After passing through three towns smoothly, he stayed in the fourth town.

The reason is still that the nobles were killed and the whole city was hunted.

The reason why the nobleman was killed this time was because someone wiped his neck with a weapon, and he died simply.

In fact, nobles shouldn’t have died so easily. Although this guy is a noble, he is still motivated. As an adventurer, he is not strong, but it is not easy to assassinate him unless he has ten. Strength around the level.

But the problem is that in large cities and towns in the Demon Realm, except for the few elite powerhouses who have this kind of strength, most of the adventurers are at level six.

On the battlefield, quantitative changes may be able to cause qualitative changes, but in such towns, quantitative changes have no ability to cause qualitative changes at all.

In other words, no amount of low-level adventurers will be the noble's opponent.

Ever since, the case can almost instantly be fixed on high-level elite adventurers.

But the problem is that high-level elite adventurers are not only powerful, but most of them have not low identities, even if they hold the decree of the city lord, it is not easy to investigate too much.

This caused the case to be delayed.

Although the case is difficult to proceed, as long as the searchable area can be narrowed and searched inch by inch, it must be able to solve the case.

So the city lord issued an order: to close the city.

This order happened to be implemented less than four hours after I entered the city, so I was unfortunately sealed in the city.

"So, this operation to save Becky can really be executed smoothly?"

The blue witch embraced her arms and said suspiciously.

You ask me, who am I asking?

So she responded with an expression of ‘I don’t know’, but the latter snorted and said, "Ask you what, you don’t know, are you sure this is going to save Becky, not to send someone away?"

"I can basically be sure of this," I affirmed: "It's not that I'm talking big. With my current strength, even if I can't beat the apostle and want to escape, it's not a problem."

"Hmph, I hope so" said the blue witch: "If you are defeated, don't think about me saving you."

"No" I waved: "When that happens, you can just run."

"Cut, I still say that I'm sure, your family is sure that you are like you?" The blue witch questioned: "People have to plan a tactic, and win a thousand miles away, but you are good. The battle has not been fought yet. Sacrifice Chengren to think clearly."

"Huh? Sacrifice into benevolence? Who?"

"You" said the blue witch: "Is there anyone besides you, don't tell me, what you told me to escape just now did not mean that."

"Of course not," I said with a thief, "I mean you just run, you can attract a lot of firepower for me, so that I have a chance to escape to heaven~"

"You bastard!" The blue witch raised her small fist and beat my chest wildly.

Amusing this girl has become my happy dish when I am bored these days.

Within two days of being happy, adventurers came to my door and started investigating me.

This is an annoying thing, really.

This group of adventurers are like sick. First, they ask about items such as life experience, origin, occupation, destination, etc., and ask them carefully. After asking, wait for a few hours, then start to ask twice, and then ask three times. ..... All day, they can ask me more than six times.

The blue witch was called into another room and asked by a female adventurer.

However, her progress was not smooth, and two female adventurers were blasted out by her magic, but from this alone, it can be concluded that she is not the murderer.

As we all know, the murderer is used to sharp weapons.

Of course, you may question, can't adventurers who are accustomed to using sharp weapons also use magic well at the same time?

the answer is negative.

At least for most adventurers, it is negative.

Regardless of whether it is magic or melee combat, one needs to constantly sharpen oneself, and it is impossible to achieve without years of accumulation.

And the adventurer who can wipe the neck of the nobility without knowing the gods and the ghosts is definitely a melee adventurer who constantly sharpens his moves for ten years. Such adventurers will definitely not be so proficient at magic.

However, the incident of the Blue Witch attacking the town guard is a bit bad. After all, every member of the town guard symbolizes the face of the town, and even the face of the town dared to fight. This kind of Paying a'price' is unforgivable!

In order to calm the grievances, I had to take out a handful of silver coins as funds for an apology.

Although it was only silver coins, when the number reached a certain level, the other party still showed a satisfied look.

It's just that the eyes of the two female adventurers staring at the blue witch are quite unkind, and they must have not beaten her, so they are not reconciled.

And several of the male adventurers also coveted the appearance of the blue witch, a look that made me feel sorry for not taking advantage of you.

I thought it was not spring anymore, and hormones shouldn't surge.

But there are people who explode hormones every day of the year, no different from walking Teddy.

So I made up my mind, once these guys trouble the Blue Witch, I will definitely not spare them.

Anyway, with my current strength, as long as the apostle is not here, I can slaughter the city without injury.

No matter what you magician, warrior, priest, or special profession, under the crush of absolute strength, everything is scum.

Of course, this is only the last resort, unless necessary, I will not use this method.

However, at dusk the next day, the troublemakers came.

It was the male members of several of the town guards who came here yesterday, as well as a few women who didn't know them, and didn't know if they were adventurers.

This group of male members knocked on the door of the room. After opening the door, the guards took the lead in showing their credentials and directly stated their attitude, saying that they would take me and the Blue Witch back to their department to participate in the investigation.

But it was getting late, so how could I agree, so I asked, "Didn't I check it yesterday?"

"Yesterday was yesterday, and the routine inspection will continue today."

They answered like this.

I said in my heart that since it is an investigation, there is no need to go with you, so I also expressed my attitude: "If you want to investigate, just ask here."

Unexpectedly, the man was frantic: "We are acting on duty, you dare to violate orders!"

I sneered disapprovingly and said, "Either investigate here or please go back."

After listening, one of them immediately yelled at me and asked someone to grill me and take me home.

I was too lazy to talk to them, and was about to close the door, but was blocked by one of them.

"Oh?" With a chuckle, I stretched out my hand and pinched the man's arm with a slight force. The man's arm bone suddenly rang, and his arm slumped softly with a scream of pain.

Just when I was about to close the door again, a sharp sword suddenly appeared and hung between my neck.

The leader sneered: "Do you dare to attack us?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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