Since then, the ancient library has appeared in the Demon Realm and has become one of the two most shining stars in the Demon Realm.


What is the other star?

Of course it is Tara Kuta!

That was the first organization created by Weeping Eye Held himself, the organization of pure elementalists, and the first large-scale organization with great influence in the demon world.

Through Giles' introduction, I not only learned about the forming process of the ancient library, but also learned a lot about the profession of magic scholar.

Magic scholars are different from other magic professions, they attack enemies by combining magic and technology.

This unique fighting style has dominated the champions of major events in the Demon World for a long time.

Even Yiqi, the most genius among magical scholars, known as the Infinite One, was said to be at the same level as Katie at the peak of her life, and belonged to the existence of being able to contend with the apostle on her own.

And it is said that in the eyes of the apostle, Ikky is more difficult than Katie.

Fighting with Katie means facing the siege of a large group of summoned babies, while fighting with Ikky, you must be prepared to face a series of strange moves. Maybe these moves can't kill the apostles, but they can be called Apostle life is better than death.

Yes, you read that right. Once encountered, the apostle may fall into a situation where life is worse than death.

This is the most frightening place.

Yiqi may not be the most powerful scholar, but he is the most prestigious.

It is precisely because of this that under Yiqi’s rule, the status of the ancient library has risen to an unprecedented height. Not only has it defeated the old organization Tara Kuda, but even with the momentum of Hong Tao, it is hoped to get involved in the crown sect. All had to die during Iqi’s administration and came second.

After tens of millions of years, although Yiqi has passed away, and the ancient library has not participated in any grand competition for many years, no one still dares to underestimate the ancient library, because no one knows that the ancient library, which has always been low-key, is now How many strong will be alive.

If there are a few more talented people like Yiqi, or even stronger powerhouses, no matter which organization, they won't be able to carry this pot.

Even the sect who is least afraid of things.

Therefore, the few people who were poisoned by Jin Baili this morning were afraid that they died in vain.

With a light sigh, I continued to listen to Giles talking about the magical scholar.

The attack methods of magic scholars are different from those of elementalists who attack pure magic, swearing guards, summoners who rely on babies to fight, or the sect who rely on weapons to attack. They adopt a combination of science and magic, which means technology. Double repair with magic.

The main attack method is indeed the case, but because the technological products are not very easy to carry, and the magic power of the technological creation is not enough, so on the basis of technology and magic attacks, they have researched various auxiliary attack drugs.

Some of these medicines assist in increasing light attribute attacks, as well as assist in increasing dark attribute attacks, some can produce explosive effects, and some can freeze opponents. In addition, magical scholars have researched poison powder attacks.

This kind of poison powder is quite powerful. If there is no poison immunity and just average strength, it will suffer bone pain and die in intense pain and struggle.

However, this kind of poisonous powder is far from satisfactory for the strong.

The strong at the level of fading and above can rely on the power of fading to weaken the effect of toxins. When the amount of fading power reaches a certain level, they can even be immune to poison powder damage.

Although the injury is avoidable, the pain still exists.

Not to mention mere humans, even the apostles couldn't bear the devastation of these debuffs.

This morning, Jin Baili’s attack method was an appalling toxin attack.

And those three adventurers who are only about level five can't stand the pain of the poisonous powder, and even more can't stand the erosion of their flesh. In just a few minutes, they have corroded their small half of their flesh. Exhausted.

After pondering a little, I asked Giles for a bit of poison.

Although Giles expressed doubts about my act of asking for poisonous powder, he still only paused for a second before taking out a poisonous powder bag from his sleeve and handing it to me.

Opening the powder bag, after hesitating for a second, I poured the poisonous powder into my mouth.

Giles, who was sitting opposite, was shocked by this.

But I have no time to pay attention to his feelings at the moment, because I feel that at this moment, in my mouth, in my throat, and in my body, there seems to be a ball of fire constantly wandering, burning my internal organs and destroying every one in my body. cell.

The severe pain made me sober. I knew that I was moving at this moment, and it was not suitable to speak, so I closed my mouth firmly and felt the pain at this moment with my heart.

At first, the poison powder burned my inner palace like a fireball, but after a few minutes, the pain suddenly changed, turning into half itching and half pain.

This is the hardest part.

Pain, I can bear it, itchy, I can bear it, but itchy and painful, it makes me crazy.

After recovering, Giles planned to rescue me immediately, but I tremblingly raised his hand and refused.

His eyes were very worried, and he couldn't tell whether he was worried about my life or simply didn't want me to die here.

But I didn't have the mind to think about it at all. I just kept telling myself: hold back, hold back, hold back...

During this period, even if the killing intent was forcibly suppressed in the flesh and blood, I just wanted to experience the effect of poisoning the flesh.

After about a quarter of an hour, the pain was almost nothing, and my whole body collapsed. I sighed in relief, leaned back, and collapsed to the ground without any image.

"You, are you okay?" Giles worried.

"It's okay," I said weakly, "but this poison is really powerful, and it made me feel the inability to survive and the inability to die."

Seeing that I was no more abnormal, Giles hurriedly checked, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong, he was relieved, wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and sighed, "You are so amazing."

I lay on the floor and asked weakly, "Why do you say this?"

"This poison powder is on the skin, it will make people painful and crazy, you actually swallowed it directly, and you swallow a packet!"

"Hahaha" laughed three times, and I said: "I just want to experience this feeling. It's been a long time since I tried the poison and physical pain."

Charles poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and then asked: "Your body seems to be immune to poison?"

"You see it?"

"It's not difficult to see" Charles said: "Although the toxin effect of this poisonous powder is not enough to seal the throat, it is also highly toxic. Ordinary adventurers, if they don't have the power of fading, if they touch it, In the slightest, serious injuries, and severe deaths, and instead of being seriously injured or dying, you are in good health and show no signs of poisoning. This already shows the problem."

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