The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2274: The conspiracy seen through again

"The next day is very easy. Join the Fearless Guild and become my dear subordinate!"

"Huh huh?" Kailan was surprised to send out several question words in a row.

Scratching my chin, I curiously said: "Is there a question or is it unwilling?"

"Doubt! It's a question!" Kailan emphasized hastily.

"Oh, all right, please speak."

"First, doesn't the Fearless Guild need to review qualifications for recruitment?"

"No need, you are my fiancee."

"What? You said that you don't need it? In that case, isn't it possible for cats and dogs to enter casually!"


"You just said that you don't need to review your qualifications!" she emphasized.

"Yes, if you join, you don't need to review your qualifications."

I thought about it, and added: "Are you my fiancee."

A huge drop of sweat hung on her forehead, and at the same time, a line of ellipsis appeared out of thin air on top of her head.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, secondly, I don't know any other fighting skills except for the accuracy of marksmanship. If I don't have a gun, I'm useless. Can I still enter the Fearless Guild?"

She smiled sinisterly: "Huh? Are you talking? You are talking!"

He squeezed his chin and thought for a while. After a few seconds, his right fist slammed heavily on the palm of his left hand and said, "No problem, you can join in."

"Why, why? Don't you worry that I will drag everyone back?" Kailan roared with a panic on her face.

"No," I said with a smile: "Like you, you are not the only one. As early as the establishment of the Fearless Guild, a shooter who was worse than you was already added. In addition to the accuracy of shooting, the only one His advantage is that he can escape quickly. Now, he has also been promoted to several ranks and become...Oh, sorry, he made a mistake. Today, he is still the existence of soy sauce in the team, and his status is equal to Xiaozhi. "

Seeing Kailan's eyes in a trance, I explained: "Xiao Zhi, what you should know is the mascot of the guild, the beetle monster."

Kailan, who was in a trance, suddenly recovered, coughed lightly, and asked, "Is there a beetle in the guild?"

"Yes, don't think it's just a beetle monster, but it's an indispensable and important member in the guild with several roles..."

Seeing that she was still puzzled, she explained in more detail: "It's the creature in the yard that looks like a fortress."

Kailan suddenly woke up and took a deep breath: "It turned out to be the Beetle!"

"But..." She frowned slightly and her eyes twitched, "Isn't the Beatle monster that big?"

With that, she opened her arms and made gestures of shape and size.

"How can the ordinary beetle monsters enter the eyes of our masters? Xiaozhi has a special talent and IQ crushes a lot of beetle monsters. It is also extremely strong in terms of strength. The first encounter, and even wrestling with the phoenix, um, although the phoenix at that time It's only level three."

"Cocoa, but the difference is too big! It's almost four times as big as a normal Beetle!"

"It's normal. She sheds her shell. Every time she sheds her shell, her body size is twice as large as before. This is the most basic knowledge in biology.

"Nothing is normal!" Kailan raised his forehead and said weakly: "Anyway, I didn't see a few normal guys by your side. I heard that there is a girl whose strength is comparable to disasters. Is it just you? The Phoenix mentioned?"

"Bingo! You guessed it, it's her, you are not quite sure about your rumors."

"Surely not, there are no human girls who can compare with giants in terms of strength!"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!" I shook my index finger: "You are thinking the other way around. How can the power of the Phoenix be comparable to that of a weak fellow like a giant? According to Tyrannosaurus King Bakar’s guess, the phoenix burst out with all its strength, and its strength is comparable to that of a giant. Long, this is still at this stage, she has not yet reached level ten, the highest level she can perform."

Kailan shuddered, and said in a trembled voice: "What if you reach level ten?"

"Who knows."

Kailan sat back down, crying, and whispering to return to Dasai City.

"Go back to Dasai City? Have you forgotten that you were wanted?"

"That's better than death." Kailan's face turned gray, and said, "If one day provokes Phoenix and slap me coldly, I don't even know how to die!"

"Oh, no, no, you have seen that so many people live together, and some of them have bad temperaments, but have you heard the rumors that someone was slapped to death by the Phoenix?"

Kailan shook her head, but her face was still frustrated: "Maybe you have suppressed it, or it might be threatened by the Phoenix, I dare not say..."

"Why don't I understand it with you" I also held my forehead and groaned.

After a long silence, I sighed softly, "Forget it, if you want to go back, just pack up and salute, and bring the mechanical bird with you so you can have a companion."

When I said this, Kailan suddenly became excited: "What! You drove me away! You drove me away! I am your fiancée, and Dasai City wants me!"

"What are you going to do? I'm afraid of angering Phoenix and being beaten to death for a while, but I don't want to leave here for a while. Frankly, what are you going to do?"

Kailan looked aggrieved, twisted her fingers, and said, "If you asked so long ago, there would be nothing wrong with it. Actually, in fact...if you don’t want me to leave, just give me the right amount. With some compensation and a little bit of temptation, I will stay here without my life."

"Huh? What do you mean? Talking human."

"It's gold coins!" Kailan closed her eyes and shouted, "As long as you give me gold coins, many gold coins, you can give me the courage to stay desperately!"


After a long sigh, I sat down again, rubbing my temples, and said helplessly: "Let’s just say, hypocrisy doesn’t fit your character at all. There must be something wrong with it. That’s the way it turns out, you changed your way and wanted to pan for gold from me Currency!"

Kailan's awkward expression carried expectation.

"Hehehe, if you want gold coins, don't even think about it."

"Huh! Stingy!" Kailan's face collapsed immediately, raising her head, her nostrils facing me.

"Anyway, it's impossible to give you the opportunity to spend money, but what—"

"But?" She was full of energy again.

"I can pay part of the remuneration you said in advance, but accordingly, your allowance will increase less."

After a few seconds of distress, Kailan said with difficulty: "As long as it becomes less, it becomes less. As long as you can roll around the pile of gold coins, I will admit it if you have less!"

"Thinking beautifully" I finally relaxed, leaning on the back of the chair, taking a deep breath, and stretching my waist heavily.

Since then, Kailan officially moved here and became a member of the Fearless Guild.

As for the gold coins... I specially found a room for her, as a warehouse, and piled in half of the room with gold coins, letting her roll and churn in the sea of ​​gold coins.

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