My hairs stood on end.

"Who is he?"

"what's the situation?"

"Why threw an axe at me?"

A set of three consecutive questions appeared in my mind instantly, making myself bewildered.

However, the great axe came so fast that I couldn’t allow me to think at all. The next second, I pushed the door, I jumped out, did not pull the knife out of the sheath, but directly used the demon knife as a bat, accumulating the strength of my arm, and slamming Out.

call out!

An afterimage flashed past, and the demon knife collided with the sharp blade of the giant axe.

A huge force passed from the knife to my arm, but there was nothing wrong with my arm.

It seems that the opponent is aggressive, but the strength is average.

This is relieved.

I was worried that the strong man who was on the same level as the fourth apostle Casillas came out, that would be troublesome.

The giant axe was blocked by my move, and a dozen people tens of meters away were stunned.

Perhaps for these people, there is no human being who can easily block the giant axe with a single knife. However, when I appeared, Chi Guoguo hit them in the face, so the collective fell into a state of uncertainty, unable to extricate himself.

They are collectively confused, but I don't intend to give them a chance to react.

After all, they attacked me first, and this attack was deadly enough for average adventurers.

Since you came here with the idea of ​​killing me, don't blame me for being'respectful and ruthless'.

Pulling the knife out of the sheath, I hurried forward, rushing towards more than a dozen adventurers at a very fast speed, and before they fully recovered, I swung the knife and slashed, and I solved the three in an instant. One.

With the fall of the three companions, the rest of the people also recalled this time.

One by one, they drew their swords and attacked me.

It is a pity that for the strong, no matter how many mobs are, they are just radish and cabbage. The difference is only one cut less or one more cut.

After a while of massacre, the adventurers who blocked the road were destroyed.

I didn't leave a living mouth, not because I didn't want to torture, but because one accidentally killed all the living mouth.


Back on the locomotive, the Blue Witch was holding popcorn and eating non-stop. Seeing me coming back, she said excitedly: "The battle just now was so exciting!"

My eyes twitched: "Aren't you even afraid of it?"

"Fear?" The blue witch asked puzzledly: "Why?"

"If the giant axe hit the car just now, would you have time to open the magic shield?"

"It's too late."

"..." After a few seconds of silence, I asked again: "Then do you think this car can withstand the attack of the giant axe?"

"This..." The Blue Witch groaned for a few seconds: "You're right, it's quite dangerous."

"So, you should not feel excited, but you should feel afraid."

"Oh, okay, but I'm still very excited, after all, I rarely see you making any moves."

"...Well, as long as you are happy."

The locomotive quickly reached the next town.

At the gate of the town, there were adventurers who acted as guards, and these adventurers were all fully armed. I was puzzled, so I chatted with the leader while registering.

Under the dual offensive of money and smile, he and I soon became ‘best friends’, and even told me the situation in the town without any secret.

"A group of powerful bandits are running around and committing crimes with professional methods and cruel methods. We have no choice but to remain fully armed at all times and wait for orders to encircle and suppress them."

Speaking of this, the leader sighed and said anxiously: "Seriously, how can adventurers like us be the opponents of those wicked guys?"

"Since we all know that I am not an opponent, I still have to send you, is it abnormal here, Lord City Lord?"

While speaking, I pointed to my own head.

"It’s not to blame the Lord of the City," the leader said: "The main thing is this **** melee. The adventurers of the six major organizations that should have been sent to suppress bandits are all locked in the city. As a result, there is chaos outside the city. Relying on the poor guys like us, we have enough, hundreds, we are cannon fodder!"

He angrily kneaded an invalid registration form into a ball of paper.

Drive into the city and, as usual, park the locomotive at the exit on the other side of the town.

The Blue Witch and I got out of the car with a tuo.

After entering the city, as usual, I first found a hotel to stay, then I went downstairs to buy vegetables.

On the road, wherever he goes, are adventurers in battle.

Fortunately, the adventurers in this town are also more sensible. They will not attack pedestrians walking on both sides of the street. They will also avoid locomotives. After all, there are not too many casualties.

But the bodies of young adventurers are still everywhere.

When I arrived at the vegetable shop, I picked vegetables while chatting with the boss.

"How long has the scuffle lasted?"

"It's been a long time." The boss is a big five and three rough guy, and he doesn't talk much.

"If you continue to fight like this, you are not afraid to wipe out the younger generation of adventurers?"

"What are you afraid of?" The boss sneered: "There are not many other things here, but there are too many people."

"No matter how many people there are, there are also numbers."

"It's okay if it's lighted up," the boss snorted, hugging his arms, and said coldly: "If it's lighted up, don't hit it."

Yes, I understand.

After buying the vegetables, I went straight to the butcher shop.

The butcher's shop owner is also a big and thick man, but he is very talkative and talkative.

"Ten catties of beef, ten catties of mutton" I said: "By the way, what kind of meat is this? Hey, forget it, let's have ten catties."

"Guest, are you passing by here, supplementing supplies?"

The boss asked with a smile on his face.

"Well, yeah" I said, then sighed and said: "This is a broken environment, I don't know when it will end."

"It's not easy to say" the boss said while weighing the meat: "This melee starts as soon as it's a few months, and it's as long as... but it's gone."

"They are not afraid to light people up?"

"What's so scary?" The boss packed the meat, handed it to me, and said, "It's all up and reborn."

"You answer, sturdy."

I can't help but give a thumbs up.

"Hehehe" the boss smiled naively: "It's not that my answer is sturdy, it's the truth."

"When you look at the guests, you haven't experienced a melee", the boss said: "So far, I have experienced three times of melee. The first time was when I was young. The impression was not deep. The second time was when I was young. The melee went on for several years. As a result, after the melee, the population in the town only decreased a little bit. Now, this is the third melee. Who knows that it will last until the year of the monkey?"

"But, whether it lasts for a long time or ends in a short time, it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't affect my business."

The boss smiled, lifted a pig's foot, and used a knife to clean it up.

While cleaning up, he said: "In my opinion, what this melee is like is not as important as I shave pig's feet."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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