After hearing Xilan's explanation, I was curious to ask him: "What about Alice?"

"Alice..." Xilan's gaze was blurred again, and at the same time she was still suffering with a trace of cessation.

Heloise is hooked on here, but Alice can’t be parted from there, hey, scumbag.

"I think you are a scumbag" Odachi's voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "Your fiancée is much more than his, and you are still thinking about Saran and Socia, and even taking Alice with you."

"Sharan and Socia, as well as Alice, are all alternative options. If Xi Lan really does not go back, and Alice loves me again, I don’t mind doing this, but if Xi Lan is willing to go back, I will When staying away from Alice, as for my fiancées, they are all true love, they are in love with each other, and have a fart relationship with a scumbag?"

After listening to Odachi, he sneered: "Your face and sophistication have grown with each passing day."

I smiled and stopped responding.

Since Xilan still couldn't let go of Alice because he hadn't cut off his feelings, he always wandered between returning to the Hefeng continent and not returning to the Hefeng continent.

I don't care about it.

He went back to the Hefeng Continent. It was naturally the best. Many troubles could be solved easily. He also added a new member of the Hefeng Continent. Furthermore, based on the relationship between Xilan and me, I can still use part of Tarakuta’s authority. Get it in hand.

If he doesn’t know how to play with the Wind Continent, it’s more troublesome at best. For example, Alice’s sadness, Alice’s complaints, and Alice’s broken thoughts are all indispensable. After all, she asked me to do things. If it is done, she will naturally not let me go easily. It is impossible to do it. Even if we are not allies, she will not do it to me, because first of all I am not weak, and secondly, there are many bigwigs standing behind me. None of them are something that Alice can afford.

Although it is impossible to do it, it is still possible to complain to me, or even beat me a few times to vent the resentment in my heart.

Don’t even think that Alice is just a doll puppet made by Herder, but according to Xilan, she should be the best product among the doll puppets that Herder has spent a lot of time to develop. It can be regarded as a top product. Except for the core, every skin, muscle, and fat nerves of Alice's body, including internal organs, are no different from humans, except that they are stronger.

In other words, Alice can give birth to healthy children just like other humans.

When I heard the news, my eyes turned to Xilan unconsciously.

Xilan had to bite the bullet and explain: "After all, I was in love with Alice at the time, and we were both ready to get married from the Demon World back to the Hefeng Continent, but I didn't expect..."

Seeing him with a complicated expression, I couldn't say much, patted him on the shoulder, and said that things are impermanent.

Since Heroes was reinvigorated by Xilan's poisonous chicken soup, her attitude towards Xilan has also been a big turn.

At first, she was just curious about this senior, and she might have good feelings, but it was not strong, and more of worship.

But when Xi Lan poured her a big bowl of poisonous chicken soup, the girl was a bit silly, I mean the mental silly.

Although most of the gazes towards Xilan were still respect and admiration, they also brought a bit of goodwill and love. In other words, this girl seemed to really fall in love with Xilan.

As for Xi Lan, he who could clearly see this, still treats Heroes tenderly, his eyes and expressions ate the little girl like Heroes to death.

Does this guy also want to score twice in the Devildom?

If this is the case, he guesses he really does not want to return to the Hefeng Continent.

After all, although Alice may not tolerate him opening the harem, she definitely can't stand the loneliness she has endured for tens of millions of years, staying chaste, waiting hard, but the other party directly brought a good friend back.

I guess Alice can kill Heroes.

No, it must be done, because Sharan and Socia have always been on Alice's side. With the strength of these two women, it may be difficult to defeat Xi Lan, but it is not difficult to contain Xi Lan.

I hope that Heroes and Xilan don’t really stare at the mung beans and meet the eyes, and even if they do meet the eyes, Xilan don’t be stupid and return the heroi ribbon to the Hefeng Mainland, otherwise it’s true. He can only collect the body of Heroes.

I hope that the body of Heroes can withstand Alice's anger firmly.

Looking across the faces of Heroes and Xi Lan, I couldn't help sighing slightly.

"Don't worry about others," Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "Worry about yourself first."

"Me?" I wondered: "What happened to me?"

"How do you think your fiancées will treat you when you take the Blue Witch back?"

Odachi smirked and poured me a pot of cold water.

Um, Odachi’s idea is somewhat reasonable. Yes, Phoenix and the others will definitely not spare me after seeing and confirming the identity of the Blue Witch and her relationship with me, but I have a natural outlook. I believe that this punishment will not endanger my life. At most, it will be more severe family practices and a period of coldness. I believe they will forgive me as long as I cheekily admit my mistakes.

Moreover, I have not done anything like cheeky and confessing my mistakes in a low voice. Anyway, my comprehensive status in the family has never surpassed any fiancee. I have long been accustomed to such things as being oppressed.

Over the past few days, I have fully felt what it means to eat dog food.

Okay, although Xilan hasn't shown any behavior that is too intimate, Heroes seems to want to get closer to Xilan.

In this state, it was like finding a helpless little girl who had been relying on for life, and it reminded me of Lizi and Remy, and the wonderful duo.

Since the strange duo had already had a deep bond with me, they only had respect and reliance on me, but there was no love for me. However, Liz and Remy were not involved in this aspect. They quickly treated me. Dependence and love are born.

Heroes looked at Xi Lan at such a moment.

The blue witch seemed to have thoughts about dog food, so she quietly said to me, "These two have a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"They seem...something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" I asked knowingly, "What are you referring to?"

"Oh, why are you so elm-headed" the blue witch said: "They seem to be..."

As he spoke, his fingers hooked and a weird smile appeared.

"Oh~" I laughed cooperatively, and then my expression closed: "I don't understand."

Until then, how could the Blue Witch not know that I was teasing her, so she angrily punched my chest with a small fist: "Dare to tease me and die!"

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