Although the mistress of the noble lord is also very beautiful, it is far from the stunning beauty that makes people fall in love at first sight, and even inferior to the blue witch.

But although she is not amazingly beautiful, she has a very good figure, and she is full of charm, giving people a feeling of impulsiveness.

If it weren't for my fiancee who is so many and beautiful, I'm afraid she will sink in an instant.

So I didn't laugh at the hotel owner too much, just laughed and chatted with him.

After chatting for more than an hour, knocking half a catty of melon seeds, and drinking two jars of tea, I almost collected all the information that the hotel owner knew about the noble lords and the lord, and his mistress.

When I got the information, I stopped staying any longer, clapped my hands, promised that I would be fine at night, and I would ask him to drink a little wine, then got up and left.

Back to the room, the blue witch was holding the newspaper and reading hard.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, leaning closer, craned my neck, and took a few glances.

Without looking up, she said, "Look if there is any news about the attack on the big man."

"Don't look" got up, poured a glass of water, and I continued: "This person is quite high. The reporters in towns don't have the guts to report, and the newspaper people don't have the guts."

"Huh?" She put down the newspaper and asked curiously: "Do you know the identity of the other party?"

"Just asked the boss downstairs," I said, "I am the nobleman in this town, and he has a close relationship with the city lord."

"No wonder" the blue witch curled her lips, threw the newspaper aside, and said: "Did you ask how many days the city was closed?"

"It may take a while," I said: "Now the entire city's armed forces are looking for suspects. When the master is caught, the ban will be lifted."

"What if you can't catch it all the time?" The Blue Witch asked rhetorically.

"No." I shook my head: "The town is so big. Use all your energy to search. You can search it all in two days."

"If you search it all over, it doesn't mean you can find it?"

"That's it," I said, "but even if you can't find the real suspect, you can find a way to get a fake suspect to replace it."

The blue witch was taken aback: "Isn't this an unjust, false and wrongful case?"

"Yes, it's an unjust, false, and wrongly filed case." As I spoke, I sighed and said: "Either there is no way to reply to the noble master, everyone including the city guard will be punished, or someone will be replaced, everyone will Can avoid responsibility and replace it with you, which one do you choose?"

The blue witch frowned and said nothing.

Yes, what would you do if you changed to her?

Is it for the truth, at all costs?

Or is it for the official hat and betrayal of conscience?

The Blue Witch didn't want to answer this question, and couldn't answer it.

"Okay, don't be entangled." I squeezed her little face, and I smiled and said: "No one can give the most correct answer to this question. I can only say which one is more important to you, those guards. In the team, there are also the private soldiers of the noble lords and the private soldiers of the city lord. For them, either the official hat is more important, or the family is more important. Anyway, it is more important than the unlucky person who is crowned with the title of prisoner. For everything they cherish, they can abandon truth and justice without hesitation, but this does not mean that they have no justice at all, but under the oppression of more powerful pressure, they have to hide justice."

"Even if you say that, I won't feel relaxed," the Blue Witch stubbornly said.

"It's also a good life attitude to be able to find an excuse for yourself. Don't strain your energy too much because of one thing or a half, otherwise you will collapse sooner or later."

With a smile, I went to the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

The lunch was as rich as yesterday, and the Blue Witch was very happy.

After lunch, the Blue Witch lay on the bed to rest, while I was sitting at the table and wiping the knife.

Just halfway through, there was a knock on the door.

After opening the door, I saw several adventurers in uniform uniforms, probably from the city's defensemen.

"We are from the city defense team."

The adventurer closest to me spoke first.

It's really from the city defense team...

While talking, the adventurer took out a small-looking notebook, opened it, and showed it to me.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you?"

"I want to search this room."


In response, I took a step back, turned sideways, and let in the guards.

A group of team members walked in, half of them went to the back hall, and half stayed in the front hall, and they started all sorts of things.

Fortunately, their actions are not too rude. Fortunately, the things I bought were not damaged.

The lead adventurer took out a small notebook and started asking me: "Name, address, occupation..."

I started to make up these questions as early as when the city was closed. Before going to bed last night, I had made up these questions so that there would be no problems.

So I and him, one answer, one inquiry, fluent as water, without hindrance.

The adventurer who asked me was very conscientious, but his deputy was a dishonest guy. Although he had a handsome face, his eyes kept rolling, his eyes quickly locked on the blue witch. On his body, he looked around greedily, and I was bored looking at me, wishing to buckle his tricks.

After the question and answer, the lead adventurer nodded and said that I had no problem, then turned his gaze to the blue witch and said, "This lady, please come and cooperate with us."

The blue witch got up from the bed reluctantly, and slowly nudged it over, with an unhappy expression on her face.

I smiled apologetically at the head adventurer: "My wife doesn't like to socialize very much, and I hope you can forgive me."

Seeing that my attitude was good, the lead adventurer responded with a smile: "It's okay, I can understand."

Just at this moment, a low male roar came from the back hall.

I looked sideways with a question mark on my face, and saw the three adventurers clasping the body of the Odachi sword and trying to lift it up, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do it.

"What are you doing?" the deputy adventurer exclaimed.

"Report sir, we want to check this box, but we can't lift the knife."

The deputy adventurer looked at my eyes, his eyes were very complicated, he snorted, and said: "Get up, I'll come!"

While talking, grabbing the blades of the Odachi on both sides, with a riveting effort, I wanted to **** it up.

However, he was perfect, but he didn't count that Taidachi would be so ridiculous, and he twisted his waist when he was caught off guard.

With a scream, he thumped and fell to his knees, his face full of pain.

When the lead adventurer saw this, he was a little surprised, but more helpless. He turned to me and said, "Excuse me."


I smiled and walked closer, took the Taidachi easily with one hand, and put it on the ground aside.

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