The blue witch pouted and squinted, with an expression of disbelief on her face. After looking at me up and down, she uttered two words: "No injury."

"It's not without injury" I explained: "It's just that my recovery ability is relatively strong, and it feels as if it is injuryless to you."

Listening to my explanation, the blue witch frowned and became more suspicious.

"...Well, I lied, it was harmless" raised his hand to surrender, and then added an explanation: "But that guy is really strong, with many tricks, and a wide range of ways. He really caught me by surprise."

"...No injuries."

The blue witch carries forward the posture of letting you rise in all directions, and I am unmoving, commonly known as: Lapis.

Even in the face of a gentle lady, reasoning won't work, let alone a blue witch like a hob.

So I decided to remain silent.

Interpret the truth with silence.


"Eat potato chips?"

I stretched out my hand, grabbed a handful of yellow oranges, and asked me the dry potato chips.


I stretched out my hand to show the palm of my hand.

The Blue Witch was about to let go, but stopped abruptly, and pondered for a moment. Another delicate hand took out the thinnest piece from the many potato chips and gently placed it on the palm of my hand.

"Here, eat."


So this girl was just polite from the beginning?

There is no plan to give me potato chips...

Ashamed, I can only take some snacks from the trunk to satisfy my hunger, even so, I will be cut off by the blue witch.

But the above is just a little bit of trouble, in summary, nothing happened tonight.

Early the next morning, I woke up early, took the unfinished biscuits from the blue witch sleeping in the co-pilot, and took a carton of milk from the back seat, eating and drinking for breakfast.

Soon, the Blue Witch also woke up, stretched out her hand into her arms, but did not touch the leftover biscuits, so she opened her sleepy eyes and took a look in her arms, really not!

She suddenly became messy.

After scanning for a week, I found that I was eating and drinking with the biscuit bucket, and my cheeks suddenly bulged and I became unhappy.

Glancing at her sideways. I smirked twice, and said to my heart that it would wake you up late. If you go to bed and get up early like me, the cookies are not yours.

Just thinking about it, there was a sudden pain in his arm. When I turned my head, I saw this girl's angry little face and a row of white front teeth.

Only the upper half of the front teeth can be seen, and the lower half has been embedded in my arm.

"Hey, you are a dog! Let go!" I shouted loudly.

But instead of letting go, the blue witch woke Tuo Tuo up. The little guy poked his head out and looked at the blue witch, then looked at my arm, and then pointed it at my wrist in a way. Just a bite.

It's just that the little hound can't even think about it. The place where its master blue witch bites is meat, but the place it wants is a handguard made of meteorite.

So after a cry of sorrow, Tuo Tuo was defeated, and honestly hid back and sat down, looking at me with a pair of aggrieved dogs.

After the farce, we finished washing in the car and waited for the gate to open, ready to go on the road.

However, the city gate has not been opened, which makes me very impatient.

"Is it because I killed an important member of the Haxiu faction yesterday and caused martial law throughout the city?"

While thinking about it, I suddenly found two people walking towards me in the distance.

There were two men, wearing cool-looking jackets, one with a sword on his waist and the other with a hammer on his back.

When he got closer, the man with the sword knocked on the car window.

I put on a dazed expression and rolled down the car window.

The man with the hammer looked at me carefully and asked in a low voice, "Foreign?"

"Yes" I nodded and said, "I came from a town farther north."

"Have you registered?"


"What is your name?"

"An Xiaoyi."

Seeing him glance at the Blue Witch, I quickly explained, "This is my fiancee."

The man with the back hammer nodded and asked, "Tell me about your trip yesterday."

"Yesterday? I think about it... First I went to the restaurant, had breakfast, and then went shopping."

"Shopping?" The man with the sword squinted at me.

"Yes, go shopping."

The man with the back hammer waved his hand and motioned to the man with the sword not to interrupt, and then continued to ask: "What then?"

"Then...then we saw someone fighting on the street, so we hid in a nearby shop."

"What store?" he asked.

"I didn't look closely, I was terribly scared..."

"and then?"

"Then we saw a group of law enforcement teams coming, we left with the courage."

"It's a jewelry shop," the blue witch suddenly interjected.

Hearing the sudden interruption of the blue witch, the man with the back hammer and the man with the sword looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then continued to ask, "What about after this?"

"After that, we fled back to the car. When we were hungry at night, we went to the commercial street to go shopping at the night market and bought these snacks..."

While I was making up a serious story, the sword man's eyes kept walking around me, like a greedy wolf watching a white rabbit.

Are you looking for blood?

Or is it looking for a wound?

I thought to myself, while continuing to make up nonsense.

After I finished making up the nonsense, the man with the sword suddenly stretched out his hand and kept my arm up: "What is that?"

"Huh?" I raised my arm subconsciously, and suddenly found a red blood stain.

At the same time, I saw the man with the saber put his hand on the hilt, and the man with the back hammer looked at me with a deep expression, and slowly said, "Explain."

"Uh..." An embarrassed but reluctant expression suddenly appeared on my face.

"Explain!" The voice of the man with the back hammer suddenly rose two degrees. Obviously, if I couldn't tell why, he would definitely turn his face on the spot.


"I bit" the blue witch suddenly said, and at the same time she stretched out her delicate hand, grabbed my sleeve, and pulled it up. Two rows of deep tooth marks were exposed, and at the same time, there were some blood stains.

I quickly rolled my sleeves back, and said with an embarrassment: "Ah, I made you laugh."

The tension eased in an instant, and the man with the saber put his hand behind him. The man with the back hammer handed me a "brother, you are not easy" expression, and left with a smile.

The moment I put down my hand, I suddenly noticed something was wrong, because the blood stains on the piece of clothing were not fresh and moist, but solidified. At first glance it seemed to be fresh blood, that is to say... ..

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the blue witch, who was still eating snacks with a calm expression.

"You've already noticed it, haven't you?"

"What?" The Blue Witch responded lightly.

Sure enough, she had noticed it a long time ago, and she might have even noticed the two members of the Haxiu faction who came to interrogate me, so she bit me severely and covered the blood that had been stained with the bitten blood.

Of course, in addition to covering up the blood, she might really hate me for eating cookies without saying hello and retaliate against me.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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