Actually, I can't really blame me for this turmoil.

What I did was to be a gunman, and the real fuse was the apostle behind the Shaxiu faction, Weeping Eye Herder.

I don't know why Weeping Eye Helder caused turmoil, but this is not necessarily a good thing for the Demon World.

Although the population can be reduced to a certain extent, and even the need to survive the survival of the fittest can be met, this will curb the demon world’s economic development and overall economic flow in a sense, and will also slow down the development of science and technology.

After all, most of the wars in the devil world are related to magic. As for physical attacks or the use of technological means to attack, they are all a minority.

Therefore, in addition to increasing the probability of magical innovation to a certain extent, such things as turmoil are only harmful to the overall environment of the demon world.

But that's the case, Weeping Eye Held still starts a war every once in a while.

This really puzzled me.

Could it be that war is good for her?

I think so, but I can't figure out the key points.

Sitting by the window, sighing, there was another fight outside.

It's the second agreement between the Haxiu faction.

At first, the two groups had a great time fighting, but as the battle escalated, some passersby who happened to pass by were also affected, but most of them were injured and fell to the ground, and were not massacred.

Looking at it, I found something was wrong. The attacked passers-by were not just as simple as being affected. This seemed to be a test from the members of the Xixiu faction to test whether they were adventurers and what type they belonged to. adventurer.

I saw with my own eyes a weak summoner being knocked down, and her summoned item was killed by members of the Shah Sect. However, the fierce Shah Sect members did not continue to mutilate the weak summoner who was crying on the body of the summoned object. Instead, he launched a fierce attack on a seemingly powerful elementalist.

This is already very obvious. From the very beginning, the target of the Haxiu faction was not passers-by, nor was it the Spin Demon Society, but the second agreement and Tara Kuta.

This quickly reminded me of rumors circulating in the world: The one who killed the Kaixiu faction battle team was probably an elementalist who mastered superb swordsmanship.

So I couldn't help muttering again: "Is it true that all this is to blame?"

As I was thinking, Odachi’s voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "Are you related to Tarakuta? I mean Tarakuta from the Demon World."

"It's ok."

"Then why are you guilty?" Odachi teased, "Could it be that you are also secretly in love with Alice and Saran in your heart, and you love the house and Wu, so that you will feel compassion for Tarakuta in the Demon World?"

"Don't talk nonsense, although Alice is very beautiful and Saran is also very starry, but I only have friendship with them, but there is no emotional entanglement. You should be very clear about this."

"Yeah, I should be very clear, so, brat, you are still guilty of a fart! If you don't kill the **** of the Shaxiu faction, you can only run away now."

"That's how it is said, but..."

"But what?" Before I finished speaking, Taito retorted, "Are you trying to say that there are a lot of innocent people? You think these innocent people died because of you, right?"

After a little hesitation, I hummed.

"Do you think this kind of thinking is meaningful? Do you think that as you are, it is enough to influence the Haxiu faction, the second agreement, and Tara Kuta? Do you think that without you, this demon world will stop, just Will it be destroyed?"

"......will not."

"It seems to be quite sober and not confused to the end." Odachi sneered: "Your existence may have a great impact on the Hefeng Continent, but it has no impact on the Demon Realm. Even if you don't instigate, this turmoil will It will still happen. There will still be countless small and weak adventurers being bullied and slaughtered in squares, streets, and alley corners. This is not your fault, understand? This is not your fault! This is the system It’s the fault of the Demon World’s system and the people behind it! It’s the apostle’s fault! It has nothing to do with you! It has nothing to do with you!!!"

The instant roar, my head really buzzed.

After a moment of stunned, Odachi's tone slowed down and whispered: "So, you don't need to care too much about this, and there is no need to blame yourself. Even if you don't kill those bastards, the killing will still exist, and it will never be less than now, and if You didn’t kill those bastards. Today, you can’t be so clean and happy, the blue witch, tuo, and you can’t sit leisurely by the window and eat snacks to watch the fun. They will get tired and be with you. My son, with exhaustion and despair, constantly rushing from town to town, seeking a hiding place, do you think this kind of life is good?"

"......not good."

"If it's not good, it's right" Otato said with a smile: "So, what you did is right, understand?"

"Although I really want to refute you, but... you are right, I am the one who has been worrying too much."

With a sigh of relief, I subconsciously felt comfortable, and then became a little hungry, and then reached out to grab the snack bag on the blue witch's leg, but was stopped by the hand that the blue witch passed over.

After taking the potato chips she handed over, he saw that they were half-baked.

Well, it's also food anyway, and it's all sprinkled with seasonings, so just eat it.

While eating half-cooked potato chips, I continued to overlook the battle.

In the beginning, the dominant party in this battle was the Kai Xiu faction. After all, there were many people, and the strength was not weak, and the fight was fierce.

But as they attacked passers-by and even wounded several other organization members, the original melee of two or three organizations instantly escalated into an angry siege, and the target of the siege was indeed the brutal Shaxiu faction.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. No matter how fierce the Kai Xiu faction is, it is impossible to be the opponent of such a large group of adventurers!

The battle lasted for more than 20 minutes. In the end, all members of the Sha Xiu faction were killed, and the other members of the organization were killed and wounded by nearly two-thirds. This ended the war.

Compared with the Demon Realm, the battle in the Hefeng Continent is much milder, but tragedies such as these occasionally occur.

Just thinking about it, five waves of people came out from two directions in the town.

Just listen to the blue witch whispering: "Guardian of Oath...Tarakuta...Swirl Demon Society...Tai Xiu faction...The second promise ......"

"You all know, which organizations are people?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah" The Blue Witch nodded: "They all have badges on them."


I was embarrassed that I didn't find the badge.

But since the Blue Witches know each other, that is to say, except for the ancient library, other organizations have participated in this melee.

"It's really scary."

I murmured.

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