I thought that the town manager would wave a short stick around his waist in the next second and ban me cruelly, but I didn't want to. He was quite gentle-the way to solve the problem seemed gentle.

He told me patiently that these trees are not publicly owned by the town, but the private property of every tavern. The reason why every tavern will plant this tree is mainly because the flowers it blooms are necessary for winemaking. Things.

As for the penalty of a copper coin, although he had a bad tone and attitude, he also clearly stated the reason.

At first, the matter of picking flowers and leaves as souvenirs was not under the jurisdiction of the town managers. However, with the increase in the number of tourists visiting here and the weak jurisdiction over picking flowers and leaves, the tree flowers are not yet mature. , Has been picked up by tourists.

When it was time for the harvest, the shopkeepers realized that they had carefully cultivated the whole winter, and the trees that reached the flowering season were bald in advance!

This blow is tantamount to discovering that I was aging and bald when I was only a teenager!

And the fact of premature aging and baldness in the teens only affects individuals, but the trees that are bald before they reach the maturity stage affect the entire town's wine industry!

As we all know, this town is based on winemaking, everything is based on winemaking, and everything is in line with winemaking. Whoever dares to obstruct the great cause of winemaking is the enemy of this town!

With the prevalence of this slogan and goal, a plan called the Enemy of the Whole People was launched at the same time.

The so-called enemy of the whole people is anyone who dared to rebel against the wine industry will be punished and despised from the entire town.

Of course, the above is only for people with bad attitudes and serious circumstances.

For those who have a good attitude, the plot is also very minor, like me, although I will ask him for the reason afterwards, but at least the attitude of admitting the mistake is correct, and also accepting the fine, will not be included in the list of public enemies. I am still a good tourist in this town and a good friend of everyone.

The misunderstanding was clarified and the grievances disappeared.

The Blue Witch and Tuotuo and I went to the tavern introduced by the town manager to drink and eat.

Regardless of the taverns everywhere in this town, it seems that there are no other lifestyle industries. In fact, different taverns still have different functions.

For example, the tavern introduced by the town administrator is a good restaurant in addition to the business of selling wine.

Although the food style is not as good as that of a professional restaurant, it is almost the same.

Two bowls of rice, one plate of beef, three pieces of lamb chops, two plates of green vegetables, a large bowl of clear soup, and even two plates of dessert.

But this dessert is different from pastries and biscuits, but a mash with syrup.

I dipped it with the tip of a spoon and put it in my mouth. Suddenly, a sweet syrup mixed with the smell of alcohol erupted in my mouth.

After swallowing, I feel more hungry.

Arrange the sheep in front of Tuotuo, and at the same time ask the waiter to serve Tuotuo a bowl of liquor.

The waiter seemed to have been accustomed to the drinking of his own'master' who shoveled shit. He turned around and returned to the kitchen. Not so much. He came out with a bowl, put it in front of the tuo, and unscrewed the wine bottle in the armpit. Pour about one-third of the liquor into the sea bowl in front of Tuo Tuo.

At first, Tuotuo was terrified of the full bowl of liquid with a strange smell, but after sticking out his tongue and licking it, he immediately became addicted, licking it in his mouth, and even stopped eating the lamb chops.

I am very worried that Tuo Tuo will drink too much and die of drunkenness. Fortunately, the waiter explained to me in time: "Pets may not drink as much alcohol as their owners, and they also know their own situation very well. Once they are drunk, I won't drink anymore."

However, I am still skeptical.

But looking at Tuo Tuo’s true master, the Blue Witch, who was eating and drinking with a look of intoxication, and did not take seriously Tuo Tuo’s desperate drinking, I also accepted my fate, and at the same time silently mourned Tuo Tuo: What are you Did you find such an irresponsible master?

After three rounds of wine, eat and drink enough.

After checking out, we touched our stomachs contentedly and left the pub.

After not taking a few steps, he came to another tavern, this time not for drinking, but for accommodation.

That's right, the hotel is upstairs from this pub.

After choosing a room to go to, we entered the room after paying the bill.

Although the room is clean and fresh, it still tastes good.

In fact, where is the smell of wine in this room, it is the smell of wine that lingers throughout the town.

The blue witch lay lazily on the sofa in her arms.

Tuo Tuo looked like he had drunk too much, and his sleep sounded like a sweet smell. If it weren't for the rapid and regular ups and downs of his stomach, I would even suspect that he was already a dead dog.

The blue witch is not drunk at all, although her cheeks are red, but her eyes are bright.

I laughed and teased her: "A lot."

The blue witch disapproved and said: "I often drink fruit wine in the forest, I have long been used to it."

After changing my clothes, I went out of the room, went downstairs, and came to the commercial street. I took a deep breath and felt the refreshing sensation of alcohol in my abdomen. Then my eyes condensed slightly. I decided to start visiting the first pub.

The purpose of visiting the tavern is very simple-Xilan is addicted to alcohol, if you want to find him, the quickest way is to find him from the tavern.

I don't know what Xilan will be like today, whether he is still young or old, is still wearing a shabby linen cloak, or is dressed neatly, very capable.

However, the temperament of the strong will not change.

Because I decided that as long as I sense the strong, I will come forward and test it out. In the big deal, a pot of wine will not cost much.

Although the money in my pocket is not enough to buy the entire town, a bag full of gold coins is still enough to buy all the taverns in a few streets.

This is not blowing.

When you spent money earlier, you should have also noticed that the coins dropped by monsters that crushed the Hefeng Continent are different from ordinary minted coins, that is, minted coins have no magic fluctuations, but the dropped coins contain magic fluctuations.

Although minted coins and coins dropped by monsters are equivalently exchanged in Hefeng Continent, they are different in Demon World.

The coins dropped by monsters are the best coins in the devil world, and their value can be increased by one more level, that is, copper coins with magic fluctuations can be exchanged for silver coins without magic fluctuations, and silver coins with magic fluctuations can be exchanged for non-magic fluctuations with equal amounts Gold coins, gold coins with magic fluctuations can be exchanged for gold coins without magic fluctuations a hundred times.

In other words, the hundreds of gold coins I brought can be exchanged for tens of thousands of gold coins without magic fluctuations.


Gold coins containing magical fluctuations have a price and no market. How can I exchange them for gold coins that do not contain magical fluctuations at will?

If you want to change it, you can bring it in kind or go to the auction house to buy it.

After going back and forth, my pocket of gold coins still has the value in exchange for several street pubs.

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