The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2299: A group of freshly clothed teenagers

The village is gone.

This is a very sad topic.

Because it was too sad, Kailan decided to change the subject.

"Let's continue to talk about business" Kailan sighed, sadly said.

"Talking about business hurts feelings" I refused: "I still talk about the future."

"Okay" Kailan readily agreed, "In the future, I want to have two children, one boy and one girl, the male inherited mechanic, and the female inherited roaming gunner."

"It's too far." I waved my hand, interrupting her imagination: "Say closer."

"How close?" Kailan asked.

"Dinner, what are you going to eat?"


"How about barbecue?"

"I don't have the mood to eat anything today."

"What about hot pot?"

"Uh, gurgling bubbling may affect mood."

"Where's cooking?"

"Hey, a lot of oil, didn't you say, I don't have the mood to eat oil today!"

"Then what are you going to eat?"

Kailan snorted softly and smiled like a flower: "Whatever."

I instantly fell into autism.

Carrying sacks and walking on the street will always attract the contempt of pedestrians.

This is the capital of York City, or the imperial city.

The residents of the imperial city are born with a proud sense of superiority. Even if they walk on the road, they are more vigorous than the residents of other cities and towns. There is a deep reason for this.

After all, at the feet of the emperor, if you travel and do errands, speak a little bit, and don't get a bit of emperor's nobleness, then you really lose your share.

I also want to go to the countryside to follow the customs, to learn from them raising their heads, learning from their big strides, and learning from their pride when they took out two copper coins and refused to bend over to pick them up. Unfortunately, I can't learn.

It's not that the waist is not straight, the chest is not bulging, but the sacks are too heavy, there are too many things, it is not easy to carry the waist straight, and the chest is too awkward. Not only will the walking posture become awkward, it will also delay the legs.

So I had to bite the bullet, ignoring the harsh gazes from the people around me.

Bai Jingyu, who was following, kept her distance from me as much as possible, raised her head and looked around, pretending not to recognize me.

This is no wonder, after all, this is the place where he has lived for a long time. Passers-by on both sides care about what he is familiar or not familiar with. They can always look up and see when they look down. In case of bad words, if there is nothing to do, just say a few words to the spine. Don't let him live.

It can be seen that Bai Jingyu is a face-saving person, such a person, as long as the sword is not put on his neck, his reputation is more important than his fate.

If it's because of me, I will be jokes every day by people, maybe one day, the nameless fire will start, and I will feel guilty for doing stupid things.

Fortunately, Kailanhun didn't care about the gaze of the people around her. She only held a sack in her arms, and she only carried a half-sack design. Unlike me, she carried two on her left shoulder and two on her right shoulder.

Where there are beauties, there are wolves. Most wolves in the imperial city have high-sightedness. The beauties who look for are not only beautiful and beautiful, but they also need to be famous. They need to be well-dressed and full of temperament.

However, most of the men like freshness. They have looked for too many beautiful women with high temperament, and they always have to change their tastes so as not to be boring.

Since then, there is a lustful man in fresh clothes, aiming at Kailan, who is youthful, lively, eccentric, and full of charm and wildness.

As soon as this color word is on the head, you can't hold your mouth and legs.

No, three or five groups of young men in fresh clothes gathered around happily, and first teased Kailan with words: "Oh, this girl, have we met somewhere?"

"Hey--hehe! Don't go so fast, talk to your brother." One of them stretched out the salty pig's hand to stop Kailan and take the opportunity to hug the slim waist.

The result-that person was kicked by Kailan in an instant and kicked out.

Upon seeing this, the few teenagers nearby laughed instead of anger. They laughed backwards and gloated. One of them pointed to the boy who had been kicked to the ground and was rolling around and said, "Brother Guo, your guy needs more business. Doesn't matter? If it doesn't work, don't stand firm and squeak, brothers will help you take care of those beautiful wives and concubines."

The guy named Guo is also very unlucky. Don’t look at the fat and strong body, but he is born with short legs. As a result, Kailan’s instant kick, which happened to kick at his vital point, happened to me. I guess he wouldn’t even be able to beat him. Personnel.

However, Kailan, after the kick, looked improperly, and continued to walk forward holding the sacks.

But she was stopped by those young men in fresh clothes again, her brow furrowed, her slender legs were slightly wrong to the left and right, and it was a forward movement of instant kick.

Just before the action was taken, the teenagers took a step back in fright. Qi Qi turned into a horoscope. Seeing that Kailan hadn’t moved, he began to be presumptuous again. All the slapstick talks slipped better than anyone else. A fan, what kind of beauty I fell in love with you at first sight, what kind of beauty I am looking for you, I don't know if I can take a step to talk, in short, I want to trick Kailan into a corner of the alley, and then be a beast.

Kailan was so annoyed that she stared at me fiercely: "Xiaoyi, look, your fiancee has been bullied, why don't you say anything!"

Facing her angry gaze, I smiled and said, "You still use me to talk? You can't get a single eunuch."

Seeing this, the Xianyi teenagers finally figured out the relationship between Kailan and me. They were all arrogant and domineering, with stern eyes and stern faces threatening me. That means stay away and don't hinder them from picking up girls.

I thought, this girl is mine, why should I let it go?

So he ignored them and kept moving on.

This irritated the fresh-clothed teenagers. They all said that the young people were very angry. This is true. Seeing that I ignored them, all of them became angry, or they rolled up their sleeves to brighten their muscles, and showed them to the beautiful women while deterring me. , Threatened to interrupt my dog ​​legs.

I stopped, turned my head, and passed a scornful smile.

Suddenly, this group of young people screamed and rushed over like a stabbed wasp. Someone lifted a foot and kicked directly on the sack, but was hit by the dense paper shield inside and hurt their feet. They hugged their feet, oops. Whoops screamed, and someone punched me along the gap between the sack, ah, a little bit force, like being pounded on the shoulder with a mallet, if you press harder, it will definitely have a massage effect.

However, fists and fists, if you use a knife, it is a bit unreasonable.

One of the teenagers, probably with a standing weapon, suddenly took out a knife and stabbed me.

This is a bit troublesome. The four sacks of design drawings must not be used as weapons, otherwise Kailan will definitely be furious, but I don't want to be injured. What should I do?

As I was thinking about it, the knife came close, pierced into my skin, half an inch deep, and then I couldn't pierce it anymore.

Frowning, looking at the tip of the knife, I suddenly had the answer: It's OK, I've been hit by the knife anyway, so I don't want to sack, just use my fist.

Ever since, in front of a group of dumbfounded young men in fresh clothes, I slowly put down the sacks and shook my neck, preparing to give the assailant an old punch.

At this moment, a sharp shout sounded: "Stop! What are you doing!"

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