The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2821: Slums of Poseidon Land

Walking on the streets and corners, it is full of familiar and unfamiliar feelings, a little confused.

Rows of Japanese-style buildings, towering icy white-painted brick walls, bluestone pavements, and human-shaped streets lined with cobblestones on both sides...

These architectural styles are extremely similar to Eri City, and I even suspect that the prototype of the Poseidon Land was designed according to Eri City.

Is everything just coincidence? Or, what else is there that I don’t know?

Strolling in the street, passing by the hurried pedestrians, the latter's cold gaze projected over, glanced at me, and I couldn't help being taken aback.

what's the situation?

Why do you look at me with that look?

Just pass by inadvertently, why show disgusting eyes?

Is it possible that this is the way the Seagod clan greets?

While wondering, the man suddenly stopped. I looked at him anxiously, thinking that this seemingly cold and arrogant guy would turn back and teach me a lesson, but unexpectedly, the next second, his cold and frosty face turned out to be A flattering smile appeared, and the cold eyes looked like melted honey in an instant, ambiguous and sticky.

Following the line of sight, I saw a couple, a tall and handsome man, and a tall and beautiful woman, walking slowly side by side. On both sides of them, four guards followed.

"Ah~ My lord!" The man who had been eyebrows standing at me earlier, bowed his back, rubbed his hands, looked like a slave: "Your presence makes me feel honored!"

The handsome man arrogantly rolled his eyelids and let out a cold snort of disdain in his nose as a response.

"Quick, please come into the house!" The man greeted not far away, and soon a group of smiling servants walked out of one of the high-door courtyards, welcoming the handsome man with a very low posture. Into the house.

I stood aside silently and watched the scene quietly.

Is the family concept of the Sea God Clan so strong?

I said silently in my heart.

The gate of the mansion was closed, the brief hustle and bustle stopped temporarily, and everything returned to silence. Only inside the mansion, there were occasional sounds. The content of the sound was very complicated. There were laughter, noise, and some indescribable. What kind of sound, in short, is very complicated.

Listening to the vague voice, I suddenly remembered a historical document related to Ai Rui City that I had read a few months ago.

The literature describes the living conditions in Eri City during the era of the fairy rule. It was an era when the local clique was in power, and the strict hierarchy maintained the local order.

When people in the lower class meet the upper class, they must bow, salute, and have a smile. The smile must be bright and sincere. Even if the family member is dead, they must still laugh!

This system of rebelling against human rights lasted from the era of the goblin rule to the end of the melee period until it was completely destroyed by Carter Adams's bizarre work. Human rights finally returned to everyone in the city of Ai.

Although subsequent monarchs gradually withdrew the human rights that had been radiated out one by one, it was impossible to reproduce the strict hierarchical system that was almost unforgiving in the past.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that at the end of the era of the fairy reign, at the swearing ceremony of the hateful uprising of various races, it seems that it was mentioned that the fairy tribe used unequal treatment to oppress, bully, and target the middle and lower classes of all races. This incident, these have been recorded in some historical documents that have not been destroyed, and have survived to this day.

Now it seems that the fairies really carried a huge pot back then!

Obviously insulting, oppressing, and targeting the middle and lower classes were secretly done by the upper classes of all races. Even the fairy royal family has promulgated and banned most of the class system more than once, and shouted slogans that the relationship between the upper class and the lower class can become harmonious. , But for their own benefit, this group of nobles not only violated the orders issued by the fairy royal family, but also threw all inhumane behaviors and actions on the fairy royal family when the people were angry.

I feel shameless to think about it, but it is really effective.

It is said that there were at least hundreds of millions of middle- and lower-class people who were agitated by slogans in those days. This group of people flocked to the palace desperately from all over, burned, killed, smashed, trampled, and vented their dissatisfaction with the fairy royal family in a nearly crazy way. But the nobles of all races who really caused their misfortune are holding tea cups, tasting the good tea from the Ming Dynasty, and smiling presumptuously appreciating the tragedy they directed and acted by themselves.

In the end, the fairy royal family was annihilated and the tribe members were displaced, and the originally unified Hefeng Continent also fell apart and officially entered the melee period.

Did people’s lives get better during the melee?

No, no, the lives of the middle- and lower-class people are still bad, even worse than before. At least there will be no large-scale battles during the era of the goblin rule, and the real life of the people in the melee period can be said to be like weeds.

Perhaps it wasn’t until that time that the people of the middle and lower classes gradually realized that it seemed that during the era of the fairy rule, they were not as unbearable as they thought. All local departments complained and suppressed the domineering nobles, and obtained a little due benefit from the suppression.

I think at that moment, they should regret it.

Walking on the gradually muddy road, the presumptuous laughter in the ear gradually faded, lessened, and finally disappeared completely, replaced by the sound of depressed footsteps and silent sobbing.

I thought that there were no slums in the awesome Poseidon clan, it seemed I was wrong.

The slums of the Poseidon tribe are worse than those in Eri City, and many residents don't even have a place to live.

This alone gave me a lot of points for the Carter family.

The Carter family will send people to the slums to repair old houses or rebuild new houses at least every two to three years. Although the slum dwellers of Ai Ruicheng are living very hard, they can at least have a place to live. The slums of the Protoss are full of people who are not clothed, and street-sleepers line up like streets.

It's really a "Sheng Jing"!

I was sighing with a sneer, and there was another cry in my ear, turning his head and looking around, it was a family of dead children.

From the outside, the child is sick and starved to death. The thin body can clearly see the rows of ribs. The thighs that should have been very thick are thinner than my wrists, and the pale little face has a longing for life. , And then he just died.

His parents didn’t feel too much grief. They swept the child swiftly and put them aside for a while, and then went busy preparing dinner in the open air. From their numb expressions, I can see that this kind of thing , It’s not as simple as it happens once or twice.

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