I originally thought that by teaching the fault-finding guy, I could hang up the phone safely until I left the town.

I was wrong.

The perseverance of these guys moved me.

If they didn't come to step on me and wanted to hook up with my girls, I might treat them as persistent young people with tools and perseverance.

It's a pity that they provoke me.

That day, it was cloudy with light rain.

I took the demon knife and walked on the way home from shopping for vegetables. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise in the distance.

Looking up, it turned out to be the hotel room where I was staying!

The glass in the room has exploded, and 80% is the result of the blue witch releasing the fire element magic.

The first thought in my mind was: something happened.

He rushed towards the hotel, but was blocked halfway.

The people here are a group of adventurers, uniformed, and at first glance they are people from a large organization.

Many of this group are magicians, only about a quarter of them are melee fighters, and they all use swords.

"I don't intend to fight, please let me?"

I try to slow down and speak sincerely.

However, the other party didn't seem to hear me, and still stood motionless in front of me.

When I saw this, I stopped talking nonsense and rushed over.

When I was only a few steps away from them, the magicians in this group started to condense magic and attacked me first.

If the magical power reaches Bai Yunying's level, I might find it tricky, but at first glance, they are only adventurers around level ten, and they are not scary at all.

So he waved his hand and smashed all the magic missiles.

In the next second, the melee adventurer unsheathed Qi Qi Li's sword, and without a word, he killed me directly.

This set of operations is quite tacit, and it is impossible to do it without a hundred days of training.

Looking at their weapons with the light of fading power, I probably guessed the identity of this group of people-they are probably the strongest in this town, or high-end combat power.

If I remember correctly, they should all be strong men serving the city lord and nobles. Since they blocked my steps and attacked me, they must have been ordered by the city lord or nobles.

Thinking about it this way, I don't want to fight them anymore, because once they are killed, they will receive the attention of the city lord and the noble circle, and the results of the attention of these people are generally very troublesome.

Either it's an endless invitation harassment or an endless assassination.

Unless, I kill all the city lord and all the nobles, but this is even more troublesome, and there is no time for the days to come.

After all, the most terrifying thing about the city lord and noble circle is not their power, but their connections.

God knows if they will pass on my information to their relatives and friends before they die, and then they will spread my information to other towns, and so on.

Before long, there will be no peace wherever I go, and the center of chaos must be me.

Thinking of this, I didn't have a headache, so I faced the stabbing swords. I didn't even draw the sword. With a wave of my hand, relying on the meteorite iron guard, I moved all the swords aside.

Immediately, he passed through the gap between the two and hurried towards the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, I didn’t even bother to go up the stairs, jumped up from the ground, and when I came down to the window a few times, I saw a group of adventurers who were embarrassed by the bombing, each armed with weapons, surrounded the blue witch with an angry face. stand up.

Opposite them, the blue witch holding the tuo stood on the ground, holding a short wand, accumulating magic, and ready to give them a cruel attack.

"What's the matter?" I whispered, and at the same time I turned over and jumped into the room, blocking the blue witch, and said coldly: "Who are you, why do you want to shoot her?"

"If you care about who we are, get out of the way, or else we will clean up with you."

"Heh" I sneered: "Are you serious?"

Suddenly, a magic missile shot out and flew straight to my chest. At the same time, a cold female voice sounded: "Don't grind with him, the task is important!"

The power of this magic missile is about tenth level. Based on my understanding of the devil world, the person who releases the magic missile should be a slightly top-level magician in this town.

However, it is still not enough.

With a wave of my hand, I smashed the magic missile again.

"Since you are unwilling to explain your intentions, then forget it," I said coldly: "After I catch you all in a while, I will torture them one by one."

After speaking, draw the knife out of its sheath.

"Speak up without shame."

One of them said coldly, and then rushed up with a sharp sword.

If I were to replace the blue witch and Tuotuo on the other side with other demon adventurers, the result would be terrible, but I am not as weak as a demon adventurer, and the blue witch is not a strong one that ordinary adventurers can match. Tuo Tuo... it is not a strong dog that ordinary dogs can fight against.

As a result, the battle scale fell directly towards me.

Facing the sudden sword, I didn't panic at all, waved everything, and cut off his sword and arms.

Add back and forth together, it takes less than two seconds.

A strong man in the Demon Realm was defeated by the late hair in less than two seconds, but he still had the arm of the weapon cut off. This thing, placed in a town in the Demon Realm, is simply sensational.

Unfortunately, this scene happened in front of them.

For a moment, everyone was a little sluggish, and even one of them unconsciously revealed his inner thoughts: "This...how is it possible, he, isn't he just an ordinary strong man?"

I sneered: "It seems that the information is not equal, which is the main cause of your failure in this sneak attack."

However, they were shocked, but they were not in the mood to understand what I said.

A few seconds later, the adventurer with Broken Arm let out a heart-piercing howl.

I looked away from him indifferently and turned to the other people: "So, who is next?"

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Human beings are such a creature. If the opponent's strength is not as good as his own, he will be suppressed and taunted in all kinds of duels. At the same time, I also take a compliment to myself. If the opponent is a little stronger than myself, he will challenge the opponent endlessly, and even be proud of it, but once the opponent's strength is stronger than the boss. , Reaching the point where it is impossible to see, the other party will immediately shrink up, even afraid to make a sound to attract the other party's attention.

This kind of humanity is called bullying and fearing hardship.

Obviously, at this moment, they will fully reveal their human nature of bullying and fearing hardship.

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