When it is the same person who initiated the war and ended the war, one cannot help but think about the hidden secrets hidden in it.

The adventurer who was suspected of being a ninja finally stopped talking, because after learning some truth, there were some things that he didn't need to say anymore.

He once again burst into a sturdy fighting posture, covering me completely, just like the shadow of a huge eagle covering a rabbit.

The eagle is fierce, but my rabbit is not docile.

As the figure approached, my knees were slightly bent, I stood with my sword, and at the most appropriate moment, I made a slash.

The figure rushed forward, like a bull, fast as lightning, and in a short moment, he rushed to a few meters away, until the figure stagnated, and the afterimage that stayed at the position where he was standing just gradually disappeared.

However, as soon as the knife was cut, I secretly said that it was not good, because while passing through the opponent, I did not have any feeling of slashing the substance, that is, he passed the knife perfectly.

The next thing is the most terrible.

Due to the special effects of skills, my body will lose its mobility within a few seconds.

For ordinary adventurers, a few seconds may be very short, but for a strong national power level, one second may determine the outcome.

And in my world of knowledge of adventurers who are good at assassinations like ninjas, I know that they will never, like Shilock, disdain for sneak attacks.

On the contrary, the more a master, the more he understands the meaning of sneak attacks, and the better at sneak attacks.

For this kind of people, chivalry is equivalent to a joke, and the facts are also true. All the adventurers with chivalry facing them, without exception, are in a hurry.

In fact, I am also not optimistic about chivalry, not to say that I do not look down upon it. In fact, this kind of spiritual behavior that is closer to ritual is only suitable for existence in novels and can be regarded as a moral slogan.

As for the real world, forget it. Really, I’m not kidding. Chivalry is equivalent to a fart in the real world, not because it is not noble, nor because it has many inferior roots, on the contrary, it is precisely because it is too noble and excellent. Not many people can do it, and even if they can, they may not do it.

Because of what?

It's uncomfortable!

There are too many rules and regulations, and people are tired and uncomfortable in life. Most people like to live a comfortable life, which is contrary to the spirit of chivalry.

This is true for the blue planet, and even worse for the Hefeng Continent, which often fought for life.

If you are allowed to choose whether to die with dignity, or to live comfortably but despicably, I believe that most people will choose the latter. Otherwise, how could there be a human species in this world?

And the suspected ninja adventurer with me is undoubtedly the master of the comfortable but despicable living group.

At the moment when my body was temporarily unable to move, he threw a dozen kunai in succession, accurately hitting most of my fatal positions.

Suddenly, severe pain spread to every corner of my body, my knees softened and I fell to the ground feebly.

After a few seconds, my body finally recovered, but I didn't plan to get up. I just wanted to lie on the ground and be a quiet salted fish.

About half a minute, a hot fireball exploded on my back. It was a fireball made of magic power. The temperature was quite high and it could not be extinguished with water.

Scorching heat and pain kept coming from behind me, and at the same time, I smelled a faint smell of meat...

I don't know if eating your own barbecue will promote the self-healing ability. Hey, speaking of it, I am also curious whether eating a gecko with its own tail will promote the regeneration speed of the tail.

As I was thinking about it, I only felt a cold wind coming. The cold wind came so fast, eagerly and swiftly that it even extinguished the flames on my back.

"Come!" I was overjoyed, changing from my dying weakness lying on the ground, the dragon spirit rose fiercely, and at the moment when the cold wind was about to come into contact with me, I turned around, pulled a knife, and slashed!


There was a muffled sound.

Flesh and flesh fly.

The suspected ninja adventurer's eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't even take care of the wound. He pulled back and quickly retreated ten meters away.

At the same time, I jumped up with a carp, and hurriedly pulled out the kunai stuck in the back and neck of the neck one by one and discarded them.

"Hiss-it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" After pulling out the last kunai, I whispered in a hoarse voice, then lay on the ground, rolled up and extinguished the flames behind it.

Yes, the flames created by magical power values ​​won't be extinguished by water, but can be extinguished by rolling. I don't understand the reason for this, but as long as you know the result, it's fine.

"How is this possible!" The adventurer who was suspected of being a ninja suppressed his panic as much as possible, but his voice still snarled.

"How is it possible?" Shaking off a layer of burnt old skin, and putting my fingers under my nose to smell it, I frowned, stared at him, and asked.

"You should have died a long time ago. Even if you haven't died, you should be seriously injured. It is absolutely impossible to be like now." The suspected ninja looked at me uncertainly, and said solemnly: "I have absolute confidence in my kunai throwing technique. One place is the deadliest!"

"Yeah, you are right. Your kunai throwing technique is really quite accurate. Even the most hidden position on the back of the neck was hit by four of your kunai. It's just this unique skill. It's comparable to the red-eyed family that is the most proficient in Kunai throwing."

Suspected ninja adventurer:? ? ?

"Well, you don't know that it doesn't really matter, and the red-eyed family is not a happy family. The whole family has been killed by a poor baby who is burdened with fate. There is only one bear kid brother. Let’s talk about it, let’s talk about it now, buddy, you reacted fast enough just now, so a fierce stab, but it only caused skin trauma, okay, you!"

"Cough cough" The adventurer who was suspected to be a ninja subconsciously coughed twice, and then the wound burst into blood.

Okay, it doesn't seem to be a skin injury, this guy seems to have a serious injury.

My upper body clothes had been burned by the flames, and the feeling of coldness on my back easily distracted me, so I stretched out my hand, sneered, and tore off the worn-out clothes, I stood quietly. He laughed and looked at the adventurer who seemed to be a ninja.

The staggered scars did not attract too much attention from adventurers who are suspected of ninjas, because for people like us, injuries are common. Scars indicate that the wound has not been treated properly, and no scars can not prove that there is no injury. It can only be said that a professional pastor will treat the wound in time.

So not to mention the criss-crossing scars, even the penetrating injuries, will not necessarily attract the slightest attention of the other party.

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