The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2224: The most terrifying disaster ever

"Harmony?" I couldn't help but sneer: "What harmony is there in the Hefeng Continent at the moment? There are constant games between countries, and the emperor and noble class are in intrigue. They kindly warned a certain emperor not to dig Gobi mines without authorization, but was ignored. As a result, there was a disaster for no reason. The source of the disaster has just subsided, and there I have been held accountable by a high-end power in a certain country, and I have even been restricted from entering the country. This trouble has not been dealt with yet, and the **** purification has been sent. Join in the fun, first come up with the accountability of the special envoy, and then use the poisonous powder to coerce and lure, ha ha, ha ha ha, I am going to special, if this can be called harmony, then you can talk about what kind of world is considered. Is it discordant?"

Staring at my excitement and listening to the grievances from my rude tone, Akahavi did not have the slightest mood swings, and he pondered for a long time. He said: "The game between countries has never been cut off. Unterminated, this was originally an order, the most common order among various factions and forces."

Speaking of this, he paused, and sighed softly: "I'm sorry, I can't understand your mood at this moment, because our positions are different. Since I was born, I have been trapped in this chaotic vortex. The whirlpool rotates and the waves rise and fall. I grew up in this environment and I have long been accustomed to this order, so I won't have any doubts or discomfort."

He narrowed his gaze and stared at me: "And you are different. You are stationed in high-level countries in various countries as a civilian, and in one fell swoop ascended to the throne of power that many people cannot reach in their entire lives. But because of this, you cannot adapt to order... ...No, you are not unable to adapt, but you are not willing to compromise. Just like at the beginning, I forced you to hand over the fairy princess. If you want to resist, you will resist, and even spare no effort to resist, just because of surrender. The princess's behavior is not in line with your will, and now, it is the same."

For some reason, after hearing what Akahavi said, my heart was inexplicably loosened, as if I had removed a boulder from my heart: "I said, you know me quite well."

"It's hard if you don't know it." Akahavi rarely gave a wry smile: "You can keep a dragon at home like a pet. This move has completely shocked all the organizations in Moonlight City."

I was a little surprised: "It's just a pterodactyl, can it have such a big influence?"

"Since the dragon clan appeared in Hefeng Continent, it has a history of no less than millions of years, but have you ever heard of anyone tame a dragon?"

"I haven't been tamed, and it's not my pet. Well, to be precise, it should be my partner, or... a partner, it's more appropriate."

"Dragon's Companion" Akahavi smiled more bitterly: "Since you can become a partner of a dragon, you may find another dragon as a partner. Maybe you can also find a dragon as a partner. When you gather around When the number of dragons reaches a considerable number, your existence is a disaster, and it will even become the most terrifying disaster in human history."

I can't refute it, and Akahavi's words are not alarmist.

Let alone a giant dragon, I have established a companionship with the entire dragon clan. If all members of the dragon clan can be brought over, destroying the Hefeng Continent would seem like a matter of minutes.

Unless there is an ancient fairy and an ancient elves to mediate.

Is it the most terrifying calamity in human history to become a Hefeng continent?

Just thinking about this title makes it interesting.

"Do you long for that kind of life?"

Akahavi’s voice is like a big hand, dragging me out of my imagination: "Once you become a disaster, all power institutions in the Hefeng Continent will become your enemies, even your companions, your relatives, and even you. My lover will have to wield a butcher knife at you, that is, you will be the enemy of the whole people."

"I did move a little bit." I smiled slightly and said, "But even if I really become a disaster, I may not be reduced to the scene you described. Don't forget, Hefeng Continent respects strength, as long as I have Absolute strength also has absolute right to speak, and can even establish order, just like the fairy emperor back then."

Akahavi stared at me for a long time without saying a word. Suddenly he let out a soft sigh, and seemed to fall into another kind of dignity: "From your eyes, the fanaticism and madness I see, you are An existence more terrifying than my organization... than **** purification, I can even foresee, because of your gestures, the Hefeng Continent will fall into a sea of ​​corpses."

"No." I waved my hand and denied his conjecture: "I will not destroy this continent, nor will I wantonly slaughter people. I like certain places in this continent, quiet and comfortable, and I like this too. Many creatures in this continent, perhaps they don’t have human intelligence, but they don’t have the cunning of human beings. Integrity and pure goodness are their most upright advantages."

"You mean it?"

Following Akahavi's gaze, it was still a green fence woven with thick branches and leaves, and there was no trace of any creatures.

But I know that behind the fence, my best friend is hiding there, watching here quietly, ready to help me at any time.

He waved his hand to the green fence, the branches and leaves trembled, and then like a torn silk, a big hole broke open. At the mouth of the hole, a huge head half the size of my body emerged.

It was a head that looked a little cute and stupid. It was round, brown and chestnut, with a pair of bean eyes, not much bigger than a ping-pong ball, a round nose, the size of a fist, and a wet nose, constantly exhaling hot heat, under the nose , Is a big raised mouth that can swallow half of my body in one mouthful.

It is the overlord of this forest, the king of the outer forest of the Fairy Forest.

"When did you come?" I stepped forward, softening the fluff under the forest king's belly, a little prickly.

"I just noticed it too" Akahavi looked at the forest king and sighed: "The non-human friends around you are really stronger than the other. The pterosaur is comparable to the power of the country. It is also comparable to the strength of the country, and there are two groups of fireball and ice hockey that cannot see the strength."

"How do you tell it is the King of the Forest?" I asked.

"Because I suddenly discovered that the forest is quiet."

The king travels, all beasts make changes, even if it does not reveal the king's breath, you can still perceive its king essence.

There are some things that cannot be concealed, such as the kingly nature of the forest king, the good intentions of Akahavi, and my rebellion.

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