I did not explain much, but took her out of the underground prison.

The moment she walked out the door to the ground, she was stunned.

Stupefied, at a loss.

The original magnificent hall was already in a mess.

The ground was cracked, the fire continued, the corpses were everywhere, and the blood flowed into rivers...This scene was like **** on earth.

After a long while, she recovered and murmured: "This, this..."

"This is the Keppel family today." As I spoke, I pointed to the corpses of the Keppel Patriarch and the man in black who were lying not far away: "Do you know them?"

The girl tightly covered her small mouth with her hands, she didn't dare to say: "Home, Patriarch..."

"So" turning around, I said to her: "Go and pack up, and bring all the belongings you can bring."

"You, what are you going to do?" She gathered up the courage and asked softly.

"I will burn here."

"Why..." Her voice became smaller and smaller, and at the end, she only moved her mouth, but did not make a sound.

"Because I want to do this."

The girl didn't ask any more, and went to pack her things wisely.

Not long after, she also dragged a huge bag out, which was even a few times larger than that of a girl.

I walked forward and helped her some way as usual, until I walked out of the castle gate, I returned the bag to her.

Then ignite and burn.

Not long after, the entire castle was swallowed by flames, and the raging flames continued to stretch toward a higher place, seeming to want to burn the sky.

However, the castle is too low, and the flames of teeth and claws can only extend up a few meters through the top of the castle.

Thick smoke billowed, continuously polluting the blue sky in the field of vision, but after a few gusts of breeze, it dissipated helplessly, then lightened, faded, and finally disappeared completely.

Vaguely, I smelled the scent of barbecue, wafting out of the castle.

The blue witch standing next to her suddenly roared. She touched her belly and said to me: "I'm hungry and want to eat barbecue."

When I heard the word ‘barbecue’, my eyes twitched, and I thought: Your heart is so big.

"Let's go." After looking at the castle completely covered by the sea of ​​fire, there will never be any more vitality left behind, I waved my hand and said, "Go back and eat barbecue."

"Good!" The Blue Witch cheered and followed me happily.

Behind him was a cheerful little terrier.

Barbecue is solved near the town. After eating, I bought camping tents, kettles and other things in the town shops.

Although during this period, the old man and the innkeeper kept trying to apologize to me and begged me to eat and rest in their restaurant, but I refused.

The reason is simple. I don't want to get involved with them too much anymore, and I don't want them to use my name as a fox.

The three major families are the strongest existence in this town, and their status is supreme. It is not an exaggeration to be called the **** of this town.

I killed the three major families and naturally replaced the three major families in this town.

With this status, no matter who I show even the slightest closeness, I will send a signal to everyone in this town-he (she) knows me, and I cover him (her).

This kind of illusion can easily lead to a situation where everyone in the town respects and fears the person who seems to be close to me.

Once this situation continues, over time, even the humble people will be praised to forget their identity.

Therefore, in the town at this time, the only people I could contact were the two girls who were descended from the three major families who were rescued by me.

First of all, both of them are young ladies of three major families. Except for the years when they were looted into the band of thieves, they lived a life of dignity. Secondly, their temperament was more remarkable and noble than other townspeople. Finally, they also I am used to the feeling of being held by someone as an ancestor.

In summary, even if the two of them were sought after and awed by the townspeople again because of my relationship, they would just return to their old life.

In the next few days, in addition to eating, sleeping, practicing swordsmanship, and condensing killing intent, I was cleaning up the surrounding thieves.

In the blink of an eye, the past week.

All gangs of thieves were destroyed by me alone, and there was almost a suitcase of treasures in my eyes.

After that, I went straight to the troubadour’s cabin, talked to him, and listened to information about Xilan and the naughty Becky.

"Being able to destroy the three major families between covering your hands, I am not surprised that you can destroy all thieves by yourself."

"It's just a fluke" I said politely, and then asked: "Please keep your promise."

"This is natural."

The bard raised his head and fell into silence.

He was thinking, remembering.

After a while, he slowly said: "That is the rumor that I heard many years ago when I traveled to the Bole Valley south of Brooklyn..."

Then, he told me a long story. There were three protagonists in the story. Two of them were the gods of the devil, who were apostles, and the other was an outsider.

I naturally included the three of them in their respective shadows-the woman behind the scenes, the maker Luke, and one of the Four Swordsmen, after Luke died, took his black nightmare The walking dagger juggernaut, Bath.

The woman behind the scenes, one day, suddenly united with a group of adventurers, attacked Luke, the always taciturn maker, and drove him all the way to a planet extremely far away from the Demon World, and there. , Launched a tragic battle.

Including local aboriginals and adventurers from the devil world, hundreds of adventurers rushed towards the maker Luke and his men like a surge, and Luke and his men were completely Face the most violent impact without fear.

This battle was extremely tragic, and countless adventurers became corpses, but after the war, more living adventurers were treated like heroes.

But no one paid attention. In a corner, a small figure, holding the dead body of Luke, whispered.

Although the cry was small, it was sad.

The troubadour said: "Just like in the wilderness, the little wolf who has lost her parents is crying, and the baby elephant who has lost her parents is crying... That sad and lonely girl is called by you Be the naughty Becky."

"After that **** died, the living **** followed his promise and brought her back to the demon world and placed her in the god's residence."

"Placed in the abode of ‘God’?" I frowned, and I murmured, "Isn’t this just a prison?"

"It's the same, but the statement is different."

The troubadour smiled.

"Do you know where'God' lives?" I asked again.

"The abode of God, naturally only servants who serve God will know." The troubadour shook his head and said, "I don't believe in her, so I don't know."

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