Heroes' painful expression was sincere and pure.

Being able to show such a sincere expression of sadness because of the death of her subordinates, it is no wonder that even if she knew she was going to fight the apostle, there were still so many elite adventurers who followed her without hesitation.

After all, these years, it is rare to see immediate superiors who sympathize with subordinates.

The so-called dying of a confidant is probably this feeling.

However, if this battle is victorious, Heloise’s reputation will instantly rise to the top, and she can even stand shoulder to shoulder with Niwu, the founder of the Sworn Defenders organization, but if she fails, she will probably be imprisoned by the family and be a forever Rich girl without freedom.

Although freedom is gone, it is estimated that her marriage will not be controlled by anyone. After all, a woman who dared to be an apostle with a few hundred people, you assigned her a dissatisfied marriage partner the day before, believe it or not She can find someone to kill the opponent one day later.

And there is a woman with such a dark history, it is estimated that no aristocratic family will dare to ask for it, even if they covet the authority and status of the first family in the organization of the oath guard, they still dare not ask for it.

After all, power can be obtained through other means, but there is only one life.

I guess at that time, if Xilan agrees to marry Heroes, the Niwu family will definitely try their best to please this future son-in-law, and will definitely exhaust all means to keep him in the family, even as a son-in-law. In the family, the treatment received will far exceed the specifications of all other son-in-laws.

Thinking of this, I am a little envious of Xilan's future life. It must be wine and wine, and what you want, you don't have to worry about it, and it doesn't go well. With just one sentence, someone will respectfully solve his problems.

"Bah, Xi Lan, who is hateful and beautiful!"

I said silently in my heart.

Then, turning to the frustrated Heloise, I comforted her: "Although it’s not good to say that, I think it’s necessary to tell you again. Don’t be too sad. Of course, I don’t mean to deprive you of sadness. Qualification does not mean that the deaths of those people are worthless, but that your great cause is unfinished now, and the road ahead is far away-there are still dozens of towns to cross. God knows if you will encounter similar thugs again, if a dozen people are killed If you are so depressed, do you still want to take the road from now on? Do you want to continue the battle with the apostles? Don’t forget, if you want to face the apostles directly, you have to defeat the guards of the apostles, which is the best in the world For the army of China, I dare to pack tickets. There will be more casualties than this time, and there will be more and more casualties. Maybe, the whole army may be wiped out... Uh, my words are pessimistic. Some, but after all the enemy's strength is unknown, it is necessary to prepare for the worst in advance."

Although this comfort did not have much effect, it did not pull Heroes out of the negative emotions anyway, but at least there was light in her eyes and determination, which was enough.

I am not a life mentor, and Heroes does not pay my salary. I am not obligated to guide her out of life’s difficulties.

The reason why I helped her was mainly because we were two companions. By the way, after we rescued the naughty Becky, it is very likely that we will face up with the apostle.

If we meet each other, Heroes and I will be comrades on the united front, and they will inevitably help each other.

With this level of relationship, the relationship between people should not be too bad, at least not like the blue witch, since they met now, they have never looked at Heroes.

We walked all the way to a restaurant and ordered a private room.

After the dishes were ready, after closing the door, Heloise began to talk about the hardships.

The group of them came under the name of a businessman, and the businessman, naturally, could not be fully armed. Except for some top-notch adventurers, the other adventurers were carrying large packages or carrying large ones. Box, pretending to be labor.

At first, their journey was quite smooth. Although they occasionally encounter bandits and bandits with short eyes, their strength is far behind the elite adventurers after all, and they can disperse in a few rounds without delaying their journey. Can polish boring time.

I thought I could do this all the way, but unexpectedly encountered an ambush by the elite adventurer team of the Kai Xiu faction. Unprepared, they suddenly lost several people.

In fact, at this time, if Xilan is allowed to kill more than a dozen people, it might not be enough to kill more than a dozen people, but the problem is that Heloise refuses to let Xilan reveal her strength in advance. For her, Xilan is a secret weapon. It is a killer tool used to attack the apostle. If it is exposed early, it is likely to be recognized by people with ulterior motives. As long as it is in-depth analysis, it is possible to roughly determine the purpose of Heroes' trip.

In this way, her plan is likely to die.

After all, among the six major organizations, there is an existence like Talakuta who is completely loyal to the Second Apostle!

Before the goal is achieved, if there are fewer branches, there are fewer branches.

At the moment, Heroes decided to use the elite to fight the elite, creating an illusion of defending the goods to the death.

Although the ambush members of the Shah Xiu faction are quite large and they are all elite, they are still not as good as the elite that Herois brought out this time.

Moreover, the number of elite adventurers carrying weapons on Heroes' side is nearly twice as many as the number of elite adventurers who are ambushing here.

In comparison of quantity and quality, the battle lasted for more than half an hour, and all the elite adventurers of the Kai Xiu faction were killed.

The elite adventurers of Heroes also added nearly ten people killed in battle.

Don't underestimate these ten people.

These are all elites, and no one can make a miracle in the final wartime.

Unfortunately, they were killed on the road before the final battle.

When talking about this, Heloise shed tears, she looked as sad and sad, and sad and sad.

I endured the smell of the food, but I was embarrassed to move the chopsticks, so I could only accompany her in sadness, but the blue witch, completely ignoring her sorrow, the chopsticks moved so fast, I took the closest plate to her with a little effort The meat dishes were clean.

Upon seeing this, the two guards of Heroes glared at the blue witch, but she didn't bother to take care of the two goods, still eating quickly.

A few minutes later, Heroes' sad mood was also distorted by the rhythm of the blue witch eating.

She swallowed, finally no longer sad, but started eating.

I was finally saved from being tortured by the fragrance, so I can eat a lot.

However, the two guards still behaved very cautiously. Whether they were picking up vegetables or adding food to their mouths, they all looked gentle and well-educated.

But this scene fell in the eyes of the blue witch, but only got a contemptuous look.

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