The Demon Realm was originally the land of the apostles. They have been operating on this one-acre one-third of the land for hundreds of millions of years. In addition to the superficial forces, there are bound to be too many forces operating in secret.

Even the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, who has lived in the demon world for the shortest time, has a demon power that belongs to him. It is said that there are still many believers who believe in him, but these believers are too fanatical. The whole army was wiped out.

As for those apostles who have lived in the Demon Realm for a long time, their shadow forces must be more and more widely distributed.

It is also for this reason that when they feel that certain truths will affect their plan or rule, those who know the truth will definitely be killed by the shadow forces.

After looking at the lingering fear on the tavernkeeper’s face and the inevitable Zhansu in his eyes, I know that he is already unusable, no matter how strong he is, he is just a coward.

Of course, I am referring to the cowards among the adventurers. As for other aspects, they should be very powerful.

Especially when my eyes coincide with a family portrait hanging on the wall, his gentle wife’s happy smile from the heart, and the carefree happy smile of his two children from the heart, I already know Although he is a cowardly adventurer, he is also a strong father.

In that case...

I drank all the wine in the pot, I stood up, smiled and said, "It's getting late, and I should retire."

The tavern owner hurriedly got up and planned to send me out, but was declined.

Standing at the door, I smiled and said, "Since I no longer belong to the world of adventurers, I should be ruthless to break with it. Since then, I will run a business, love my wife, and educate my children. This kind of life is actually pretty good."

The tavernkeeper was silent for a long time before murmured back to me: "Okay..."

When I left, I did not forget my pound of soy sauce beef and ten trotters.

These are my dinner tonight with the Blue Witch.

It was a happier conversation with the tavern owner, and it took a lot of time, so I only went to another tavern and hurried back to the hotel.

The information obtained from the second tavern is much shaky than the first.

Not to mention the fact that the tavern owner is just an ordinary middle-aged person, he is the customer. Most of them are merchants who come here to enjoy the wine, and only a few are adventurers. These adventurers are still unknown civilians. A commoner adventurer from a family background, who can eat and drink enough, and have money to buy some wine to get drunk himself, is already the most beautiful luxury. As for Xilan, who is he? What to do with me? Can I drink enough to know him?

If the adventurer is like this, the merchant is even more unbearable.

From the mouths of these businessmen, apart from business discussions or money-making boasts, only women can be heard.

Which town’s women look good, which town’s women have a sense of stardom, which town is the best gentle town... In short, three sentences are inseparable from women.

I can understand that for men, especially those businessmen who do not have strong strength, money, status and women are their lifelong pursuits.

But now I desperately want to know the information about Xilan, and after listening to them murmur, murmur until dusk, I can't tell any information that has anything to do with Xilan, even if I have already proposed the name Xilan first, They still couldn't get around the subject, and there was even a businessman who was drunk and drunk and asked me: "Xilan, hiccup, where is it, hiccup, woman?"

I really want to breathe fragrantly, saying that Xilan is your uncle!

But thinking about it, I still held back.

At Xilan's age, when his ancestors are enough, saying that it is his uncle, that is not to scold him, but to praise him.

Back at the hotel, the Blue Witch had long been lying on the sofa, looking at me with a grimace.

If her eyes can speak, then she must be saying: You bastard, do you want to starve me to death?

When I heated the sauced beef and pig's trotters in a box similar to a microwave oven, the smell of meat exuded, instantly helping the blue witch forget all the unhappiness.

She looked like Feiyan'er, leaping towards the box, and couldn't wait to take out the hot plate, sucking cold air all the way, and brought the plate to the table.

After putting down the plate, she couldn't wait to use her index finger and **** to pull off a hot, fragrant pork knuckle, and put it into her mouth in an extremely exaggerated motion.

"Um~~~ It smells so good!"

The soft and waxy pork knuckle marinated in the seasoning almost melts in the mouth. It instantly conquered the food girl. The Blue Witch didn't wait for me to serve it, and began to feast on it.

She ate so ecstatically that she ate so fast that I washed my hands, changed my clothes, and when I came out, three pig feet had already been dried.

The leftover bones, the blue witch, didn't waste it, and threw it directly to Tuotuo.

Tuotuo didn't dislike the master's leftover bones. Like the master, Tuotuo threw selflessly on the bones and chewed.

The beagle’s teeth are quite good. When I saw it chewing bones before, I always thought it was just like the star people on the blue planet. They were using their tongues to shave the flesh between the bones, but now I have this idea. It has been completely changed.

Tuotuo is not shaving the meat, but chewing the bones together.

Although the pig's feet become soft and waxy at high temperatures, they are limited to the fleshy skin and the bones are still very hard. At least ordinary people and dogs are difficult to chew. However, chewing these hard bones is similar to chewing rice cakes. Looks like, I have to give a thumbs-up praise: good teeth!

By the time I picked up the first pig's feet and gnawed it halfway, there were only the last three pig's feet on the plate.

The blue witch licked her fingers contentedly, and then extended her claws to the plate of sauced beef.

But what I didn't expect was that she had only eaten half a plate of soy sauce beef, so she stopped, stood up, stretched her waist.

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, this girl is still conscientious, and left me half a plate of beef with sauce.

As I just finished this thought, I saw that the blue witch actually picked up the plate, ran to the bed, squatted up, and then continued to eat.

Hey, this girl, it turned out that she didn't save half of the plate for me, just because she felt tired from sitting and eating and wanted to continue eating on her stomach.

Frozen for a while, I looked back helplessly and threw the bones in my hands to Tuo Tuo. Seeing that it did not dislike it, it also chewed the bones I threw into my stomach. I always felt that it looked like some actions. Very blue witch.

The so-called near Zhu is red, near ink is black, the ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

After eating the last pig's foot, I threw all the bones to Tuotuo, then got up and came to the bed. Before I sat down, I saw an empty plate handed over.

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