"You mean...arrogant?"

"That's it." Di Ruiji nodded and said: "Arrogance is not only a unique character of human beings, but also a character that all things have, and even great will can't escape the control of this character."

"A great will is also arrogant?"

Hearing this, I was surprised, you know, Di Ruiji's great will, but the guy called the **** of creation in Hefeng Continent, that is a god!

Does God also have arrogant emotions?

Humph, this is the first time I have heard of it.

"If there is no arrogance in the great will, the Demon Realm will not coexist like it is now."

I heard a question mark.

While Silok was still confronting Shalan... to be precise, it was Sharan who was constantly attacking Shilock, and Shilock was taking time to resolve the oncoming magical attacks, DiRigi Told me another secret of the Devildom.

Although Di Ruiji's situation in the Demon World was not to be seen, but also because of this, her actions were not supervised and restricted by other apostles.

In other words, as long as Di Ruiji does not release the plague indiscriminately, everyone in the demon world will not bother to pay attention to her, and even wish to treat her as air.

Because of this relationship, Di Ruiji also has a lot of her own space. She can walk around the Demon Realm at will without worrying about being tortured and interrogated by anyone.

After walking around like this for a long time, Di Ruiji's familiarity with the demon world has surpassed all other demon residents. Not only that, her familiarity with some forbidden secret rooms is also comparable to the builders and designers of the forbidden secret rooms.

At first, Di Ruiji didn't have any interest in these places. After all, she herself was almost immortal, and she didn't have any ambition or gossip. Even if she knew the secrets of the secret room and the forbidden land, it was of no use to her.

But the devil world is so big. Di Ruiji wandered during the day and night. After thousands of years, she was a little tired of the scenery in front of her, so she began to consider whether to enter the secret room and the forbidden place.

At first she was hesitant, but as she inadvertently stepped into the first secret room, Di Ruiji gradually became interested in exploring the contents of the secret room and the forbidden area.

In the following thousands of years, she invaded the secret rooms and forbidden areas of every apostle in various ways and browsed the contents.

She is not interested in gold, silver, jewellery, weapons and equipment. She is also not interested in devices that can increase energy or potions that can strengthen her limbs. The only thing that interests her is books.

It took Di Ruiji tens of thousands of years to write down the contents of all the books hidden in secret rooms and forbidden places. Because of this, Di Ruiji can be said to be the one who is most familiar with the devil world among all the apostles.

That's why Di Ruiji explained to me such a secret about the demon world.

The protagonist of this secret secret is the great will, that is, the **** of creation collectively called the Hefeng Continent.

In the hundreds of millions of years after the creation of the universe by the great will, the Demon Realm, as one of the top planets in the universe, has gradually changed its attitude towards the outside world from curiosity and humility to arrogance and arrogance.

At first, they were in awe of the great will that created them, carved statues, built temples, and worshipped the statues of the great will almost every day. Even if one day, they would feel uneasy in their conscience.

But when their awe is gradually lost, the worship of the great will has gradually changed from being true and sincere at the beginning to perfunctory, and in the end, no one even cares about it.

Since no one cares about it, the statues and temples are no longer useful. Soon, the highest consul of the devil world issued an order to demolish all these obscure buildings.

In fact, it’s okay to dismantle the statues and temples. The great will doesn’t care anyway, but the aborigines of the Demon World still feel a strong sense of shame after demolishing the statues and temples. The source of this shame is mainly They are ashamed of the act of worshipping the great will.

In order to completely eliminate this humiliation, the aboriginal people of the Demon Realm worked harder to develop science and technology, and constantly educate their people to continue to develop and become stronger until they can replace the great will in the world.

With the deepening of extreme education, the ambitions of the aborigines of the Devil Realm have become bigger and stronger, and after the technology has developed to a certain level, they have begun to try to create creatures that can resist or even destroy their great will.

With the joint efforts of huge ambitions and avant-garde technology, the aborigines of the Demon World created a creature called Beyana Fighting God.

The appearance of Beyana Fighting God was designed with reference to the strongest female warrior among the aboriginals of the Demon Realm. In order to ensure that her combat effectiveness meets the standard, the aboriginal people of the Demon Realm input all knowledge related to battle into her consciousness.

In the subsequent testing phase, Beyana Battle God demonstrated unparalleled fighting talent, and was even able to easily defeat her prototype, the strongest female warrior in the devil world.

This result has aroused the determination of the aboriginal people of the Demon World to replace the great will.

Since then, the aborigines of the Demon Realm have continuously sent Beyana Fighting God to invade other planets, and have continuously transported the resources of the occupied planets back to the Demon Realm.

The purpose of their move is twofold, one is to enrich the fighting experience of Beyana, and the other is to use the plundered resources to create a new Beyana.

You know, the reason Beyana is so strong is not only because of her strong fighting talent, but also because the raw material for her creation is extremely precious fine gold. Looking at the entire universe, almost every planet has fine gold reserves. The amount is very small, it is not enough to create a complete body of Beyana fighting god, even with skin and muscles, it is impossible to complete.

If at that time, if the aboriginal people of the Demon Realm knew that the Hefeng Continent had such a wealth of gold reserves, they would definitely send heavy troops here just to take this extremely rich planet as their own.

Of course, if there were two races of fairies and elves at that time, I believe their plan would definitely not be realized, and the Demon World would not end up in the tragic situation it is today.

After plundering again and again, the aboriginals of the Demon Realm finally got together the fine gold to make Beyana Fighting God.

In fact, when the Demon World created Beyana Fighting God, the great will was not idle. He was constantly observing the planet he had created earlier, and it was also the most restless planet.

When the Demon Realm exhausted tens of thousands of planets of fine gold to create eleven Beyana fighting gods, the great will was finally tired, and he decided to educate this restless ‘little guy’.

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