I stared at Xilan, my eyes twitched, and said in my heart: Of course I don’t know. Will I ask you if I know?

But you can think so, but you can't say that.

After a long silence, I shook my head: "Please clarify."

Xilan raised his glass, the syrup was clear, his eyes blurred.

"Because... I have lost my courage."



Xilan drank the wine in one cup, and continued: "In the beginning, I had only one goal, even if I spent thousands of years, as long as I could successfully assassinate that woman, I would go back to reunite with Alice."

With a light sigh, Xi Lan said solemnly: "However, I overestimate myself and underestimate the apostle. I think that as long as I can unite with the strong in the devil world, I can kill the woman like Shilock, as everyone knows, Shilock and that woman are not at the same level at all, that woman...she is too strong."

"Uh..." I raised my hand and asked Xilan if he could interrupt.

Xilan was taken aback and lifted the wine glass.

"Although it is rude to say that, but I hope you can listen to it calmly."

Xi Lan nodded: "I will restrain, but it doesn't matter."

"Regarding Stalker Shilock, what I want to say is that when you assassinated her, she was extremely weak and her sanity almost collapsed."

When Xi Lan heard the words, her expression moved slightly, but she didn't speak, still staring at me quietly.

I continued: "In other words, there is no need for the sacrifices of the Four Juggernauts and Luxi. It only takes hundreds of thousands of years for Shilock to collapse and disappear by itself.

Xilan:? !

"What you said, is there evidence?"

When he said this, Xilan's expression was agitated, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Of course" I said: "Because Stalker Shirlock is also one of my friends."

Xilan was completely wilted now.

He lay on the spot, staring at the wine glass blankly, both his eyes and the background were pale.

"Don't be like this, Xilan" I repeatedly comforted him: "Even if Shilock has only a little power left, it is still the power of an apostle after all, and it is not something ordinary humans can control. And you just defeated Shilock with five people. , It can be seen that your strength is at the apex among human beings."

I thought I could comfort him, but unexpectedly, the more I comforted him, the lower he was. Later, the whole person fell into a state of self-destruction and even put down the wine glass.

I was troubled now, because I didn’t know how to persuade Xilan at all, and my best friend, Odachi, was also left in the hotel by me. Only the first mind was left beside me. Xilan's demon knife, who was still in a ignorant state.

This guy can't even express it now, how can it help me deal with the complicated situation before me?

So I can only drink.

After all, being drunk can relieve thousands of sorrows... Forget, I am not drunk.

But fortunately, Xilan, an old drunkard, had basically zero resistance to the wine in front of him. Based on this, he finally managed to remedy the embarrassment in front of him, but Xilan only drank, but stopped talking.

After more than a dozen wine tours, I once again found the topic: "Makai’s wine tastes pretty good, but it is relatively simple. There is no low alcohol sweet wine such as wine on sale. Would you say if you run a winery here? Earn money?"

When Xilan heard the words, he raised his head and his eyes recovered somewhat. He thought a little, and said: "Impossible. If you sell wine in the north, you will lose everything."

"Huh?" I wondered: "Why is this? Don't northerners want to see wine?"

Xilan shook his head again: "It's not that people from the north don't want to see you, but the climate is not suitable. The north is cold. Only spirits can warm your body and keep you away. It is basically impossible for wine to open up sales in the north.

"Forget it then" I said, "How about the South?"

"Southern?" Xilan smiled: "There are wines in the South, and they are everywhere. You can't afford to spend money unless your wine is unique."

"Is it unique?" I thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Is it a master brew?"

"Which master? What is his background? Is he famous or prestigious?"

Facing Xilan's face and asking four times, I said: "Making a chant, I'm in the Hefeng Continent and I am familiar with this matter."

"This is the Demon World, not the Hefeng Continent" Xilan shook his head again, and said, "The master brewers in the Demon World have inheritance. You want to fabricate a master. Unless you have something unique, can you make wine?"

"This..." After a moment of freezing, I sighed: "I know how to grow grapes."

"That's not enough" Xilan said: "You can't even make wine, how do you open the market?"

"Hey, it's really troublesome." I was heartbroken: "I knew that, I might as well bring some master brewers."

"Listening to you, it seems like the master brewer is very worthless in Hefeng Continent."

"No, it's very valuable, but I have a way."

"Oh?" Xi Lan came interested: "Are you descended from aristocrats?"

"Can you stop making trouble," I said: "I'm a descendant of ancient goblins, and I have no blood connection with humans."

"Oh" Xi Lan nodded, and said curiously: "Then where do you come from?"

"Good luck" I said: "I have recognized a foster father, he is the richest businessman in the Hefeng Continent. Let's put it this way, as long as there are people in the Hefeng Continent, there is his industry, and it is definitely the most. The prosperous one."

"There is a top rich and rich foster father, your luck is really good."

"That's not the point," I said: "Foster father is still the person who talks about Fort Witch, uh, Fort Witch, you don't know, it's the country of the goblin tribe and the dwarf tribe, by the way, the goblin tribe and the dwarf tribe you know Right?"

"Well, one of them is a master of equipment forging, one is a master of construction, one is very good at innovation, and the other is very focused on laying the foundation."

"Yeah," I said: "Nowadays, the goblin tribe and the dwarf tribe have built a country together. Their monarchs are all my foster father who grew up watching him grow up. The feelings are closer than my brothers, so I am between these two The status in the race is second only to their monarch level."

"But if I remember correctly, the real master winemaker should not exist among the dwarves and goblins, but the elves...the elves are right."

"Yes, you are right, the real wine masters are indeed from the hands of the forest spirits."

"If I remember correctly, Mori and Dwarves have nothing to do with goblins..."

"You remember that you are absolutely correct. The Moonlight City of the Mori is tens of thousands of miles away from the Fort Witch of the dwarves and goblins."

"Then why do you say..."

"Who told you that I'm just a matter of Fort Witchcraft?"

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