Just halfway through the dinner, I suddenly heard a little noise outside.

I looked at the happy blue witch who was eating noodles and the tuo of lamb chops. I knew that even if I asked, they might not have time to talk to me.

So he got up, opened the door, stopped the waiter who happened to be passing by, pointed outside the shop, and asked, "Why is it so noisy outside?"

The waiter thought for a while, and suddenly lowered his voice: "Does the guest know that someone brutally killed the leader of the Haxiu faction a few days ago?"

Fucked my brows, I pretended to think, and then said: "I heard it slightly."

"Just outside there was a lot of noise. It is said that the murderer was found and he is hunting down."

"That's it." I nodded pretentiously: "It must be difficult to kill the leader of the Kai Xiu faction."

"No," the waiter approached me, pressing his throat and said: "It is said that the leader is about to become a strong one!"

"Fade?" I pretended not to know, and asked curiously: "How strong is that?"

The waiter looked up and down my eyes, paying particular attention to my handguards and the demon sword on my waist, and then said, "Surely you are also an adventurer?"

"Ah, yes, yes...haha, yes, yes, I am also an adventurer."

Seeing my hesitating answer, the waiter's eyes flashed with contempt, and then he said: "So you must be joking with me, since you are an adventurer, do you know how powerful a metamorphosis level is?"

"Ah? Ah... yes yes yes, hahaha, I'm joking with you, how could I not know how strong is to become a strong one, I am an adventurer, a serious adventurer!"

After all, he patted the scabbard specially.

The look of contempt in the waiter’s eyes became stronger, but his demeanor seemed extremely respectful. He continued to lower his voice and said, “Our slain leader, in terms of strength, can be ranked high in our town. Fives!"

"Hiss! That's amazing!" I slapped my spirits, looked around, learning the appearance of a waiter, and asked in a low voice: "That said, the murderer who can kill the leader is afraid that he is already a metamorphosis. Right?"

"That's for sure." The waiter clapped his hands and exclaimed excitedly. Then, he seemed to notice something, and hurriedly converged his movements, glanced left and right, and lowered his voice, "I heard, this time the murderer is very likely to be the second. A promised person..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone calling him not far away, and the waiter hurriedly responded, "Hey, here it is!"

Then he rushed to me and walked quickly towards the lobby.

I slowly returned to the room and closed the door.

The blue witch swallowed the noodles in her mouth, picked up a piece of lamb chops, chewed casually, and asked leisurely: "What is the noise outside?"

"I heard that the murderer who killed the leader of the Haxiu faction was found."

After listening to the blue witch, she held her back twice, but still couldn't help but smile: "This person is really unlucky."

"It's quite unlucky." I did not hurriedly shave off the bones of the lamb chops, dipped them with the ingredients, and ate them while saying: "But fortunately, some people have stirred up so much, our suspicion can finally be cleared away. ."

"What if it's a play?" The Blue Witch asked Yoyo without raising her head, "What if they didn't intend to catch the murderer?"


I raised my head unexpectedly and happened to meet her eyes.

The eyes of the blue witch at this moment were brighter than usual.

With a faint smile, I said: "I thought you were not well versed in the world, it seems that I am mistaken."

"The Forest of the Red Witch is not a forest of death. There are millions of creatures in it. Just looking at them, I have long been accustomed to the tricks of the world, but sometimes I don’t bother to talk about it. After all, you don’t look dumb. what."

While talking, she stuffed a piece of mutton into her mouth again, and it was a joy to eat.

Well, it turns out that she has seen many things clearly, just pretending to be clumsy.

But it’s okay, I can finally put something new, after all, the feeling of bringing this vase and bringing this think tank is completely different.

"Since you guessed they didn't intend to catch the murderer, why are they so much fanfare?"

"It must be the Kai Xiu faction who wants to do something." The Blue Witch thought for a while, and then asked: "What did the waiter tell you just now?"

"The waiter said that this matter might be done by the second agreement... Is it that the Kai Xiu faction intends to do something about the second agreement?"

"It's hard to say," said the blue witch: "I have tortured many guys in the forest before, and I also took out some information about the Shaxiu faction from their mouths. Almost everyone agrees. I think that the Shah Xiu faction is an organization that uses all means to achieve its goals. I think such an organization, no matter what it does, is not surprising."

"In that case, there is suspicion that the Ha Xiu faction is going to fight the second promise?"

I whispered.

The second agreement I know about this organization is said to be the originator of summoning sacrifices.

The so-called sacrifice flow of summoning is to summon the summoned object, drive it to fight with the enemy, and when the summoned object is lost, cast magic to terminate the summoned object.

The summons of the end will explode due to resentment when they are dying, and will hit the enemy severely.

It was precisely because of this inhumane behavior that the second agreement had great divergence and contradiction with Spin Demon Society.

There were even a few leaders of the Spin Demon Society who wanted to eliminate the second agreement, but because the second agreement at that time was already bigger, it was impossible to eliminate it in one sentence, and several other major organizations refused to help Spin Demon. It will weaken this organization that is in contradiction with the Swirl Demon, so the idea of ​​eradicating the Swirl Demon will be completely ended.

To this day, the size of the second agreed membership has reached a level second only to that of the Spin Demon Society.

But when it comes to the largest number of members, the Haxiu faction is still the well-deserved number one.

But the difference between the Haxiu faction and the second agreement is that the Haxiu faction is a mixture of fish and dragons. There are strong and weak, and there are even many ordinary people. However, the second agreement is different. All its internal members are summoners. And they are all adventurers who recognize the tactics of summoning sacrifice flow, so once the two organizations have a confrontation, no one can be sure what the final result will be.

It is possible that the Shah Xiu faction severely inflicted the second agreement. After all, there were many people, and it was also possible that the second agreement severely defeated the Shah Xiu faction. After all, they were all elites.

The result of the former is that the second promise will continue to unilaterally challenge the Haxiu faction until it regains its own majesty. The result of the latter is that the Haxiu faction will come out, using various shameless methods and the second. One promise to deal with, until the second promise is declared defeat.

But could the second agreement be declared defeated?

I think, definitely not.

This is like a conflict between the five great guilds of the Hefeng Continent. As long as the guild is not overthrown and the country is destroyed, any of them will grit their teeth and refuse to admit defeat.

This is not just a contest in combat power, but also a contest in dignity.

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