Back in the airship, I took a map of the world, and hurried back. Marked the exact location of the roaming gunman research base on the map. Based on a rough judgment, one was set up in the waters near Moonlight City, and the other was set up in York City.

If the research base near the sea area of ​​Moonlight City hadn't sunk to the bottom of the sea due to changes in the earth's crust, most of it would still survive.

But that research base in York City is hard to say.

Celestials and Humans have the same appearance. As long as they don’t know their true identity, Humans will only treat Celestials as human geniuses with extraordinary talents.

If there is a Celestial Clan who knows his identity and happens to find the Roaming Gunners Research Base inside York Seoul, he also happens to get the key to open the research base and successfully open the research base... Then there are only two situations. First, the precious materials and equipment in the research base are taken over by the senior officials in York and Seoul, and this place is set as a forbidden area, and heavy troops are sent to guard and supervise; second, everything in the research base is occupied and emptied by the Celestial Clan There is an empty shell that is worthless.

If it were the first result, it would be easy to handle. Bai Yunying is Simmons Locke's most beloved granddaughter. As long as she plays the family card, she can be released in all likelihood.

I am afraid it is the second result.

"Your worry is too much" Odachi's voice suddenly rang in my ears.

"Are there?" I asked.

"Do you really think there will be so many coincidences in the world? Without Yadyan's guidance, even if you look for half a lifetime, you might not have thought that there will be a research base for the Celestial people on this island, and there will still be two." Tai Dao sneered and said, "So, just stop worrying about it, or I will despise you very much."

"It's not rough to talk, it's up to you."

In response, I put away the map and prepared to take Kailan and the expellers back to the airship.

Just at this moment, there was a tremor in my pocket. It was a call from Master Dewey. I quickly connected and heard Master Dewey say: "Xiaoyi, where are you?"

"On an isolated island, about 100 kilometers away from Ai Rui City."

When Master Dewey heard it, his tone was a little irritable: "Okay, what are you doing on the island?"

I smiled: "Find something."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let me ask you, do you know where that girl Kailan is now?"

Hearing that he didn't chat with me, but mentioned Kailan, he felt that something was not good, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Master Dewey sighed and said: "You don't know anything, the equipment enhancement machine made by that girl has destroyed more than a dozen enchanted weapons in a row. Right now, it is wanted by Dasai City."

"Huh?" I was stunned by the explosive news.

On the side, Kailan was also at a loss. After she recovered, she snatched the call crystal, swallowed, and cried, "Foster father, I am innocent..."

Master Dewey hurriedly comforted her: "Because I believe you are innocent, I will contact Xiaoyi as soon as possible."

Kailan wiped the corners of her eyes, red eyes, and asked Master Dewey for help: "But what use do you believe, I'm all wanted..."

When I heard this, I hurriedly grabbed the call crystal and apologized to Master Dewey: "I'm sorry, foster father, Kailan has been in a hurry for a while, and I hope you forgive me if I said something I didn't like."

"My measurement is so narrow? I have to make trouble with my daughter-in-law?" Master Dewey said with dissatisfaction: "Xiaoyi, in the eyes of outsiders, our father and son are the relationship between father and son, but in my eyes, we have always regarded You treat me like a son, but why do you keep treating me so unfaithful?"

Come on, self-defeating!

I didn't cry or laugh, and said dryly: "It's me who is wrong, foster father, you continue."

With that said, I put the call crystal into Kailan's little hand again.

"Girl, don't worry, tell me what you know about the failure of the equipment strengthening machine to strengthen."

Kailan was in a state of confusion at this time, where there was still a thought of smoothing that thing, and he could not say a word for a long time.

Reluctantly, I took Crystal and told Master Dewey about her current situation.

After listening to Master Dewey, he also felt that the matter should not be rushed, and even if he asked it out and told the world in time, it might not be effective in time. After all, Dasai City did not believe in Master Dewey.

So put this matter aside for the time being, and consider it later.

On the way back, Kailan slouched and put on an absent-minded look.

Although I know what she is worried about, this time and place is not the best place to untie the knot. It's better to get on the airship and find a way.

The magic airship stayed where it was. The uncle pilot was lying on a rock basking in the sun. Seeing us coming back, he immediately smiled and said, "Going back?"

I nodded and quipped him: "Looking at you, it seems I can't wait."

"Isn't it!" The uncle driver slapped his thigh and said annoyed: "In the past two days, the mechanical creatures have not stopped sneaking. Every day, they have heard crackling, rumbling noises. I can't sleep even if I want to sleep. I guess. It will last for another three to five days, and it will force me to lose sleep."

"Thanks for your hard work" patted him on the shoulder, and I solemnly said, "After I go back, I will definitely give you a salary increase."

"Hey, the salary increase will be waived. Give me a few more days off. I want to spend time with my wife and children."

"No problem," I promised solemnly: "I will give you half a month of paid leave, and stay with your wife and children. After half a month, remember to come back to work on time, or you will be considered absent from work."

"Telling!" The uncle driver saluted happily and hurriedly boarded the cockpit.

After getting on the airship, first observe the captured mechanical creatures. There are a dozen of different types, 20 in total, enough for Master Dewey to study for a while.

After I was sure that the cage was strong enough that it would not be destroyed, I hurried back to the room and saw Kailan lying on the bed in a daze.

"It's so pitiful, it's like a lost lamb." I smiled and walked over, leaned over, and picked her up. Kailan didn't even have the intention of struggling, letting me fiddle with it like a rag doll.

Put her on the sofa, take out a bottle of wine and two crystal glasses from the refrigerator, pull out the stopper, the smell of wine is overflowing, and the room is immediately filled.

Kailan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly had a little more expression in her eyes. She sniffed and looked straight at the wine bottle.

After filling two glasses, one for her, one for me, before clinking the glasses, Kailan picked up the glass and drank it all, and then cried bitterly with a wow.

I just cried for a long time without a tear falling.

And those bright beautiful eyes glance at me from time to time, and then at the empty cup.

I couldn't help but fill her up again: "People say that when you get drunk, you can solve a thousand sorrows. You are fine. If you are not drunk yet, you can solve the sorrow first."

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