"What!" Upon hearing this, I exclaimed: "Before you entered the Sky City, this island was already a research institute for the Celestial Clan people?"

"That's it," Yadyan said, "Could it be that you were on that island, and you couldn't find another research institute?"


"It's no wonder," Yadyan said: "Many isolated islands are independent of the sea level, away from the hustle and bustle, and free from secular disturbances. They are indeed the best places to establish scientific research institutions."

Sighing, I said, "Anyway, there is still a research institute on this island. What I said, right?"

"However, since someone has established a second research institute on the island, it means that the site of my research institute at that time may have been discovered, and may even have been taken over. It may be demolished. After all, the five hundred years have changed. The technological level must have risen to a considerable height!"

"It's a pity" I curled my lips: "The general level of science and technology of the Celestial people five hundred years later is much worse than it was five hundred years ago."

"No way!" Yadyan was a little surprised and didn't dare to say a word: "There is no natural disaster, no large-scale dungeon changes and other disasters. Why has technology regressed? Could it be that these five hundred years, Haven't the Celestial Clan ever produced even a seedling worthy of cultivation?"

"Um...I think it's probably not the problem." While thinking about it, I said, "The main reason why the Tianzu technology is not available is probably due to the war."

"War? What kind of war? After the smelly dragon was driven away, could it be possible that other foreigners could not invade?"

"Maybe it's not just invasion." I said solemnly: "There is also civil strife, quite serious civil strife."

"Oh, it turned out to be civil strife. Indeed, civil strife is more terrifying than external troubles," Yadyan sneered, "I didn't expect that the Celestial Clan who could drive the stinky dragon away would be dragged by the civil strife. Good luck fooling people!"

"Are you an old man?" I joked: "How to talk so old-fashioned?"

"Aren't you old?" Yadyan retorted, "Among the elves, I am a younger generation, but in the eyes of other races, I am an old fellow over 100 million years old."

"Should I call you "Senior Yadyan"?"

"Hmph, others call me senior, that's the truth, you call me senior, I'm afraid you are making fun of me, but..." Ya Deyan sneered: "Don't watch you make fun of me now, you cry That day."

I suddenly had a black question mark face.

"I think you are probably thinking about it now, why can I be so sure that there will be the day when you cry, right?"


"The reason is very simple, because you elves, like our elves, are the owners of eternal life. Don’t look at it now, you look like other human beings, but once your bloodline is awakened, you will leave the realm of human beings and enter my generation. Think about it, you’re immortal, but what about the people around you? Huh? Watching the people around you get older, don’t you cry?"

I'm talking about this, my heart is refreshing.

Suddenly fell into entanglement.

I have always been eager to awaken my blood, but simply want to become stronger and be able to protect the people around me. However, in my cognition, I always treat myself as a human being. I never thought that the people around me would get older than myself.

However, I am an ancient fairy after all. The blood flowing in my veins and the muscles under the skin contain the potential of the ancient fairy. It is like an unexploded bomb, lurking in my body, quietly, as if never Existed too general.

But at some point, it will awaken, like an erupting volcano, like a shaking earth, instantly changing my body structure, ruining my ordinaryness, granting me eternal life, and at the same time, it will watch the beloved gradually grow old. The pain of this, this...this...is this the future I must experience!

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but burst into a cold sweat. I took a few deep breaths before calming down the waves of the waves. I exhaled a long breath. I said, “There should be drugs that can prolong life, or make people live forever, or Appliance?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Yadyan said lightly.

"Do you have relevant information?" I asked.

"Do I need to pay attention to information like how to live forever?" it asked rhetorically.

I was silent for a while, and then asked: "In other words, it cannot be concluded that there is no such possibility, right?"

"What you said is right," Yadyan said: "After all, Hefeng Continent is a world full of miracles. Any existence is possible, but are you sure you can find that kind of thing?"

"If you don't try it, how do you know?"

There was a sudden noise on the crystal side, and then Kagali’s voice sounded: "Hello, Xiaoyi? I’m Kagali, don’t listen to the little fireball’s gibberish, and don’t believe its bewitching, what immortality, I I don’t believe it! As long as we can join hands and grow old, we are the greatest happiness."

Kagali's tone was very impatient, but I understood that she was worried about me, because Yadyan was going to run around the world alone again with a word.

With a slight smile, I gave a soft ‘um’.

Afterwards, Kagali hung up the call.

Putting away the call crystal, raised her head, and glanced at Kailan, who was standing a few steps away. The latter also had a melancholy expression and muttered, "Xiaoyi..."

She was probably also affected by Yadyan's words. If this little fireball that caused trouble was not able to beat it, I would have to push it into the water.

"Since the ancient elves and the ancient elves can live forever, there must be a way to make other races immortal. You are only in your twenties now. People in Hefeng Continent are generally two to three hundred years old. As long as they can live forever, Just find a way to live forever."

"But...where to find it?" Kailan said with a worried look: "I have no idea about immortality, you...you are the same as me?"

"To tell you, I am also at a loss, but since I have a problem, there must be a solution." I walked forward with a smile, hugged her, and said with confidence: "Trust me, this will definitely be solved. questionable."

Kailan looked warm and nodded.

I also reduced my heavy heart and focused on the task of this trip: "In the diary we read earlier, there are no records related to other research bases, right?"

Kailan shook his head: "No, only mentioned above, this island has several indestructible arched buildings...arched buildings!"

Her eyes suddenly let out light: "Xiaoyi, do you remember those mountain bags?"

"Yeah" I nodded: "The mountain bag made of all metal has no door, window, or even a gap. It is purely a seamless prison, there is no room to drill!"

"But, as recorded in the diary, it was an arched building, built-built! Do you understand?"

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