"Three...30 million gold coins?"

The light of gold coins burst into Kailan's bright eyes.

As long as I nodded, she would faint happily in the next second.

In order to prevent her from fainting, I categorically denied her guess: "This is the daytime person. He is dreaming before he sleeps?"

The excitement in Kailan's eyes was reduced by 30%.

"Then...three million gold coins?"

She did not give up and continued to ask.

"If this research base is the first Celestial Clan research base discovered, it's worth the price, but it is the second one. As the saying goes, things are rare and expensive. I will not buy millions of gold coins. Another research base with almost the same function, of course, if it is a research base that serves the other three professions full-time, I might consider swapping it with you for three million gold coins."

"Hmm..." Kailan grinned, wishing to pull the bird's head off.

She hesitated for a long time, then said unequivocally: "It, shouldn't it only have...300,000 gold coins?"

"Are three hundred thousand gold coins rare?"

"Woo..." Kailan didn't answer, but only made a series of nasal sounds from her nose, like the pitiful wailing of an aggrieved puppy.

I was dumbfounded by her pretending to be pitiful, stretched out my hand and rubbed her soft bun: "But seeing that you are my fiancee, the purchase price has doubled again, 600,000 gold coins."

"Can't it be more?" Kailan looked at me pitifully, blinking her beautiful eyes, and constantly releasing her eyes of ‘I’m weak and need sympathy’.

"Absolutely—no!" I rightly refused.

Kailan fell into a brief loss again.

Since the crisis of being broken into parts was relieved, the mechanical bird appeared very lively. Through its introduction, I understood the purpose and main purpose of this research base.

Simply put, its purpose of construction is to fight against the Destroyer Army.

Knowing the historical facts, I know very well that although the Destroyer Legion is not as powerful as the dragon, it can be manufactured on a large scale and at a low cost, quickly making them a battlefield weapon and a vanguard of killing.

The number of Celestial adventurers who died under their hands far exceeded that of other members of the Dragon Clan.

Because of this, the Destroyer became the most threatening existence after the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

The Celestial Clan and the Royal Clan deliberately listed the expellers as the key targets.

The so-called upside down effect.

The bosses above all regard the Destroyer as their enemies, and the executive officers, generals, and a large number of adventurers who want to rely on the rewards of gold to get rich, have thrown themselves into the battle against the Destroyer.

The war is about to start.

War is cruel, ruthless, and it is the easiest thing to reflect on.

The same number of the Destroyer Legion, when facing the Celestial Clan, the strength displayed is crushing.

Why did the two groups of fighters with the same number produce completely different results?

There must be many reasons behind this.

A group of experienced generals shrank inside the fortress, roaring angrily, greeted the ancestors of the deporter, and grayed their hair, contemplating the reasons for the failure.

Later, a mercenary adventurer general who was so worried that he was bald gave the answer: "There are three main points. First, the staffing is very deadly. Except for the roaming gunner, the other three occupations are basically just being close. The result of the annihilation of the entire army. Secondly, the strength of adventurers is uneven. Such a configuration seems to be able to train, temper, and stab weak adventurers to grow in the war, but according to the rule that the weak must die on the battlefield. Look, these adventurers with inadequate quality levels are very likely to be dragging down the entire team. Not only will they drag themselves down, they will drag down the entire army. In the end, skills, tactics, and good moves seem too much. It’s a huge mess. Few adventurers take a path of their own, and there are very few adventurers who choose the right path. This also led to a fiasco from the side."

After listening to the description of the mechanical bird, I showed my sincere admiration for the sad and bald Celestial adventurer general.

No wonder he can find so many key points, people are so worried that they don't even have any hair left because of this!

The mechanical bird continued: "After proposing three key points, the bald mercenary adventurer general once again proposed the most effective but relatively simple solution-building a research base."

"Soon, the royal family issued an order to allow construction, and focused on implementation." The mechanical bird fanned its wings and said, "It is precisely because of this order that this research base was born."

"It turns out that it was born because of the persecution of the Destroyer Corps." I glanced at the Destroyer who was following me, and smiled: "Have you heard it, because of the strong fighting power you showed back then, you have this absorption. My research base for six hundred thousand gold coins."

The deporter didn't say anything. It couldn't judge whether my words were ridicule or ridicule, and it couldn't judge whether I was happy or depressed at the moment. Instead of saying the wrong thing because I didn't know it, it was better to be silent and pretend to be stupid.

It’s just that there are too many acting slots. First of all, the red dots flicker in the position of its eyes. This is a performance that only appears when it hesitates.

In the final analysis, mechanical puppets are mechanical puppets, which are not yet fully intelligent.

I really hope that one day, I can see a completely intelligent puppet with my own eyes, and it will open my eyes.

In other words, the technological power of the Celestial people 500 years ago is indeed not comparable to that in 500 years.

The most direct manifestation is that the celestial people of five hundred years ago had a holographic image system!

Not only are there, it can be used!

At this moment, under the guidance of the mechanical bird, Kailan is operating the holographic imaging system to show me the structure and use of the Viper Cannon.

"The Viper Cannon, the full name Ex-S Viper Cannon, is jointly manufactured by a number of talented mechanics. The main control is an Ez-8 self-explosive. The main barrel is made of spar fused silica. When the barrel is overheated, Or if it receives a considerable amount of damage, it will automatically change to a self-detonation mode, and the explosive power is equivalent to an Ez-8 self-detonation."

"What about the Ez-8 blew up with the Viper Cannon?"

"It will also explode with the snake cannon."

"Oh~ Simultaneously exploding, in other words, is equivalent to the power of two Ez-8 exploding at the same time?"

"No, this data is inaccurate. The power of two Ez-8 self-explosions at the same time is greater than the explosive power of the Viper Cannon and the Ez-8 self-detonator."

"Huh? How is this calculated? Is it possible? The explosive power can also be superimposed?"


I frowned. I couldn't understand the reason, but I was certain that the formula of 1+1>2 seemed to be applicable in Hefeng Continent.

"Next is the G series robot..." At this point, the mechanical bird suddenly paused, and after a while, it continued: "The G series robot is still in the testing stage. May I ask the owner, do you choose to continue watching?"

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