Jumped to the top of the building, leaned down, took out the phone, and dialed the number of the Blue Witch.

After a few minutes, the Blue Witch connected to the phone, with a lazy tone and a bad attitude, and said: "This thing is so troublesome, yeah, potato chips fell on the floor, **** phone!"


"Where are you now?"

"On the locomotive" said the blue witch: "Is there something wrong?"

Then, there was another sound of chewing potato chips.

"...I'll be there, wait for me, I will be there soon."

"Well, okay, then I'll hang up."

Before I hung up, my ears were full of crisp noises of chewing potato chips.

I thought that this girl would become my combat power. Unexpectedly, she just wants to be a foodie, and she is not even as useful as Tuo Tuo, at least Tuo Tuo still sells cute from time to time!

Rubbing my temples, I continued to lean over and squat on the roof. Not long after, I heard chaotic footsteps and noises.

Obviously, other members of the search team found the body of the companion.

I continued to crouch on the roof, watching the changes.

A few minutes later, a loud footstep sounded that was clearly different from the messy and vain footsteps. Judging from his steady steps, this person must be a strong person in the Haxiu faction, at least at the commander level.

As I was thinking, I heard a very angry voice asking: "What was the result of the autopsy?"

"Return to your lord, everyone died with the same knife."

"A knife?" There was a short pause in the energetic voice. After a second, the voice continued to sound: "A knife can cut all the team members in half. I ask you, is there such an adventurer in our city? "

"My lord, it has never been."

"Yeah..." After a few seconds of silence, an energetic voice sounded again: "Rule everyone, close the city gate, and interrogate all outsiders."


With a chaotic sound of footsteps drifting away, the Haxiu faction began to investigate the immigration personnel.

If you leave here again by locomotive at this time, you will definitely be surprised. So I contacted the Blue Witch again and told her not to act rashly, just stay in the car and eat snacks.

After that, I jumped up and kept jumping around on the roof.

Just as I had just left the commercial street and was about to run into a darker and deserted alley, suddenly, a murderous intent rushed straight to my vital spot.

With a shock in my heart, I immediately turned around and cut with a knife.

A young man stood with his hand holding his hand and his face was arrogant, and his eyes were cold.

I stood with a knife, facing him far away.

After a few seconds, the young man said: "It's you, kill my men."

"I do not understand what you're saying."

"Don't hide it anymore," the young man said coldly: "With the cut you just made, I can already conclude that you are the murderer."

"What the **** are you talking about?" I frowned, pretending to be unhappy, and said: "What killed your subordinates, I'm just a passerby in a hurry to go home for dinner."

"Passerby?" The young man smiled: "You are indeed a passerby, but you are also a murderer. You can catch it with your hands."

After saying this, his figure gradually faded, and a great sense of crisis came from behind him!


I was shocked, this speed is almost comparable to Emily running at full speed!

Is it possible that his strength is equal to Emily?

However, the crisis is imminent, even if he is really as strong as Emily, I have to bite the bullet and fight him.

The figure has not yet turned, the light of the sword has already been swung out.

With two crisp sounds, I successfully blocked the youth's attack.

At this time, I turned around again and saw the blood-colored spear that was two meters long in the young man's hand was blocked by me.

If you get stabbed by this thing, don't you feel chilly!

I secretly said in my heart, while secretly squeezing sweat for myself.

The young man was quite surprised that I was able to smooth his attack right now, but his accident level was far less than mine.

The speed he showed before was as fast as lightning. I still doubt whether his strength is equal to Emily's. However, the previous fight gave me completely different feedback-this person's strength is afraid of water. , At least in terms of strength, the gap between him and Emily is not a little bit, but a world of difference!

I have been discussing with Emily all the year round, but I have a deep understanding.

Every move and every style of Emily contains powerful power, even without the power of fading, she can still easily defeat the tenth-level adventurer who has exerted the power of full fading.

This is not only level suppression, but also the result of Emily's years of exercise.

And the young man in front of him, although the speed is as fast as the mechanics, the power reflected by the shot just now is much worse than the power of the agile tenth-level adventurer.

In other words, this young man who looks like a strong man is actually a parallel importer?

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly came into my mind, that is to use my strength to test his strength.

After all, the adventurer profession is divided into many types. If you don't talk about it in a large area, you can only talk about fighters. They are divided into agile fighters, speed fighters, heavy armor fighters, backbone fighters, and so on.

Generally speaking, the most powerful fighters are the heavy-armored fighters. They are veritable shields and the rock on the front line.

The fastest attack means, the most tricky fighters are the agile fighters, their strength is small, but the attack frequency is the highest, able to torture the enemy alive.

The fastest running speed is the speed fighter. Although the strength of this fighter is average, because of the blessing of speed, it has a very strong explosive power. The power value that its instantaneous explosive power can produce can even be comparable to that of a heavy armor fighter.

I suspect that the young man in front of him may be a speed fighter, but what puzzles me is that his instantaneous explosive power is weak, which is why I want to test his skills.

The sword light flashed, and the self-made sword technique appeared again, slashing directly at the young man's head and neck.

Seeing that my knife was about to touch his skin, the young man let out a low cry and waved his hands, summoning a row of **** needles.

Scarlet acupuncture?

My brows frowned slightly, and I felt the magical fluctuations of the acupuncture, as expected, it was a magical attack!

This young man turned out to be a magician!

All the doubts were solved, all the doubts disappeared, and I finally figured out why this young man's speed can reach rapid, but the explosive power is so weak that it is staggering.

It turns out that he is a magician, and speed is not really speed, but a combat skill!

Except for the melee mages who master the dazzling pattern, I rarely fight against other types of melee mages.

The ice magician before was one, but now he is another.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but condensed a smirk: "Since I came here, I reluctantly accepted this ‘good intention’ and let’s be my other sharpening stone."

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