After listening to the introduction of the mechanical bird, I am roughly aware that the main research projects of this research base-except for the G series robots that are in the testing phase, are all self-explosive products.

Among them, the Ez-8 blew up and the RX-78 chaser dominate.

The former is similar to a C4 bomb and explodes in place, while the latter is similar to an infrared guided missile, chasing the enemy and exploding.

Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of the two are extremely obvious. The former cannot move, but is powerful, and the latter runs fast but has low power.

However, as long as the master of strategy formulates high-quality tactics, the two cooperate and complement each other, the explosion can still be raised to the artistic level.

As Deidara said: Explosion is art.

how about it?

Does it sound exciting?

Is there a kind of passionate blood, wanting to command an army of robots, gallop on the battlefield, blow up the thieves, and give me the pleasure of peace?

Stop dreaming!

Do you know what raw materials are used to make robots?


High-purity top grade steel!

Some expensive enchanting minerals and metals!

Well, if you only need the above, based on my wealth and background, I don't need to worry about it, but-I actually need a kind of ore that is said to be abundant only on the deep sea and land!

Isn't this teasing me?

deep sea?

Do you know what lies beneath the deep ocean?

Ugly monsters, hideous monsters, terrifying monsters, and huge monsters. These are all just the ones I have seen. How about the ones I haven't seen?

God knows what a ghost looks like!

In order to be able to see the honor of the self-explosive robot and satisfy my inner curiosity, I tried to persuade the mechanical bird to change its mind. Can I replace the deep-sea ore with other ore?

The answer from Mechanical Bird is: No.

It emphasized once again: "If you want to create a perfect self-explosive robot, you must have mithril, high-purity high-grade stainless steel, and deep-sea ore. You can consider replacing the others."

I was anxious at the time: "Why can't the deep-sea ore be exchanged?"

The mechanical bird said flatly and left me speechless: "The deep-sea ore is the rough stone that makes the core of the self-explosive robot."

alright, you win.

Even if I am idiot about mechanical puppet manufacturing technology, I understand the importance of the core-it is equivalent to the heart.

I temporarily give up the idea of ​​making self-detonating robots, but the Viper Cannon can still be tested, and G series robots can also be tested and optimized. After all, the materials they need are available on the mainland.

But unfortunately, because there is no self-detonating robot, although the Viper Cannon can be made, no one can control it, or in other words, no one dares to control it, because it will explode if it is used.

There is only one life, which is very precious. I will not let anyone obey my orders to waste precious lives on this stuff.

When I asked if there were any other mechanical research bases, Mechanical Bird gave me a yes, and used holographic projection to show us a map of the world.

Many red dots are marked on the map. The mechanical bird tells us that the red dots are all research bases.

Counting them down, there were at least 30 research bases built by the Celestial Clan people, but I don’t know how many of them have survived so far.

According to the map, there are two research bases near this island, no more than two nautical miles apart.

But looking around, not to mention two nautical miles, even within ten nautical miles, there is also a vast ocean.

With regret, I told the mechanical bird that just now, I learned of a bad news. Two research bases have sunk into the deep sea at some unknown time. It is estimated that there are only wrecks left.

Upon hearing this news, the mechanical bird was deeply saddened, but it only lasted a few seconds before it returned to normal, and said that there are only two research bases, which are not in the way. Moreover, the two research bases belong to ammunition experts. Most of the stored ammunition is semi-finished ammunition, and sinking into the deep sea can be regarded as a contribution to deep-sea mines.

"It's really free and easy," I couldn't help sighing: "I thought you would be sad for days and nights without speaking."

"It only takes a few seconds to feel grief," said the mechanical bird: "I have more emotions, but regrets."

At this time, Kailan, who had been silent, said: "I want to know, where is the research base belonging to the roaming gunner?"

The mechanical bird entered the search state instantly and marked the exact location on the map in just two minutes.

The number of research bases under the roaming gunners is smaller than other research bases, with only three.

When Kailan asked the reason, Mecha Bird explained: "The roaming gunner mainly relies on gorgeous and practical fighting skills, and he does not rely so much on firearms. The three research bases mainly store revolver design drawings and pass digital Top roaming gunner, a summary of actual combat physical skills books."

"Xiao Yi" Kailan turned to me with a look of hope: "I want it."

"what do you want?"

"I want it all."

"A little greedy, right?" I asked.

"I am a roaming gunner, a natural roaming gunner, but I have always been unable to find professionals and cannot learn the true meaning of the roaming gunner. If there are actual combat physical skills books tailored for the roaming gunner, as long as you get it, My strength is bound to go a long way."

"It's an exaggeration." I deliberately attacked her and said: "No matter how powerful the physical skills are, it is not an opponent of machinery and weapons."

"It's not just physical skills." Kailan shook her head and affirmed: "There must be spear skills or something, isn't it, mechanical bird?"

"Yes, my master" Mechanical Bird replied very simply: "Moreover, the main occupation of the roaming gunner is not head-to-head with the enemy, my master's fiance."

"What is that?" I asked with interest.

"It's an assassination" Robot Bird said: "The roaming gunner is in charge of assassination, the ammunition expert is in charge of ammunition supply, the gunner is in charge of long-range strikes, and the mechanic is in charge of machine manufacturing. It is the four who really participate in and guide the direction of the war. Combine, not one of them."

Think about it carefully. The mechanical bird is right. The research of ammunition, mechanical support, long-range strikes, and ubiquitous assassinations are all the keys to a war.

But, can this really influence every war?

Do not! Never possible!

At least, the assassination of the roaming gunman is of little importance to the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

It was the mechanical puppet Geboga who really hit Bakar hard.

"Silly bird, I ask you, do you know where Gaboga's manufacturing technology is available?"

"Geboga? Are you referring to the highest technological crystallization of the Celestial Clan, the mechanical puppet Gaboga?" Mechanical Bird asked.

"Besides this, what else will be called Geboga?"

"If this is the case," the mechanical bird said in a regretful tone, "I'm sorry, Geboga, not in this world."

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