Although it is a joke, it is not far from the truth.

So far, Phoenix hasn't really been angry yet, but Xiao Anger still has it.

It was the last time hegemony competition, seeing that I was wounded, Phoenix was a little angry. First, he punched the shield made of high-grade stainless steel into the depression, and then another charged Qigong bomb directly smashed the magic barrier. .

You know, during the game, the quality of the magic barrier set up on the arena is leveraged. Even the breath of the evil dragon Spitz can stop it, but it can't stop the Phoenix. A charged Qigong bomb, the point is that the phoenix at that time was not tenth level, and even the most basic power of fading was not mastered-besides, it was just a state of small anger!

One can imagine what a terrifying existence the Phoenix under extreme anger will be.

It was really Bakkar trembling, Antuen shivered, and even Luke had to pretend to be sick when he saw him.

A woman in a blue robe led the way, and it was a smooth journey this time without even seeing a monster.

During the break, I asked the blue-robed woman what those monsters in the forest were like humans.

The blue-robed woman said that she didn't know, only that they were the aboriginal people of this forest and the most loyal servants of the forest lord.

Upon hearing this, I curiously said: "Aren't you the Lord of the Forest?"

"Yes, I am the lord of the forest, but I am the lord of the forest this time."

"Could it be that the last one failed?"

"Yes," the blue-robed woman said: "The red witch was the last forest lord, and I am the current forest lord."

"Are there any more?"

"Yes, there will be one more time. She was called the Green Witch, but she was killed by the Red Witch."

"What about the Green Witch?" I asked, "Are there no other witches?"

The blue-robed woman rolled her eyes: "Where do I know!"


The awkward chat ended, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment. After a while, I tried to restart the topic: "I haven't asked, what is your name?"

"Me?" The blue-robed woman thought for a while and said: "Forget it, I can't remember it anymore."

"Then how should I call you?"

"Call me the Blue Witch" she said readily.

"Uh, don't you plan to give yourself a nice name?"

"A nice name" The Blue Witch pouted for a while, shook her head, and said, "No, it's too much trouble, just call me the Blue Witch."


Since you choose to be simple and easy, I have nothing to say.

After a short break, we set off again.

On the way, I asked the blue witch: "How far is it to get out of the forest?"

The blue witch said: "At the current speed, you can go out after a few hundred days."

Hundreds of days!

Are you trying to leave me for the New Year?

"No, it's too slow" I stopped, and I said seriously: "Is there a faster way, preferably a way out of this forest within a few days?"

"Yes," said the blue witch, bending her index finger to her lips, and blowing a whistle.

A few minutes later, a few fierce wolves rushed out, came straight to the blue witch, leaned down, roared and whispered.

"They are the fastest wolves in this forest" said the blue witch: "We can ride them on the road."

Staring at a wolf that is two meters long and more than one meter tall, I wondered: "How fast is the fastest?"

"Um... soon, in about six days, you can run back and forth in the forest."

"So conservatively, you can get out of the forest in three days?"

"That's it," the blue witch nodded in response.

"That's pretty good."

Because of the habit developed in the Fairy Forest, I like to be intimacy with small animals. Uh, although this wolf is slightly larger, it is still among the ranks of small animals compared to the king of the forest, so I habitually stretch out my hand and touch it. His wolf head.

In the end, he bit his hand.

I have to say that the wolf's mouth is quite good, at least it hasn't been stubbed off by the handguard, nor has its teeth broken, but the pain is inevitable, after all, it is vigilant and hostile.

With a cry of mourning, the wolf let go, and immediately counseled.

It seems that the force of this bite is strong enough. If it weren't for the guard, my hand wouldn't be bitten?

When a certain wolf in the wolf pack suddenly stunned because of external forces, the entire wolf pack will cause an uproar, and the most exciting thing is the wolf king.

After all, the wolf king is the handle of the wolf pack. You bully its little brother, but he dare not get ahead, then this wolf king's throne is probably not guaranteed.

Ever since, a certain wolf, the biggest and strongest, and the most hideous-looking wolf, walked out with grace and confidence.

The wolf eyes are extremely fierce, always exuding a sturdy killing intent, and the wolf teeth are extremely long. If it weren't for its thick lips, I am afraid that these teeth can be turned out.

In all fairness, the hideous appearance is indeed scary, but maybe it is because I have been with the king of the forest for a long time, and I am completely disinterested in such petty little things, so I have less awe.

Since this guy dared to grin at me, don't blame me for being merciless!

So I took a step forward and slapped my slap.

The monsters in the Red Witch's Forest are still quite powerful, at least they are solid. Take this wolf as an example. If you suffer from ordinary birds and beasts, even if you don’t die, you will have to be unconscious for a few days. night.

But this giant wolf, it turned out to be nothing, uh, it can’t say nothing, at least it looks dizzy for a long time, even the pace is messy, if so, it still glares at me, and Keep baring teeth at me.

"Hey hello, still bragging!" I said, and slapped again.

Pop, pop, pop, pop...

After slapped several big mouths, the wolf was almost fainted by the slap, and finally stunned.

At this point, the entire wolves were shocked.

Although they were persuaded, I was not able to enjoy myself. When I had just ignited the will to fight, I turned to the blue witch and asked, "How strong are these wolves in the forest?"

"Come on," said the blue witch.

"It's only mid-level", I curled my lips, full of fighting spirit and said: "Help me call another group of stronger players, I want to practice my hands and warm up."

"Find these innocent children to practice hands..."

The Blue Witch said with an unhappy expression.

"Well, how about it?" Turning my head and looking at her, I noticed the unwillingness in her eyes, so I compromised: "Then you can find a group of opponents that can be beaten in the shortest time, and you won't miss them. No."

"Well, this..." The blue witch hesitated for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up and said, "Yes!"

"I wasn't happy just now, why suddenly... eh? Could it be... it happened that someone who was urging him to invade the forest at this time?"

"Hehe" The blue witch smiled: "Guess it!"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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