In theory, two mechanical puppets can communicate with each other.

Facts have proved that this view has limitations.

I tried to get the Destroyer to communicate with the living mechanical creatures, but got this answer: "The magic fluctuates abnormally, and the visit fails."

In other words, these few living mechanical creatures have no effect except being sent for research, right?

With a light sigh, I dispatched ten of them to take care of the mechanical creatures that I caught. When I go back this time, I will give them all to Master Dewey for research, which will surely bring leapfrog progress to the entire scientific field.

Afterwards, I sent another 30 expellers to carry out a carpet search of the island. In addition to searching for the destination, I added a new task-capturing mechanical creatures.

Mainly capture those species that have not been seen before, and dispose of those that are repeated.

Thirty expellers took the orders and quickly sank into the jungle, and the remaining twenty expellers followed me and Kailan.

The direction I chose is the southeast direction. There are several relatively flat hills in this direction. If I choose a place to build the research institute, I will definitely choose these hills as the foundation.

First of all, they are not magnificent, nor majestic, just a few ordinary to no more ordinary hills, but the more ordinary, the more inconspicuous, the easier it is to be ignored.

Secondly, the rock quality of this island is very hard. As long as the location is selected and the basic structure of the mountain is not damaged, it will not collapse, and it has sufficient hardness to withstand the impact from the inside of the mountain.

It can be said that these mountain packs are born to be the prototype of the best research institute base.

On this road, it’s not at all calm. From time to time, one or several mechanical creatures will emerge from unknown locations. They either directly attack or stand far away, eager to rush, and constantly emit mechanical sounds. Roar.

If the sound effects are not too single, the silver-gray metal bones are too eye-catching, and the numbers with unknown meanings imprinted on them are too eye-catching, I would definitely treat them as real creatures.

"No wonder Tyrannosaurus King Bakar can be hit hard by the Celestials, and their technological level is so powerful that it is shocking."

Kailan on the side hummed a triumphant little tune, and seemed to be proud of being a member of the Celestial Clan.

Seeing her proud look, I couldn't help but want to laugh a little. Just when I retracted my gaze, there was an icy cold light that flashed from the remaining light and came straight to my throat.


While making a sound of surprise, I raised my arm to block the cold light coming straight forward. In the next second, the cold and sharp pain came from a point and spread most of my arm in an instant.


I looked down suspiciously, and I was taken aback. I saw a metallic snake wrapped tightly around my arm. A pair of sharp fangs pierced my skin deeply. .

"The bite is really strong!" I sneered, stretched out my hand and forcibly pulled the mechanical snake down, bringing out a string of blood beads.

Break the snake head apart, bring the two snake teeth closer, observe carefully, and suddenly find that there is a small hole on the side of the two canine teeth, and there is a colorless transparent viscous droplet in the hole slowly Precipitation.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but sneer: "It turns out that more than the head of a poisonous snake was born, there are actually two poisonous snake teeth."

Passing the mechanical snake to the deporter on the side, I asked it, "Can you analyze what toxin it is?"

The deporter shook his head.

"Then take it back first and do research, maybe it can bring new dawn to the biological field."

"I feel that as long as you understand your research, the biological field will have more rapid development."

"How is this possible?" I spread my hands: "I'm just an ordinary person, but there are more adventures. Even if I understand the research, what development can I have?"

"You can't say that." Kailan walked slowly, squeezed my bitten arm, glanced at the two small holes that have been mostly healed, leaving only a few scars, and said lightly: "It has strong self-healing ability. , And at the same time, it is immune to toxins. Any of these abilities has attracted countless people's eyes, but you have both. Tell yourself. If you thoroughly research you, the biological field will make greater progress?"

Seeing her smiling, she looked like a little fox.

"If I can study it thoroughly, I will let them study it. However, let alone the current technology, even the ancient technology may not be able to penetrate the mysteries of my body."

"Do you really dare to say" Kailan covered his mouth with a smile: "How prosperous, how splendid, and how brilliant the ancient civilization is. I have heard my parents talk about it. Although I only talked about it, I still have some exaggerated suspects. That's not an excuse for you to underestimate ancient civilization."

"Look, I said you don't believe me" sighed and shrugged, too lazy to be familiar with her.

The remarks that I exchanged with Kailan just now were really not angry words, but facts.

The civilization technology of ancient times is certainly powerful, but according to Yadyan, many of these high-tech technologies were passed on to other races by ancient elves and elves. Even the ancient elves and elves could not figure out what was hidden in their own bodies. Secret, not to mention those foreigners who only learned fur?

But in the end, the technology of the Celestials should not be underestimated. Although there may not be high-end fairies and elves, they still rely on these technologies to create what can be called a great mecha puppet, which is perfectly suppressed and severely damaged. Dragon King Bakar.

If this technology is learned by Kailan, and secretly imitates the mecha puppet that defeated Bakar, I don’t believe it. What kind of **** purification, what kind of old duke, what kind of disaster, all unified My feet are trampled to death!

At that time, the entire world will tremble at the feet of the mecha puppets, and will surrender to the technology of the Celestial Clan!

Ahem, the above are all my own conjectures. If you want to complete the blueprint, you must first find this technology and ensure that Kailan can inherit it.

In other words, can Kailan really inherit this technology?

Looking at Kailan, who was carrying the snake's tail, dangling and giggling, I doubt it deeply.

Due to the living environment, this woman's brain circuits are quite different from others, and she doesn't seem to have much technological talent.

After all, compared with her marksmanship, the manufacturing and perfection of the equipment enhancement machine is nothing short of shit.

Yes, it's just a pile of shit!

In this way, some people may not accept it. Indeed, the equipment enhancement machine is indeed very stable during the first five enhancements, but once more than five times, almost 80% of the refined iron weapons will become a pile of small crystal blocks of unknown purpose. , Stainless steel weapons will not only turn into small crystal blocks, but also a large pile of milky white sugar spherical solids exuding magical waves.

Moreover, this thing is the same as the small crystal block, and I don't know what it is.

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