"Overlord of the ocean?"

I tilted my head in doubt.

"It's the giant sea monster" Evil Dragon Spitz whispered: "The one I highlighted just now."

"Oh, that's the giant salamander!"

"Newt?" Evil Dragon Spitz looked at me strangely: "Have you ever seen a newt live in the sea? And it's the deep sea?"

"I haven't seen it before" I said truthfully, "But I can't say that there must be no, after all, the ecological environment of Hefeng Continent is a bit...abnormal."

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that..." Evil Dragon Spitz said: "Take our giant dragon as an example, no matter which planet it is on, it is not always the topmost existence in the food chain. In the Hefeng Continent, they can only be trembling, walking on thin ice. Hey, when you say this, you get angry."

As soon as he finished speaking, Spitz realized that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. As soon as he looked up, he saw a kind of apostle looking at him with strange eyes. He couldn't help but startled: "Why, did I say something wrong? opinion?"

Hearing the words, everyone turned their heads around, or stared at a strange fish fiercely, or looked up... the glowing seaweed, anyway, no one Ken and Spitz looked at each other.

This hurt Spitz very much.

Longfoot Rotes' warning is still very effective. After Black Plague DiRigi heard this, he also planned to cancel this battle plan. Unexpectedly, Rotes changed his words: "The plague battle plan is not completely infeasible. "

"Huh?" Di Ruiji frowned and looked at Lotters.

"If the plague is allowed to spread wantonly in the sea, of course it won't work, but if it can be controlled within a certain range, it will naturally not attract the attention of the marine overlord."

Rotes grinned and said, "For example, only release in certain important places."

Hearing this, my eyes lit up: "The palace of the Seagod?"


Rotes added: "There are also important command and armament sites."

Di Ruiji heard the words and nodded: "I will try."

After all, she turned to Shilock and said: "If you can't control it, you still need your help."

Then, she turned to me again and said: "And you."

I was taken aback, pointing to my nose, not dare to say: "I'm an ordinary human..."

"You are a fairy" Di Ruiji said calmly, "and only fairies and elves can be completely immune to my plague."

"I really don't agree with you." I shivered. "Just a few years ago, I was almost killed by the carrion puppet virus. I dare say that the virus of that thing is definitely not as strong as your plague."

"Carrion puppet..." Di Ruiji thought for a while without any impression, so he shook his head and said: "I don't know about other viruses, but it is enough to be immune to my viruses."

Seeing that I couldn't hide, I had to wrinkle my nose and say bitterly: "So, what should I do?"

"Suck, take a big breath, breathe hard" Di Ruiji said lightly: "Just breathe all the plagues I have spread into your body."


I don't know how this battle will turn out, but I can guarantee that my stomach will swell into a ball, filled with air.

No, it's the plague.

Seeing my desperate expression, Shilock couldn't help laughing wildly, cut, gloating.

I despised her severely.

After another hour, Rotus’s fish group basically returned, but they lost one tenth. According to the fish group’s words, one tenth of his companions were caught and killed by the Seagod clan and were taken away. Go to make fish soup.

What a sad thing.

I wiped my saliva sympathetically.

According to the information returned by the fish school, we continued to dive. Finally, we dived to 100,000 meters below the sea level and saw the legendary Poseidon land.

This is a submarine land very similar to the Naga tribe. The outer layer is surrounded by circular transparent bubbles. Through the bubbles, you can see a huge number of humans. Oh, no, these are not humans, but sea gods, but Quite similar to humans.

Under the command of Rotes, Shilock, DiRigi, Spitz, Luke and I sneaked towards the other side of the landing site.

There, it was the back of the Poseidon Clan, with only heavy mounds and hard rocks.

Judging from the texture of the mounds and stones, they are not artificially constructed, but are integrated, that is to say, this land is divided from a whole land.

What a great craft!

While I was frightened, I not only sighed: "I was able to cut off a whole piece of land. Is this done by the awakened?"

I murmured to myself, but Luke on the side stroked the smooth stone surface and spoke without evasiveness: "This land was intercepted as a whole. It seems that in the Seagod's land, there is also a strength equivalent to ours. Existence."

"This is not surprising" Spitz sneered: "How can you dare to claim to be a **** if you don't even have the strength of the apostle?"

"It makes sense." Luke crushed a stone into powder, and said coldly: "That woman, doesn't she often claim to be a god, huh, the creator of magic, the **** of magic...hehehe. "

"Don't mention that woman anymore," Di Ruiji said lightly: "She is just a powerful man who seeks a reputation."

"...However, the creator of magic, or the **** of magic, this kind of title sounds very powerful."

I interrupted.

"How could magic be created by her?" Di Ruiji disdainfully said: "Where is the face of such a great will?"

"Hmph, I suspect that the great will may not be the creator of the world" Luke suddenly interjected in a muffled voice: "Otherwise, how can you die with a group of Beyana?"

"Stop!" Di Ruiji said displeased: "Don't forget your identity, you are also a member of Beyana!"

"It's not anymore" Luke muffled: "From the moment my soul was separated, from the moment my heart was taken out, from the moment my life ended, Beiana and I were Two exist."

"But you still have her soul and her power, and you can come back from the dead by relying on her to die forever." Di Ruiji said, "Don't deny all this casually. These are destiny!"

"The fate of the bastard!" Luke didn't say a word, and Shilock suddenly burst into a sharp laugh, but for a moment, her mouth was tightly covered by DiRigi.

"Don't make such a loud noise" Di Ruiji said: "The other party may also have a strong guy like us. The laughter is too loud and it will attract its attention."

Shilock's slender body twisted a few times, and finally stopped, DiRigi let go, Shilock breathed like crazy.

"What's the matter, is it not breathing well?" I asked with concern: "Would you like to eat a seaweed?"

"No" Di Ruiji said calmly: "She is just too excited, and she doesn't need to breathe."

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