The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2936: Needle in the haystack

There is an old papa!

Let’s not talk about my identity before I crossed, just say that after I crossed, that is also from the Hefeng Mainland, and has a wool relationship with the Demon Realm?

Therefore, I showed a dismissive attitude towards the questions of the noble youth.

As my dismissive attitude revealed, all the bodyguards in that mode took action.

He was the same as the male magician who fought with me before. He used ice element magic to attack. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he turned into an ice bow and swiftly took the bow to shoot arrows.

The ice arrow condensed from the ice element is like a gust of wind, shooting towards me.

The ice arrow shot contains three points of lessons and seven points of killing intent. In a few cases, it depends on how I dodge in embarrassment, but in most cases, I want to see me being shot by an arrow!

If the target is replaced by an adventurer who seldom kills, this trick may cause great pressure on the opponent. After all, a guy who has killed people and shots fiercely will bring more or less of his combat skills. A little bit of killing intent makes ordinary people who haven't practiced a killing ring feel frightened, and then obstructs the action.

But the target he chose this time was quite wrong.

Because I have not only caused large-scale killings, but also have the ability to create killing intent and manipulate killing intent. That is to say, the killing intent that he has accumulated so easily can be used in front of me.

With a sneer, I stretched out my hand at random to stop the ice arrow. Then I rubbed my fingers together, and there was a crisp sound. The arrow tip was crushed into a pile of ice dregs and fell.

The male magician's complexion was slightly stiff, and his eyes stared at me with stagnant eyes. At the same time, his expression was no longer as cold and arrogant as before. Instead, he was cautious.

However, I didn't even bother to care about him, turned around and went back to the room, closing the door.

The blue witch is lying next to the bed and sharing cherries with the beagle. Usually the blue witch bites the cherries in half, eats half by herself, and throws the other half to the beagle. However, there are cases where they are particularly delicious. Eat the pulp directly, then spit out the pit and feed it to the terrier.

I thought the little terrier would choose to refuse, but unexpectedly, he was not picky at all. You gave me the flesh, and I had eaten the flesh. If you gave me the pit, I would eat the pit. It doesn’t distinguish good and bad. Close.

I was dumbfounded when I looked at the side for a long while, then said: "You feed it the core, won't the conscience hurt?"

"What is conscience? Why does it hurt?" The Blue Witch casually threw another fruit core to the little terrier, and asked curiously.

"Conscience is...conscience, I said, it’s not your good partner, close comrade-in-arms, and family that never abandons? You eat the fruit by yourself but give your family the pit, you don’t think Is your conscience uneasy?"

"Hmm..." The Blue Witch was lost in thought. After a while, she raised her head and said, "No."

I was speechless for a moment, and I always felt that what I said just now was playing the piano against a cow.

After sitting down, I picked up a peach, took a bite, and fed the bitten part to the beagle.

The little hound rushed over and couldn't wait to swallow the peach flesh. When it was over, smash it.

Just when I thought, "After eating the pulp, the beagle won't pay attention to the pits fed by the blue witch anymore." The beagle ran back and fed the blue witch's pits again. Went in.

After swallowing, don't forget to smash your mouth.

This scene irritated me, so I took a few bites of the peach and ate it clean, and cursed in my heart: "Eat your core! Stupid dog!"

Nobility is a strange kind of creature.

Many of them pride themselves on being noble, thinking that they are born superior.

And this kind of self-proclaimed and arrogant consciousness directly distinguishes two kinds of aristocratic atmosphere, one kind is very open-minded, even if they are insulted and abused by others, they can keep smiling all the time, and ignore all abuse and offensive.

The other type is the type that must be repaid, not to mention verbal abuse, even if it is to take a long look, or look at it for a while, it will immediately arouse their resentment and cruel revenge.

Some revenge comes earlier, some revenge comes later, but they will never be absent.

Over time, this situation has evolved into a phenomenon, then upgraded to common sense, and passed on from generation to generation.

It is precisely because of this inheritance that there is an unbreakable and insurmountable barrier between ordinary people and nobles.

So I often see this scene: When meeting aristocrats, most parents will pull their children aside, cover their mouths, and teach them in a low voice: Remember, when you see this kind of person in the future, stay away. , Don't cause trouble for no reason.

As a nobleman, facing the fearful gaze of others all day long, it will swell over time, and feel as if the whole world is afraid of him, afraid of him, and even as long as he stomped his foot, the world would shake a few times.

But is this the case?

I am afraid that is not the case.

Frankly speaking, the reason why they can make others fearful is because the other party does not have the power. If they encounter the apostle, they will try to publicize it. Believe it or not, take their family with them. It only takes a few breaths. Since then disappeared in the demon world, the soul returned to the great will.

This is the power gap.

In the eyes of the party without power, the party with power is invincible.

But the one who has strength, bad temper and bad character is terrible.

But few people know that if you have strength and a good temper on the surface at the same time, it is actually even more terrifying if you like to mess around in your heart.

Because such people never play cards according to common sense.

Hoe strong? Help the weak? Why should I do it?

justice? evil? It has nothing to do with selflessness!

It is this kind of guy who can't figure out whether it is justice or evil, and everything starts from his own point, is the most elusive, but also the most terrifying existence.

Unfortunately, I am this kind of person.

And the aristocratic young man I ignored happened to belong to the second type of person-bad temper, and he must be reported, but he was able to pretend, or more tolerant, at least on the day of the incident, he did not trouble me .

I guess the reason why he didn't do it was most likely because this was the first time he met, and the first time, it was often troublesome and confusing.

Then, I guess he might be collecting information related to me.

But the latter one should be very difficult, because I don't have any identity information at all in the demon world. In other words, I am a black household.

And the blue witch I was walking with was also a black house—after all, after living in the forest for tens of millions of years, even the aboriginal people who were born and raised would be treated as a black house.

To find out the identities of two "black households" is as difficult as finding a needle in a sea of ​​fish!

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