On the third day of the fight, the Blue Witch and I drove away with a tuo.

This time, we brought enough food and bought a map—a topographic map of the southern continent.

As noted on the map, the next city closest to here is about two days' drive away.

Driving on the flat dirt road, the blue witch and I chatted one after another.

Tuotuo was lying on the back seat of the car gnawing on a molar toy.

"I heard a young lady with some experience say that this battle may continue for a long time."

"Humph, isn't this normal."

"Fighting, dying, you feel normal." I stretched out my hand and touched her forehead: "I don't have a fever. Why have you started talking nonsense? You can speak such cruel things."

"Cruel?" The Blue Witch tweeted: "This is not cruel, I'm just explaining the facts."

"Oh?" I picked up the water bag, pulled out the plug, and asked with a smile: "Where did you hear this fact?"

"It didn't sound like..."

The blue witch was silent for a few seconds, and continued: "I have recovered part of my memory."


A sip of water sprayed a car door.

I looked up in amazement and stared at the girl. After a while, I came back to my senses and said, "You mean it?"

The blue witch said calmly: "There is no need to lie to you."

After calming down for a few seconds, I said again: "When did it happen?"

"Remember the day when we were driven out of town?"

I nodded.

"Yes, that day, I was so angry that I had a headache later, and then I didn't know anything. When I woke up, I would restore my memory."

I was speechless, but at the same time I remembered a word in my mind: stimulation.

Some people with amnesia will reactivate their memory cells after being stimulated enough to recall the lost memories.

"In other words, do you know your name?"

The blue witch shook her head: "I only remember some of the experiences, the name... It's really too long, I forgot."

"Your experience... is related to war?"

She nodded: "It's all war and pain, do you want to listen?"

I shook my head quickly: "Forget it, I already have enough painful memories. If there are good memories, I can barely listen to them."

"Forget it," she said lightly: "I want to have beautiful memories too."

"Is there really no one?" I tentatively asked without giving up.

She glanced at my eyes: "Does the food you ate recently count?"

"Not counting."

"Does things after meeting you count?"

I shook my head again: "No."

"That's it." She shook her head and said, "There is nothing left."

"This is really... a pity."

The blue witch took out a bag of potato chips from her back seat, tore it open, and chewed slowly.

After eating a few slices, she also seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a little dull today, so she curled her lips and said, "Why don't I tell you about my experience in the laboratory for a while."

"That experience was painful, right?"

"It's okay," she said: "Compared to my childhood experience, it's already quite plain."

"Then you speak."

She brewed her emotions and drank two sips of juice before slowly saying: "I remember that when I was twelve years old, when I was wandering in the wild, I was caught by a group of heavily armed adventurers and put on a hood, etc. When the hood was taken off, I was already in a huge and cold room."

"There are many people in the room, all children of my size. We are all scared, helpless, and... scared. Some people cry miserably. I didn't cry because the tears ran away long ago. Up."

"Not long after the room door opened, a dozen people walked in. There were men and women. The leader was an old man with white hair and a white coat. This old man looked very kind and made me feel at ease. He Like grandpa, he touched the top of our heads one by one with the palms of his hands, comforting us gently, telling us that it is a great blessing in life to be here, because here is food, drinking, and housing, and there is no need to do heavy physical labor, as long as you are obedient. "

"He didn't say what would happen to being disobedient, and I didn't ask at the time, but it didn't take long before I knew what would happen to the disobedient child, that is, missing, missing forever."

"In the beginning, some thorns were sent to confinement, and then they never came back. Then there were some strong-looking children, and then even the obedient children disappeared one by one. Until later, I was too. They took it away."

"Those adventurers took me into a room. There were three big beds in the middle of the room. I was arranged on the big bed on the far left. Not long after I lay down, two more children about my size came. Lie on the bed in the middle and right."

"Just when we were wondering what would happen, we were injected with a strange potion and then we didn't know anything."

"When I woke up again, I saw that the two beds next to me were empty, only myself lying on the bed quietly. At that time, I was at a loss, scared, and even more lonely."

"When I had enough energy to climb down from the bed, I shrank to the corner and squatted, just like the tuo when I was first discovered, helpless, lonely, and pitiful."

"I kept trembling and trembling until the door of the room was opened and the kind old grandpa came in again. He found me and walked to me with a gentle smile on his face, gently touching the top of my head. Tell me'you did a good job', and from that day on, I became his assistant."

"My job is very simple. He told me to do it. The content of my job is not tiring, but it is very monotonous. He always calls me, and then he will make tea and pour water, and then go to a certain room to get things, and then again. Get some test equipment, besides that, he will use a needle to draw my blood regularly, but the amount is not large each time, but I am very painful and scared."

"And what really frightened me was that when I was thirteen years old, my grandfather asked me to send some syringes filled with medicine to the laboratory-the place where I woke up, it was still three big beds, still lying down. I had three children about my size. Grandpa took over the needle and skillfully injected the medicine into the blood vessels of the arms of the three children, and then waited quietly."

"I was also curious, I didn't know what would happen, so I opened my eyes. However, the next scene made me regret not closing my eyes, and even regretting why I failed to faint on the spot."

"I saw that the bodies of the three poor children about my size began to turn red, with some black lines extending under the skin, extending, extending, and spreading all over the body."

"Then the next second, three bangs, and they exploded."

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