The night is like a curtain, and the moon is like a hook.

The breeze is like a breeze, and the song of birds is like an illusion.

Lying on a portable mattress that is neither soft nor hard, and looking at the starry sky through the two gaps specially left by the roof, he could not sleep for a long time.

"Hey, are you asleep?"

The blue witch's lazy voice sounded in her ears.

"not yet."

"I didn't sleep either."


"But I want to sleep, but I can't fall asleep." The Blue Witch said quietly. Suddenly she turned around and faced me, saying, "Tell me a story."

Turning my face to the side, staring at her like torch eyes, I asked softly: "Which type do you want to hear?"






"The plot?"

"Too vulgar."



"...Then what do you want to hear?"


I really want to slap her.

A bunch of tendons popped up on my forehead, and I held back my anger and said solemnly: "Then tell fairy tales. Fairy tales can help you sleep quickly."

The blue witch blinked: "Really?"

"Really" I said, and at the same time I thought: ...that's strange.

What really helps sleep is whether the foreign language textbooks are good or not. Every time I pick them up, I can't stop breathing, no matter the time or place, it is 100% effective.

But since I don't have a ready-made foreign language textbook, I can't perform the most advanced sleep technique. I can only tell fairy tales to make her happy and sleep her.

"Once upon a time, on a farm in a certain town, there was a mother duck who hatched a bunch of cute little yellow and fluffy ducks, but among these little ducks, there was a big fat body. Fat duck, we humans definitely like this kind of duck, because it has a fat body and a lot of fat, and it tastes delicious no matter whether it is fried or fried..."

"Huh huh, cough cough!" The blue witch deliberately signaled me not to crook the floor.

I had to stop complaining, and continued: "Although we humans like it, the ducklings don't like it. Everyone is fluffy, cute, and cute. It just happened to be such a fat, stupid, big man, or genetic. Mutation, or it is that Mother Duck once had an unknown secret anecdote. In short, no matter what kind of possibility it is, it has caused this fat duck not to be seen by the family. Of course, except for Mama Duck, this is her child after all. , And it’s biological... well, maybe it’s biological. After all, the duckling is hatched from the egg, not the viviparous, so it's still possible to be stolen and changed hands and feet."

"Because of the protection of the mother duck, the duckling is still growing steadily. At least there is no shortage of food or drink. However, because its companions and other surrounding species are not rare, it has been crowned with an unpleasant appearance. Number-the ugly duckling."

"But don’t look at the ugly duckling, it’s ugly, but it's big and powerful. The mother duck who discovered these advantages kept filling it with various chicken soups and encouraged it to say,'You will definitely become the best in our duck house. Duck'!"

"The ugly duckling, who loves his mother the most, naturally regards his mother's chicken soup as a golden word, and engraves it in his heart, and will never forget it."

"In order to prevent the encouragement of my favorite mother from becoming empty talk, the ugly duckling practiced swimming, running, finding insects, and jumping. In a short time, he developed a whole body of tendon meat and became the ugliest but also The strongest duck."

"The ugly duckling's fading made the mother duck feel gratified. Then one day, a big rooster with colorful feathers and a big yellow dog with fat accumulation came to the duck house and kicked the door and hit the place."

"These two guys are not ordinary animals. They are known as the two tyrants on the farm. They kick ducks and drove pigs all day long, and they do no evil. For this reason, other animals have repeatedly complained in secret. When will they be punished and kill these two evildoers? The malignant tumor of the farm has always been unanswered for their prayers, until this time, the ugly duckling has appeared on the stage."

"The ugly duckling at this moment is no longer the little duck with only the ugly feature of the year, but a strong and ugly half-big duck! I saw its neck stretched out and its mouth clamped, and it caught the colorful feathered rooster. The bright red and windy cockscomb, then a sideways fall, fell the big **** to the ground, only one move, KO the farm overlord, then it turned its head, fierce light shot at the fat accumulation of big yellow dog , Once again stretched his neck, hitting the big yellow dog's weakness directly, and then with a slap or a peck, the big yellow dog rolled his eyes and fainted with a twitch."

"Since then, the ugly duckling has become the handle of the duck house, and because it has defeated the two farm hegemons with one enemy and two, he has been ranked by seniority. Together with the colorful feathered rooster and the fat yellow dog, he has become the three hegemons of the farm. And is the first of the three hegemons."

"Don't interrupt, it's not over yet." I glanced at her, and I continued: "Since then, the ugly duckling has been respected by the entire farm, and gradually grew up in the respected days until it became a A white swan."

"Isn't it a duck?" The Blue Witch asked curiously.

"Yes" I said: "If it is a duck, it will be fine, at least it can live more comfortably, but unfortunately, it is a white swan."

"If it's just being discriminated against, isn't it a pity?" The Blue Witch said.

"Yes, you are right." I blinked and agreed with her questioning, and said: "It is not a pity if it is only discriminated against, but its life experience has attracted the anger and doubts of Daddy Duck. It Suspected that the mother duck had an affair, and persecuted the ugly duckling a series of persecutions. For example, she **** on the road where she often wandered, but this approach did not help, because poultry are all rectal, eat and pull as they please. It did not arouse the anger of the farmer, so soon, Daddy Duck thought of a trick to tender the ugly duckling."

"So in a certain clear sky, Daddy Duck and the Ugly Duckling negotiated to have a Duck and Duck Race, which is to run faster than anyone else. Obviously, the Ugly Duckling as a white swan will naturally not be timid, because he grows first. Be strong, then the swan, and in the end, it still carries the handle, no matter what point, it will completely burst the weak Daddy Duck, so it is a matter of course."

"After the start of the race, Daddy Duck bravely took the lead all the way, while the Ugly Duckling followed behind him playfully, preparing to surpass Daddy Duck on the last lap and win the championship."

"Its idea is good, and it does have the capital to realize it, because Daddy Duck is not only a weak duck, but he is also older. In a few years, he may be sent to the workshop as a spicy duck raw material and become a popular one. The spicy duck is exported to the market, and with this, it blooms its last glory."

"In order for Daddy Duck to wait in the duck shed to be sent to the workshop, and then shine for the last time, the ugly duckling decided to give it the heaviest blow when he thought he was set to win, so that he could recognize reality. Cruel."

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