The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2249: make a prompt decision

Odachi's words made me dumbfounded.

Kailan, who had recovered his calm, walked into the left entrance of the underground cave one after another with me.

Inside the entrance, is a huge underground world, dark, humid, hot, and muddy air, like the closest lover, hugging me tightly, and domineering obstructs my smooth breathing.

The sound of breathing is getting thicker, my lungs, my body, and my brain are constantly appealing, eager for this body to leave this dull space as soon as possible.

However, my will issued the highest order-continue to explore.

In order to resist the will, my body made corresponding revenge-dizziness, tinnitus, limb weakness, these are the most obvious manifestations of hypoxia.

After a moment of dizziness, I had to pause my exploration and leaned against a building to take a break.

Kailan noticed something abnormal in me, and worried: "Are you okay?"

As she said, she lifted the magic stone lamp and shook it before my eyes. Her tone suddenly became frightened: "You, your face, why is it so pale!"

"It's okay." I squirmed my lips and made a voice that was hard for me to hear: "Just take a while..."

When the vertigo gradually faded from my brain, and my body gradually recovered its strength, I took a deep breath and stood up from the building I was relying on. The bright light shone on my face again.

"Huh, I've recovered, I just scared me to death, Xiaoyi, I thought you were poisoned!"

"Poisoning? Poisoning is impossible." I smiled and shook my head: "My body is immune to poison. It was just a temporary hypoxia. Just rest for a while. In other words, you don't seem to feel any discomfort?"

Kailan let out a ‘um’ and said, "At first, when you held me, I was a little hypoxic, but I quickly recovered."

Carrying the magic stone lamp, I looked around, everything I saw was a huge metal creation, with iron arms and steel bars everywhere, it was just a steel garden made of metal!

Looking at all this dumbfounded, I mumbled to myself: "Oh my God, is this...the research institute?"

"look here!"

Kailan's exclamation drew me over, and she pointed to the bottom of a huge stone pillar and said to me: "There are words here!"

I walked quickly over and took a closer look. The bottom of the stone pillar was indeed engraved with a few upright characters. It was not the lingua franca of Hefeng Mainland, but the ancient elves—the 14th Research Base.

"This is really the research institute of the Celestial Clan!" I couldn't restrain the excitement in my heart and said loudly.

"So...Is this the research base of the ancestors?" Kailan raised the magic stone lamp, and shone it at a short distance. Under the cover of the light, various mechanical devices appeared real. Content.

After seeing everything clearly, she couldn't help covering her mouth, too excited to herself: "Father, mother, I finally found a chance to fulfill your last wish!"

"Can this really help her fulfill her parents' last wish?" Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "It's impossible to think about it."

I frowned and retorted: "This is the research institute of the Celestial Clan, which stores many ancient science and technology. As long as you master those technologies, how can you not help her?"

"Technology has a specialization" Datadao said: "Even in the mechanical field, it also covers a variety of work types. Can you guarantee that the research project of this institute is related to the equipment enhancement machine?"

"How can I guarantee this! Until now, I only know that it is a research institute. As for the research, I don't even know..."

"By the way, this is the key" Datadao said: "Think about it, why are there so many mechanical creatures on the island, are they related to this institute? Is it possible that the research subject of this institute is just machinery What about biology? If my guess is correct, then this research institute should not have what the girl needs."

"No..." Looking at Kailan's excited expression, I couldn't bear to disturb her: "That's really disappointing."

"What can I do to be disappointed?" Otadao grunted disdainfully, and said: "Besides, probably only that girl will feel disappointed, as for you, probably not."

"Well, you're right, I really have no reason to be disappointed." Looking at Linli Machinery Heavy Industry, I said softly: "As long as I have them, I might be able to revive some ancient technologies."

"With ancient technology, your background will become stronger, and the days when Fort Vitch hits the world is probably not far away."

"Why do I have to hand over the technology of the Celestial Clan to Fort Vitch?" I wondered.

Odachi naturally said: "Does this still need to be asked? The most advanced technology now is Fort Witch, and Fort Witch is still your indispensable strong backing. If you don't give it any benefits, how can you bear it!"

"No, you are wrong." I shook my head and said, "My backing is not Fort Witch, but Master Dewey, so if I can be allowed, I will give it to Master Dewey, but it is not. Fort Witch, but first, I have to solve a moral problem."

"What moral problem?" Odachi asked.

"This research institute is a relic of the Celestial people! The Celestial people have not yet been extinct. So, according to the order of inheritance, everything here belongs to Kailan. I must obtain her permission to use everything here freely. ."

"From what you said, I asked about hypocrisy and falsification" Otato despised me: "This girl is your fiancée, isn't hers yours? You use your own things, that is justified!"

"Don't say just an unmarried couple, even if she has married me, she is still an independent individual, a person, with her own thoughts, her own privacy, and her own likes and dislikes. I cannot impose my own thoughts on Give it to her, that will make her unhappy."

"Hey, hesitate, it's a man's shame that he can't even make a decision on this matter." After that, Odachi was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly sneered: "If it is not Kailan who inherits here, but your enemy, What would you do? Just like now, ask her for advice before making a decision?"

"If the enemy is the case, ask for a fart!" I sneered: "If everything here is really inherited by the enemy, the action I will take will be-if you can move away, you can't move away. Destroy, if you can’t destroy it, put it on fire and burn it cleanly. In short, the enemy’s things will not be left to them, otherwise, it will be the enemy.”

"Heh" with a chuckle, Otato teased: "I understand, you can't act decisively, but you want to show a more democratic side in front of your fiancee and leave a good impression."

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