In Moonlight City in winter, the air is fresh and the temperature is pleasant.

The breeze passed through the window and gently brushed his cheeks, leaving only a delicate fragrance, which was the smell of daffodils.

In such a pleasant weather, the neat and bright living room is full of a very oppressive atmosphere.

Kailan, crying, let me help calculate how many gold coins she lost during her morning trip to the palace.

Originally, this account was very easy to calculate, but she refused to do the calculations. If she said anything, she would feel like she wanted to die, so she asked me to help do the calculations. Just tell her the final result. It's also irritating. It will be smaller.

I couldn't help her, so I had to pick up a pen and paper, and calculate with memory.

She was so impatient that she thought my writing voice was loud.

Meowing, I have seen someone who is unreasonable, and I have never seen such an unreasonable one.

For the sake of having just experienced a blow, I spared her.

In less than five minutes, I calculated the approximate accounts. Among them, without adding the possible favors, the total is—

"Twenty-three thousand and one thousand gold coins. This is the minimum net income. If you add wear and tear, maintenance and other consumption expenses into it..."


With a loud roar, resounding through the hall, Kailan panted heavily, her face turned pale, and her bloodless lips trembled.

I have seen this condition, and it is caused by excessive sadness.

Pursing lips, I tentatively said: "Kalan, you..."

"Stop talking, don't forget it." She hugged her knees and shrank into a ball, her face pale and trembling: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid I can't bear it."

With a sigh, I got up, sat next to her, took my trembling body into my arms, gently rubbed, and comforted: "Everyone is oversight for a while. When they are taken advantage of, just remember next time, When talking about playing politics, don't be too emotional."

Kailan responded in despair, trembling for a few seconds, suddenly raised her head, her eyes blank, and looked at me pitifully: "Xiaoyi, the money...Is it impossible to find it again?"

I said ‘um’.

Kailan's complexion was even more bleak.

Taking a deep breath, the nasal cavity was full of delicate and fresh fragrance, which calmed my impetuous mood and calmed down a bit. I continued to comfort me: "Don't take these two hundred thousand gold coins too seriously."

"That's more than two hundred thousand gold coins... more than two hundred thousand...oooooooo."

"Hey, hello" gently patted Kailan Qingli's pretty face, awakened her from the loss of her soul due to excessive sadness, and I asked softly, "Ask you two questions."

"I'm not in the mood." Kailan turned her head, buried her face in my chest, and assumed an attitude of reluctance to cooperate.

Sad but sad, but if she can't untie her knot now, it may affect her for a longer time, so she forcibly pulls her small face back, but in return, a face that smells too stinky.

"What are you doing!!!" The impatient tone directly expressed how bad she was at the moment.

"I'll settle the bill for you and settle it. You will probably be in a good mood."

"Really?" The stinky face finally loosened a bit, her willow eyebrows raised lightly, her face suspicious.

"Really" I vowed.

"Then you ask."

"First, tell me, Kailan, are you short of money?"

"Lack!" She replied without thinking.

"Are you really short of money?" I emphasized.


After holding back for a long time, hold out an interrogative sentence? Please! I'm asking you questions, and not you asking me questions. Besides, if you are short of money, where do I know!

In order to make her think hard and tell the truth, I have to continue to pressurize: "But if you think it over, let me know, you lie to me, hum, cut your pocket money in half."

Kailan's face changed transiently, and he said hurriedly: "No, no shortage, I am not short of money."

"Really not lacking?"

"Really no shortage!" Kailan said more seriously.

"Okay, next, the second question, equipped with an enhanced machine, do you have the confidence to continue to improve it?"


Kailan replied without thinking about it again.

Finally, I laughed: "Since you have the confidence to continue to improve the equipment enhancement machine, what are you worried about? As long as you can improve the equipment enhancement machine of higher quality, someone will definitely buy it. Don't say two hundred and thirty thousand one. Thousands of gold coins are half a million gold coins or one million gold coins. You can make money. You don't understand this truth, do you?"

Kailan curled her lips with an unconvinced expression, but had nothing to refute.

"Okay, let's put the future aside first, and see right now, you can get a small amount of pocket money from me every month, the amount is not lower than the monthly income of the president of a large adventurer guild, as long as you don't overspend, It’s not like you were taking a lot of money before. If you buy fake wine costing 20 copper coins at the price of two hundred gold coins per bottle, it’s enough for you to spend."

Kailan's pretty face immediately turned red, like a ripe tomato.

"I won't mention it if I'm done!" she groaned.

Kailan is not a pretentious woman, and when her mood adjusts slightly, she can't wait to assemble the equipment enhancement machine.

The home is definitely not a good place to assemble, so I took her to the camp of Fort Witch's Moonlight City Goblin Assistance Team. There is a special laboratory built with hardwood and other materials.

The building occupies a large area, the size of dozens of football fields.

Inside, it is divided into several areas for different types of research projects.

There is actually something interesting about this research base.

Originally, after experiencing various incidents, in order to show the friendly relationship between Fort Witch and Moonlight City, this group of goblin assistance team members originally belonged to me were sent by Master Dewey to the Fairy Queen and the Fairy Queen to drive.

As a result, the team members strongly protested. In this regard, the Elf Queen awkwardly asked Master Dewey for help. Unexpectedly, she was rejected by Master Dewey and said that his order has been given. As for whether to obey it, she still has to See if the members of the research team are willing.

The Elf Queen was very depressed and questioned: You are the boss of Fort Witch, don't they even listen to you?

Master Dewey said innocently that Fort Witch is an equal humanitarian country, and everyone has the right to accept and reject.

The elf queen definitely didn't believe this, even if she didn't believe it, no one with some analytical ability would believe it.

Therefore, the fairy queen confessed to the fairy queen that she was powerless.

Then, the fairy queen approached me, and I came forward to win over the goblins to assist the team members and return to Moonlight City.

I frankly said on the spot that the last item could not be done, but I can win over them and help Moonlight City develop its technological construction, but no one can interfere with their patent rights and confidentiality rights.

The helpless fairy queen agreed to my request.

At this point, the goblin assistance team has stationed in Moonlight City as an independent identity.

But are they really independent?

Haha, it must be fake, don't forget, they have been loyal to me long ago.

As for the overcoming, it is just my excuse.

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