Not too many good things.

This proverb is one hundred and one hundred spirits.

The guy who seems to be the leader of the Guardian Team was praised by me. His face was flushed, happy, excited, and shy. In short, all kinds of expressions were gathered on the same rugged face, and it seemed a bit hideous.

The corners of my mouth twitched, I slapped haha, and continued to maintain commercial flattery.

It wasn't until the big guy who brought me over came into the office that my business flattery model closed.

After closing the door, the big man who came in took the lead and said: "Uh...according to the investigation and interrogation, this assassin is very likely to be related to the Shah Xiu faction."

"Very likely? Not certain?"

"I can't fully conclude yet" the later man continued: "I just contacted the second appointed person in charge."

"How did he say?"

"He wants us to dig out the master behind the scenes." After a pause, he added: "Only give us three days."

"It's impossible!" The big guy sitting at the desk gently punched the table and said angrily: "With the assassin's current state, even if given another week, he may not speak, and if it is really related to the Haxiu faction, It's even more difficult to handle. Maybe this case will become a dead case."

"But the second appointment gave only three days."

"What if it expires?"

"They will come to mention people and interrogate them personally."

"What's the difference between this and murdering criminals?" The big man at the desk punched the table again, but this time it was a bit heavy, and even the cup jumped up.

"But we can't prevent this from happening, can we, boss?" The man who entered the door sighed.

The look of the big man behind the desk was sometimes hideous, but indifferent. His fists were sometimes clenched and sometimes loosened. For a long time, he looked up and sighed, then bowed his head, and saw me sitting in the corner. First, he was stunned. With a wry smile, he said: "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"No, it's okay." I shook my head: "After all, the second agreement is to override the defensive team, and even the organization that overrides the identity of the city lord. You have shown extremely noble qualities for the safety of the people's lives. It's a pity that they were born at an untimely time and an untimely place. If the two were born in the families of the leaders of the six organizations, the six organizations would not be so domineering."

"Hush!" The man who entered the door hurriedly put his index finger in front of his lips: "Shut down, you can't talk nonsense in public places."

"Oh oh, understand, understand" I kept repeating, indicating that I had corrected my mistake.

"In short, we keep in mind your contribution to the defensive team. Although we don't know what you want, if you need it, we hope to let you know and we will do our best to help you."

"That's great" I stood up, bowed, and said, "Then I will leave first."

"Go slowly."


As soon as I left the headquarters of the defensive team, the remaining two familiar men happened to meet me across from each other.

The two of them thanked me for my assistance in the morning. After chatting for a while, I left the headquarters.

Looking at the time, it’s a bit early to buy lunch. If you go back to the hotel, you can practice the sword technique for a while, but you won’t be able to practice for a long time.

Anyway, the main purpose of coming here is to find Xilan. Since I can't find it, I just wander around first.

After entering the tavern, I asked for a pot of wine, some side dishes, looked at the alcoholic drinkers around my eyes, and found the most enjoyable ones as targets. First, I listened quietly, and when I heard about it, I moved forward. , It's close to them.

Still the same sentence, real drinkers are quite pure, the chattering when the wine is hot, half of them are bragging, most of them are true intelligence.

As long as you can accurately find the bragging place, you can take advantage of the trend and smooth out the true information.

A pot of wine was quickly killed by a group of people, and I acted generously: "Boss, five more pots!"

When the tavern owner saw this, he first took three pots of wine and asked me for the wine in a tactful way. I took out a handful of copper coins very readily and put them in his hand: "Count them according to this."

Seeing that it was a copper coin containing magical fluctuations, the boss's suspicion was immediately thrown to the grandmother's house, and he immediately greeted the buddy for wine and good wine.

The drinker sitting next to me saw that I was lavish, and immediately said respectfully: "Dare to ask brother Gao's name?"

"An Xiaoyi" I said: "An adventurer."

However, the few people who were in front of me were all adventurers, but one by one couldn't buy wine and drink as boldly as I did. So I smiled and added: "The family is quite rich, and I have not yet married. understand."

"Oh~ I understand!"

A group of drinkers instantly understood, all of them showed expressions of ‘I know, I know’.

However, this very harmonious wine bureau is destined to not last too long. After all, there is still a blue witch waiting to eat at home, oh, yes, there is a tuo.

After confirming that none of them knew anything about Xilan, I bought two more pots of wine as a treat for them, then got up and left the tavern.

Bought four roast chickens, several dishes, and several boxes of rice, I strolled back to the hotel.

The blue witch was sitting at the dining table playing with things. I walked closer and took a look. Heh, it turned out that she was playing with a pendant she bought and photographed the other day.

"It's eating" I put the food on the table, but found that the blue witch was not very interested, and asked, "What happened?"

"This is broken." The blue witch pouted her lips and showed me the pendant.

Sure enough, the pendant was broken. Not only was it broken, but the gems and silver frames on it were also separated.

"What's the matter?" Putting the pendant back on the table, I asked as I took the food out, "Look at the broken mark, it was forcibly torn off, but it doesn’t seem like you don’t like it. It, then why should it break?"

"It's not me, it's tuo." The blue witch looked up and gave the cabinet a vicious look.

Only then did I realize that the tuo, who had always been alive and kicking, was shivering next to the cabinet, and kept looking at us with innocent eyes.

"How can Tuo Tuo break this thing?" I didn't understand: "Could they have hatred?"

"Where do I know!" The Blue Witch said displeased: "Just when I got out of the toilet, I saw Tuo Tuo playing with things. When I got closer, I realized that it turned out to be a pendant! This stinky dog ​​must be lying on me again. The coat is up!"

Speaking of this, she stood up quickly, walked quickly to the closet, opened the door of the closet, and took out her coat to look carefully for a while.

Then, a cry of surprise came from the closet.

"Why? My clothes are not dirty at all?"

"That is to say, Tuo Tuo didn't actually touch your clothes. You wronged it."

"But this is not right!" The Blue Witch emphasized: "If Tuo Tuo didn't touch my clothes, then this pendant... Could it be that it was a spiritual event?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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