I was too lazy to waste my tongue with this group of arrogant chickens, and I straightforwardly said, "Say, what is your purpose for stopping me? Money? Or this locomotive?"

A sand bandit with his tongue out and a funny and hideous smile on his face, while pretending to be ferocious, licking the face of the knife, while yin and yang said strangely: "Purpose? You ask our purpose of blocking the road? Wow ha ha ha ha! Do you need to ask? Of course it is for money and women!"

After all, he looked through the car window, unscrupulously looking at the blue witch who was holding a tuo and eating snacks.

The meaning is self-evident: this woman is mine!

Frowning for a few seconds, I asked again: "Since it is for money and women, dare you to ask how you will deal with me?"

One of the sand bandits with dozens of ear studs in their ears laughed harshly: "Of course it's made into a dish. I haven't tasted the taste of humans for a long time!"

"No! Cut off his limbs and put him in a vase as a display!"

"You can also use it as a urinal in the toilet, puff hahahahaha!"

"Yes, this proposal is good, I agree!"


A group of sand bandits cheered, clamored and lusted.

I leaned on the door of the car quietly, looking at them calmly, neither moving nor making a sound, just like a sculpture, standing quietly.

"They're just **** on your head." Odachi laughed jokingly. "It's good for you, but you can't stand it."

"Why can't you bear it?" I curiously asked.

"They are mocking, swearing, and insulting you," Taito said in a weird tone: "You even want to use your head as a chamber pot, don't you even feel angry at all?"

"No," I said frankly.

"Not angry?"

"not angry."

"Then why is this?" Otato said with a smirk: "Could it be that you have cultivated a Buddhist mentality?"

"Neither," I denied, and then confided in my heart: "Before the death row prisoners go, there will still be a decapitation meal. Why should I prevent them from speaking freely? This is their right."

"Puff ha ha ha ha, I really didn't expect your kid to be so hot" Dadachi couldn't stop laughing.

"What makes me cruel?" I retorted immediately after dissatisfied: "I am kind and give them one last chance to speak freely. Is there any more kind adventurer than me in the world?"

"Of course." Taito continued to smirk: "You can choose to surrender and beg for mercy, let them let you go."

"It's not kindness, it's an idiot."

After a pause, I continued: "Since I have power, why do I still do something like this idiot?"

"This is just an option" Odachi smiled: "I provided you with a very interesting option."


I believe you are a ghost, you are so broken!

The joy and pleasure of speaking freely is fleeting, and it is time to send them on the road.

I slowly pulled out the demon knife, and amidst the arrogant laughter of the sand bandits, I went straight to the nearest sand bandit and waved my arm at the moment I passed by him.

The strength of the sand bandits is not strong, no more than three levels at most, but they are better than many people.

For adventurers below level 6, a group of adventurers at level two and level three are indeed threatening.

But to me, there is no threat.

Just like stepping on a swarm of ants in shoes, you can trample hundreds of them to death with just one foot.

In fact, I can shorten this battle to ten seconds, but I don't want to end it so soon, because I want to enjoy the harm that despair and helplessness do to each other.

The reason for this decision is not that I am mentally perverted, but that their free speech has actually angered me, but since I have decided to give them the opportunity to speak freely, naturally I will not interrupt them. However, I am more willing to settle accounts after autumn. To do it.

After more than a minute, the whole sand bandit group was left with only the last three guys. While clutching the chopped leg, they shouted meaninglessly: "Don't come over! Don't come over!!!"

While shouting, they also fixed on me with horrified eyes, as if I were a terrible monster.

The reason why these three people stayed is because they are the three people who insulted me the most, and they can be called a shithole!

Since they ‘cared’ me in such a way, they would naturally receive a ‘thank you’ from me.

With a subsequent wave, the light of the knife flashed, and one of the sand bandits' feet broke away from his position and stayed in a small bunker.

Popo's blood and heart-piercing howls are intertwined into a weird and interesting little theater.

Looking at his hideous, painful, regretful face, I smiled and said, "What did you just say? I want to cut off my hands and feet, and put them in the toilet as a urine jar, right? I even said that I would blaspheme me. After blaspheming, put her into the toilet as a urine can? Do you like urine cans so much? If you do, why not be yourself?"

He waved his hand again, and he no longer had any organs like feet.

The sand bandit screamed and passed out in pain.

I turned my gaze to the other sand bandit again. It may be that my previous actions were a bit rough, and he was scared to pee, and the pee was rushing and couldn't stop it.

"I remember, you said that you want to cut off some of my organs and feed them to the dog. Is that the case?"

The sand bandit was so frightened that he turned over and lay down on the ground. He squatted his head and said, "A good man, forgive me, a good man, forgive me. I just made a joke with a good man. You must not take it seriously. ......what!"

A pain and a screaming scream followed one after another.

The sand bandit was kicked by me first, and then the shadow of the knife flashed by. The sand bandit who was trampled under my feet was freed from the abyss of evil and successfully promoted to the new profession of eunuch.

The sand bandit of the newly promoted eunuch, arched his waist, instantly turned into a prawn, shaking slightly on the ground.

No longer paying attention to him, I once again fixed my gaze on the face of the last sand bandit.

This sand bandit is the leader of a group of sand bandits, a very strong third-level adventurer.

However, the true strength he can show is enough to be comparable to a fourth-level adventurer.

However, no matter whether the third-level adventurer or the fourth-level adventurer, they are just a rookie, just a rookie with a better name.

He didn't beg me for mercy, instead he gritted his teeth, clenched the weapon tightly with one hand, and firmly covered the bleeding wound with the other.

The wound is on the leg. Although the bleeding speed is not fast, it will not be fatal for a while, but the desperate atmosphere obviously gave him more pressure, giving him a kind of if he continues to bleed, he will definitely die. And the illusion of death.

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