A cat’s paw is not something that can be squeezed casually to score people.

If it is a shovel officer, if the cat owner is in a good mood, he will naturally show his claws and give the shovel some welfare or something.

But if the opponent is not the **** shovel officer, or the cat owner's enemy, then it is terrible. The cat owner does not reward the opponent with both paws.

If the cat owner is in a bad mood, wait for Qing to be turned into a face.

Obviously, the black cat must be in a bad mood at the moment, so it immediately showed its paws, and aimed at me to release the cat's special combat skills such as scratching.

However, one of its paws was pinched by me, and I could only use the other paw to attack me.

Facing the black cat's lightning-like sharp claw attack, I did not rush, stretched out my hand and squeezed, but unexpectedly, the black cat avoided my squeeze dangerously and dangerously.

It is said that cats react seven times faster than cats. This is true!

He was able to avoid my pinching, hum.

Thinking of this, I sneered three times and shot again.

This time, I squeezed it accurately and waved it to my cat's paw again, then lifted it in the air with both hands, shaking it left and right, and the black cat reluctantly followed my movements and swayed left and right. Swing, and then I found that its body was stretched out! Elongated! Elongated! ! !


Is there such an operation?

I immediately thought of the picture of Barbara being lifted by me and her body stretched out, but immediately, I forcibly dispelled the random thinking.

Although Barbara is from the cat tribe, she is also a human after all, different from a cat.

She must not be that kind of stretchable, spring-like body, otherwise she would have been exposed for so long to get along with her character.


During this period, Jin Baili on the side seemed to have the idea of ​​stealing my gold coins, but when she moved, she was threatened by Giles' eyes.

That's right. Good kids don't steal money.

Speaking of this, I can't help but think of Xiao Lemi.

That girl is also a thief, but she is fast, skilled, and knows how to seize the opportunity. She can often steal money from the other party's pocket at unexpected moments.

I think she stole the three gold coins that I had worked so hard to save.

If Xiao Leimi were here, she would have got along well with Jin Baili, after all, both girls were habitual thieves, and they were both habitual thieves without malicious intentions.

I threw the black cat to Giles. After all, I am just a Drifter in the Devildom, not suitable for raising cats. Besides, this guy is also very unfriendly to me. Besides, this cat belongs to Giles and Jin Baili. Can you seize love?

After leaving, I took a detour, came to a restaurant, bought some food, and took it back to the hotel.

As soon as I returned to the hotel, I found something was wrong.

Why is there no one in the lobby?

This is absolutely abnormal!

It stands to reason that even if the boss is not there, the waiters will at least work or rest in the lobby, and there will be a front desk if it is not good, at least the front desk should be at the door!

But the scene before him is that no matter the front desk, the lobby, or the corridor, they are all empty.

I wondered, my heart was tight, no, maybe it was ransacked by adventurers!

It's not that this kind of thing has never happened.

During the period of turmoil in Hefeng Continent, Eri City, the entire Eri City fell into a state of inability. Without restraint, many adventurers continued to expand and grow their desires hidden in their hearts, finally completely annihilating their sanity.

Later, they began to commit unscrupulous crimes, using all kinds of unimaginable means to cause damage to the city of Ai Rui.

It wasn't until the reorganized defensive team began to kill and encircle criminal adventurers that this wave of madness finally subsided.

Wouldn't it be the same in the Demon World at this moment?

When I thought of this, I became more nervous, took a few steps up the stairs and rushed upstairs.

When I was about to reach the top floor, where my room was located, I finally saw the first living person, no, not just one, but several. They were all hotel staff, including the receptionist.

At this moment, the front desk and the service staff were whispering about something. Seeing me coming over, they stopped talking.

I came to the lady at the front desk and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, what happened upstairs?"

Originally, the lady at the front desk was looking away from me, but I was asked in person, so she couldn't walk away, so she said, "Upstairs...killed."

Hearing this, my heart shrank and I missed the receptionist and all the service staff, and strode forward.

After a few steps, we came to the top floor.

On the top floor at this time, many hotel staff and even the owner of the hotel were all around here, their eyes staring blankly ahead.

There, it is my room!

Could it be the blue witch being...

Thinking of this, I became more nervous, so I accelerated my pace even more.

Squeezing the crowd away, I came to the door, looked inside, and saw seven or eight bodies lying on the floor of the hall.

These... are all men.

What about the Blue Witch?

Thinking of this, I stepped into the house, and after seeing everything inside the house, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I saw the blue witch lying on the bed, eating snacks leisurely, while Tuo, lying next to her cleverly, sticking her tongue out, seeing me coming back, stood up excitedly, wanted to come over to act like a baby, but was caught The **** witch held it down.

"Where did you go!" The blue witch raised her eyebrows and said, "I wonder if there is still a beautiful girl at home alone?"

Uh...This is not true!

Well, I admit that she is a pretty girl, but Jiao Didi...

Without further investigating the blue witch's inconsistency, I pointed to the corpse on the ground: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know" said the blue witch.

"Did you see who killed it?"

"I killed it."


"Because they are very rude and treat me with bad intentions."

Very rude...ill-intentioned...

I suddenly thought of a scene where the blue witch was looking out from the window. The group of adventurers was attracted by the beauty of the blue witch, so they broke into the door and planned to betray her, but I didn’t expect that she turned out to be a powerful magician. One face-to-face, there will be no more.

When everyone in the hotel came to the scene with trepidation, they discovered that this group of guys had been killed collectively, and their death was strange and miserable.

He bent down and turned one of the corpses around, only to find that the front was completely unrecognizable, and it was obvious that he had suffered a huge magical shock before his death.

After that, I checked the bodies one by one and confirmed that they were all killed by magic. I put my hands in my pockets, but I was shocked by the crowd waiting and kneeling down, begging for mercy.

With a wry smile, I took out a silver coin from my pocket, threw it at the feet of the boss, and said, "Throw these corpses out and wash the floor."

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