The next town is far less harmonious and friendly than the wine city.

Not long after I entered the city, I heard fighting and screams. With curiosity, I secretly searched for the source of my life, and suddenly found that the two groups were smashing.

One group's fighting style is chaotic, while the other group is obviously more unified. While summoning all kinds of creatures, when these creatures are injured and dying, they will be chanted and detonated.

At the moment of turning into powder, the last group of dazzling light burst out, like a shooting star, but reality is extremely cruel, and I can even feel the painful cry of those summons.

If what I expected is correct, these two groups are probably the Haxiu faction and the second agreement.

Unexpectedly, they really caused a dispute.

However, in terms of scale, it should be only a small scale, individual group behavior, but from the point of view that no members of the guard team came forward to stop this, the dispute should be tacitly approved from above.

It is estimated that after this dispute has passed, the poor members of the defensive team caught in the middle will have to bite the bullet and come here to wash the ground while carrying the injustice of'dereliction of duty'.

Looking at the corpses of many hacked or bombed adventurers, and the blood everywhere, I couldn't help but observe a minute of silence for the defensive team.

Really, they are really difficult.

I didn't stay for too long. After all, the weapon fighting thing is very exciting. If any one of the parties finds it, it is very likely that I will be involved.

What do you say I should do?

I would definitely not wait to be hacked to death, and it would be impossible to put the Blue Witch and Tuo Tuo in danger. There was only one choice, which was to fight back.

I don't know the second agreement, but the people of the Haxiu faction, if my men are merciful and keep them alive, there is a high probability that they will assemble the team and retaliate against me.

The only thing I can do with this kind of ungrateful organization is to kill them all.

But who can guarantee that the second agreement will not also be ungrateful?

Large organizations never talk about human rights, they only talk about interests.

Maybe the second person agreed at first will promise me not to tell others about me, but if I help them with this matter, who can guarantee that they will not advertise my matter? What about it?

No, I think they will, and they will.

Not only will my affairs be advertised, but they will also come to visit, buy them out, and threaten them secretly. Anyway, they must help me on their tanks, otherwise they will take extreme measures and wipe me out.

After all, only the dead strong will not become the enemy.

So for the sake of safety, I can only choose to kill both groups.

Although I am confident that I will kill two groups of people in a very short time, but I can’t guarantee whether there will be ears on the wall. Once someone snoops on and publicizes the matter, then what I will face is not It's just that the Kaixiu faction and the second person agreed, and there are endless assassinations, and even the stay and purchase of goods will be restricted.

If I want to prevent this tragic situation from being overwhelmed, I have only two ways to go. First, stay away from fighting, and second, kill any apostle and equalize my reputation with the apostle.

The second option is difficult, at least I can’t make it until I unlock the seal.

But the first option is simple.

So, the Blue Witch and Tuotuo quietly walked outside the alley.

However, just after a few dozen steps, he was blocked by a group of menacing guys.

Looking at their messy weapons and sullen expressions, my heart sank: Kaixiu faction!

"You, who?"

The sturdy man who led the warhammer asked in a deep voice.

"We are crossing the road. Just now we heard the sound of a weapon fight, so we came over and took a look..."

"Passing by?"

The leader looked at me up and down a few times, and quickly stopped his gaze on my two knives.

"Are you an adventurer?"

"Yes" I honestly admitted, shaking my legs and arms.

"What level?"

"I..... level three or three."


The big man smiled meaningfully. At the same time, a thin man next to him whispered in his ear. Although the voice was very soft, I heard it very clearly: "Brother, let's kill this kid, and then put this girl... ...Hehehe."

The wretched laugh of the thin man was very ugly, while the wretched smile on the big man's face looked quite ugly.

"Hey, kid" he waved at me: "Come on, stand closer, I have something to ask you."

I pretended to be frightened, trembling a few times, and said, "Ask, ask me, what's the matter?"

The big man shrank when he saw me, and he was immediately unhappy: "What the **** is this waste! I won't know if you come over!"

"Good, good."

I trembled and walked forward, and when I was only about one meter away from the big man, this guy suddenly picked up the warhammer in his hand and threw it down on my head like a thunder.

"Die to Lao Tzu!"

The ferocious smile and cruel voice squeezed out of the big man's mouth, like the most dangerous sound made by a poisonous snake vomiting a letter before hunting.

Looking at the warhammer that crashed down, I shook my head a little disappointed. With a flick of my thumb, the handle came out of the sheath, the handle was drawn, and the knife flashed.

Simple cut with a knife!

The dozen or so members of the Sha Xiu faction who came here to support froze in place instantly. The leading man turned his head in disbelief, but at the moment he turned his head, a thin line suddenly appeared on his neck, bright red and eye-catching, and then, His head was like a stone, rolling down to the ground with a muffled noise.

Not only him, but the heads of all the members of the Shah Xiu faction present were like irregular oval stones, falling to the ground.

In an instant, people's heads rolled, and in an instant blood flowed into streams.

"Let's go."

As if nothing happened, I put the knife in its sheath and left in strides.

Behind her, the blue witch hugged the tuo, floating in the air under the influence of magic, and left with me.

The next day, in the headlines of the newspaper, all members of the Qixiu faction combat team died tragically, which was suspected to be done by an adventurer using a sharp weapon.

At the same time, there was a lot of discussion in the streets and alleys, suspecting that this was the work of the male mage of Tarakuta, and suspected that the object was the ice master, because only the powerful ice master would use such sharp means to kill the enemy.

Someone immediately retorted that although the mighty Frozen Master was skilled in swordsmanship, the coroner said that everyone was beheaded by one sword, but there is no strong man in our town who can kill a dozen people with one sword!

Some people retorted that this matter might have been done by the killers hired by other organizations, and the organization that hired the killers was most likely the second agreement. After all, the two organizations have enmity with each other. Killing each other’s combat team becomes equivalent to Enhance your own strength.


Suspicions are everywhere, and opinions vary.

The only thing that is certain is that the Demon World will become more chaotic.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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