ashamed."

Akahavi shook his head, leaned against a tree, and whispered: "Your courage is very precious, but blood purification is not an ordinary organization. It has a history of tens of thousands of years, and even my organization is very jealous. How do you plan to deal with the existence of?"

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