Although the Blue Witch looks lazy and sloppy, but in actual execution, it is still vigorous and resolute. It is a little impatient and the way of cleaning the house is slightly overdone.

Since she has been eating potato chips on the sofa for the past two days, and the amount of potato chips she ate is quite large, this directly caused the entire sofa to be occupied by potato chip residues, even some that were difficult to touch with her hands. There was a lot of scum piled up at the corner.

This made the motivated blue witch who wanted to show off and clean up the room very distressed.

Annoyed, she looked anxious, raised her hand with a magic, and directly cremated the sofa in place.

When I just came out of the toilet, I happened to see the last scene before the sofa was completely incinerated, which instantly stunned me.

After returning to my senses, I rushed up to three thrillers, and the knocking blue witch hugged her head and squatted.

After a few minutes, seeing that I stopped knocking on her, she carefully looked up at me and stared at me for a while before she stood up tentatively and put on an expression of correcting her mistakes, standing Aside.

But I know very well that this is all performed for me.

The character of this girl is basically the type that knows his mistakes and never corrects, and makes mistakes repeatedly.

The reason is so clear because she will cause me one or two small disasters from time to time during our lives.

Fortunately, although this girl keeps small misfortunes, she never breaks big ones. This is also a comfort to me.

I glanced at the grievances and pulled the girl standing aside. I really couldn't say anything too harsh, so I flicked her and her brain collapsed: "If you burn it, it will burn. Don't do this in the future."

The blue witch was instantly resurrected with blood, and continued to hold the broom, wave the feather duster, and shook her arms to dry.

When I got downstairs, I came to the front desk and asked the waiter to find the boss, took out a silver coin and put it on the counter, apologizing: "Your sofa was broken by me. This is compensation."

The boss stared at the shining silver coin and didn't hold a word for a long time. After a long time, he murmured: "This...I don't need so much, it's just a sofa. I look back. People repair, you should put away the money."

I shook my head, sighed, and said, "I can't fix it anymore."

"Can't fix it?" The boss didn't understand what I meant.

"Your sofa has been burned by my fiancee."

"Burn, burned out?" The boss suddenly widened his eyes with a dazed expression.

"Well, it's burned out" I nodded affirmatively, and then smiled apologetically: "So these are the money for the sofa, if it is not enough..."

"No, no, it's enough, too much, this is too much, it's enough to buy several sofas..."

I nodded and dropped the silver coin on the counter again.

"Guest, guest..."

After a few steps, the boss didn't continue. Instead, after watching me leave, he picked up the silver coin with excitement. What should I do?

Returning to the room, the blue witch swept away the remaining ashes from the sofa and threw it into the trash can, then slammed onto the bed, leaned back, lay down, and yelled ‘I’m tired’.

I know she is pretending to be a fool and wanting to win my sympathy, but in order to allow the Blue Witch to integrate into the big family of the Fearless Guild as soon as possible, I can only be cruel and turn a blind eye to her pretending to be a fool.

After screaming for a while, the Blue Witch saw that I ignored her, so she got up from the bed angrily and continued to clean the room.

Just when she complained again and again, a knock on the door interrupted her acting like a baby.

After opening the door, it was the boss's flattering fat face.

"Something?" The blue witch's tone was very rude, after all, no matter who it was, the coquettish and cute atmosphere that was created so easily was suddenly interrupted, and it would be unhappy.

"Excuse me, guest, the sofa in your room was burned down, right?"

"No, it's not me, you made a mistake!" The blue witch's eyes flickered and she was about to close the door subconsciously.

"It's here", with my hands behind my head and leaning against the wall, I replied lazily, "Didn't you pay for it?"

"Yes, guest, you paid for it, so, didn't I send you a new sofa."

After that, the boss turned his head, his flattering smile disappeared in an instant, and he whispered at his fellow man: "Quickly, bring the sofa in!"

Not long after, a brand-new, more luxurious new sofa was carried in, filling the vacancy of the burned sofa.

After all this was done, the boss drove the guy away and came to me alone, holding a handful of copper coins and the lowest denomination currency in both hands, and said: "Guest, your money."

"Take it away" I was too lazy to raise my hand, and continued to droop my eyelids, and said, "Quandang has worked so hard."

"Well, well, thank you, you are really a generous adult."

As the boss said, he retreated. Halfway through the retreat, he suddenly realized that the blue witch was holding a broom and a feather duster, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab these two cleaning tools. At the same time, he flattered: "How dare you bother madam, put it down quickly? , Is it dirty? You just need to give an order and I will send someone to clean it immediately."

Putting down my hands, I slowly came to the front and said to the boss: "We are cultivating feelings, understand?"

The boss was startled when he heard the words, then his eyes brightened, and he continued to say: "Understood, I understand, then I won't disturb the two of you, continue, please continue."

While talking, the boss hurriedly exited the room and closed the door gently.

Seeing the boss leave, the blue witch pursed her mouth, her cheeks puffed up, and said displeased: "They all said that someone had cleaned it, and you asked me to do this job!"

"This is for the future, not now." I spoke earnestly and reasoned to her: "If you can get used to housework as soon as possible, you will be able to integrate into my big family as quickly as possible when you go back. This is not far more than experience. Is stumbling better?"

The blue witch listened, her face swollen, and angrily resumed her work.

No matter whether she is angry or not, as long as she can continue to persist, it is better than anything.

After all, she will get along with those girls day and night, and none of them is good.

Especially Phoenix, don’t look at her usually silent or speaking, just sticking to me, but once that girl is disobedient, she will often use the most direct and violent means to intimidate them into submission, or through some small means , Tell them to be honest.

For example, let the most free little princess Analetta catch caterpillars, and she is still the most hideous-looking kind, with the beautiful name: Deworming the garden.

At first, the little princess Analeta refused, but when she woke up one day, she suddenly found a pinched caterpillar body on her quilt. So far, the little girl was obedient to the Phoenix, and she did not dare to give birth to disobedience. heart of.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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