This is a dried corpse.

Because of the loss of water, the corpse shrank extremely, but precisely because of this, the rough appearance of the original owner of the corpse was kept.

This is an old man with gray hair and thin body. The thick white hair has already fixed the shape, and it will turn into powder when touched a little.

The reason why he is classified as an old man is because dozens of irregular folds were found on his forehead. This was not the result of shrinkage, but rather a natural birth.

The white uniform is inlaid with lace stitched with gold thread. If you turn over the uniform, you will find that on the right chest, there is a badge pinned to it. The badge is a pattern that is half of a person's face covered by a top hat.

Because half of his face was covered, his appearance and expression could not be judged, but because of this, his introversion and danger were more prominent.

This is probably the portrait of the highest leader of the institute.

I guessed.

"It's disgusting." Kailan looked at the dead old man at the desk with a look of disgust. She frowned, wishing to run away, but for unknown reasons, she reluctantly stayed.

"If you feel sick, just go out and wait."

"What about you?" Kailan asked.

"I will stay a little longer" I said lightly: "I want to study it more."

"Research it? A dead body?" Kailan pouted, "You are not a forensic doctor."

"I just think it's a bit weird. After so many years, the body has not become fossils, and even his hair has been completely preserved, but you and I can see that this secret room is not a vacuum. The air circulation is very smooth, and the temperature in the entire research institute is not low, which is not suitable for preserving corpses. It is even more difficult to let the corpses dry naturally."

Kailan's expression changed, from the previous dislike, to a difference: "You mean...this corpse was deliberately embalmed?"

"No, this is unlikely." I shook my head and denied her conjecture: "If antiseptic drugs are used, no matter how effective the drugs are, they cannot last for hundreds of millions of years. Moreover, looking at his posture, it is very big. It may be due to working at the desk for too long, leading to sudden death. Of course, other reasons are not ruled out."

"Besides, there is a very big doubt." I looked solemn, raised my index finger, and said in a deep voice, "Why is there only a corpse in this institute?"

"Perhaps he alone can support the operation of the entire institute."

Kailan answered casually, obviously, she didn't have much interest in this question.

"If he can support it by himself, what else does the monitoring station need to do? Display it?"

"Those, maybe he wants to observe the observation deck of the entire institute from different angles."

"Well, it can't be ruled out that this is possible." I nodded and said: "And, if this is really the reason, it will solve a lot of confusion."

With that said, I walked to the corpse, stretched out my hand, and lifted him up a little bit.

"Hey~~~What are you doing!" Kailan pinched her nose and ran away, with an expression of disgust.

"Lift him up and see if there are any clues."

"Uh, this is a dead body that has been dead for many years. Don't you worry about being infected with some strange bacteria?"

"If there were really germs that could be infected by just touching it, then we would have been recruited. Don’t forget, the feet of this corpse were in close contact with the ground, and our way is not flying. Come here, but come here..."

"Hey! Stop talking! I'm already covered with goose bumps!" Kailan's small face shrank into a ball: "If you say anything more, I'm going to vomit."

I smiled and shook my head, and slowly laid the corpse flat on the ground. At this point, I finally saw the full front of the corpse.

This is indeed the look of an old man. It was just because he died at the desk, and the age of his death was too long, so that the left facial muscles were shaped into a hideous shape. This is exactly what Odachi described as "a guy trampled to death by a monster. Facial expression at the end of life'.

Except for the weird white uniform that was immortal for hundreds of millions of years, I was also surprised that another red shirt was worn inside the white uniform-it turned out to be the same as the white uniform, immortal for a million years.

"What material are these fabrics made of?"

Taking off the handguards, I touched the shirt and jacket. It was smooth and the shirt looked very soft, but the uniform was quite tough. Presumably, other materials were deliberately chosen to maintain a straight appearance.

But I am not a tailor, and I don't know much about this.

Taking off the jacket and red shirt one by one, Kailan's voice came in his ear again: "Aren't you! Even the clothes of the dead?"

"For the sake of technological progress, it is necessary to make some sacrifices appropriately."

"What did you sacrifice?" Kailan blurted out and asked loudly.

"Sacrificing a lot of energy and energy-I have to find the easiest way to take off my uniform and shirt."

"Have you found it now?" Kailan asked.

Accompanied by a crackling sound, I said helplessly: "Found it."

In my hand, it is a dry arm...

I broke a piece of it anyway, I simply broke the can, clicked a few times, broke all the limbs of the corpse, and smoothly took off the two clothes.

Shaking off the floating ashes, I folded the two pieces of clothes, stuffed them into my bag, and glanced at the dry body lying on the ground again, and couldn't help cursing at myself.

It's a good thing to end up with a complete corpse, which I dismantled into a stick. Even the long white hair with a peculiar shape was nearly half turned into powder.

In short, it is terrible.

Kailan stood behind me, looked at the eye stick, and snickered: "Don't say, after your hand is so neat, the original hideous corpse, not only is not so terrible, but on the contrary, it is a little more funny."

"Would you like to take a photo with it?" I smiled and looked at Kailan.

Kailan waved his hands again and again: "Forget it, I don't have this weird habit."

As she said, she turned around and suddenly let out a doubt: "What is this? A notebook?"

Hearing this, I immediately turned around and followed Kailan's gaze. There really was a palm-sized notebook, flat on the table.

"Do you want to open it?" Kailan suggested.

"Forget it," I shook my head: "It's been so long, this notebook must be crisp, I'm afraid it will break into powder just after turning the page."

"No," Kailan said, turning over the cover of the notebook. I wanted to stop it, but it was too late. She opened the thick cover of the notebook gently.

My eyes widened suddenly, but I didn't see the scene in which my notebook was broken into a pile.

After a while, I exclaimed: "This...this is not scientific!"

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