Of course, the nobility does not mean that you can kill by killing.

Otherwise, the Demon Realm would be messed up long ago.

But this rule is for the natives of the Demon World, or those who live in the Demon World, and it is invalid for me.

Therefore, I showed an indifferent attitude towards the words of the city lord.

This made the rounded city lord quite unhappy.

But at the same time, he was even more afraid.

After a moment of silence, he said: "I also know that the behavior of some nobles does deviate from the grace and etiquette that nobles should have, but your unscrupulous killing of nobles is very disturbing."

"Then Lord City Lord, what is your opinion?"

When I asked this sentence, I had a humble smile on my face, the purpose is to let the city lord relax a little bit of my guard, so that his true purpose will soon be exposed.

In fact, I still overestimate him.

Just as I said this, the mellow City Lord became expressionless and fat face because of dissatisfaction, and suddenly a gentle smile appeared.

He touched his shiny cheeks and slowly said, "In fact, you don't have to live with the nobles in the city. For talents like you, most of them still respect it, don't look at you killing a lot. The elite children of the nobles, but the most indispensable nobles are these elite children. What they need is only a step. As long as you give them a step, everything is easy to say."

"Dare to ask Lord City Lord, how can I give this step?"

"It's very simple." The city lord smiled and said: "Apologize, that's it."

Seeing that I was silent, he added: "Young people, don't be too attached to face, that thing is not valuable. It is the most cost-effective business to exchange face into a huge network of contacts. How about it? Have you thought about it? If If it’s difficult, it’s okay. I can go with you. I believe my thin face is worth a little money."

After listening, I smiled slightly, bowed and said, "Thank you, the city lord for your love."

"That's a good young man."

The mellow city lord smiled and clapped his hands, and when he was about to talk, I interrupted: "But I don't think that giving face to the nobles is a good choice."

The city lord was stunned for a moment, his complexion stiffened, and he didn't recover for a while.

"It is true that, as you said, as long as you pay a gift and an apology, all your grudges will be melted away, but my heart is uneasy. Why do they hurt me again and again? I just fought back once, but Apologize to them?" Shaking my head slightly, I sighed: "This kind of hegemonic behavior is not in line with common sense, so I can't do as you wish."

"Huh, young man, in our Demon Realm, the behavior of nobles is justification. Don't make a mistake about this."

"Don't worry, you can't go wrong." With a slight smile, I bowed again and said, "If there is nothing else, please let me go."

City Lord Mellow's complexion was slightly cold, but in the end he didn't say anything, just waved his hand to signal that I could leave.

With the Blue Witch and Tuo Tuo, he left the City Lord's Mansion and walked toward the hotel.

On the way, the Blue Witch smiled and gave me a compliment. She thought my performance today was really awesome.

But I shook my head and said helplessly: "If they are not so excessive, I would really like the advice of the city lord. After all, a casual apology can be exchanged for many intelligence informants, which is still very cost-effective."

"But things have reached this point, what can you do?"

"What else?" With a chuckle, I said: "For the next period of time, I will wait for the killer sent by the city lord and nobles."

"Killer?" The Blue Witch asked puzzledly: "Why?"

"Because I didn't choose to stand with them, in order to unite the nobles and to consolidate the status of the city lord family, they will definitely do so."

"Are you afraid?" The Blue Witch asked suddenly.

"You don’t know. Before I came to the Demon Realm, I had been assassinated hundreds of times in the Hefeng Continent, and every assassin who came to assassinate me was regarded as an elite in the Demon Realm. There were also a few times that were dispatched Ace level, but am I still good?"

"But you also said that it is the Hefeng Continent, not the Demon Realm."

"You don't understand what I mean. Compared with the Hefeng Continent, the level of adventurers in the Demon Realm has dropped by many percentage points. Not only is the combat level not good, but the combat experience is also pitiful. So you may have no idea. Let's take the killer example. , In the Hefeng Continent, my strongest trump card killer can turn this town into a ghost town with only one group of people and one night."

"Ghost town?"

"It's a town where there are no living people."

"Really?" The Blue Witch expressed her disbelief.

"Of course it is true. I don't have to deceive you on this matter. After all, when you and I return to the Hefeng Continent, you will know the truth of the matter."

"Then can the trump card under your hand assassinate you?"

"If you are really determined to assassinate me, it may not be successful, but it will definitely inflict severe damage on me, and also guarantee that I will not be able to catch the opponent-of course, there is a premise, I cannot use the power of a fairy."

After listening to my description, the Blue Witch became even more unbelievable.

"I have seen your battles. I probably know your actual combat abilities and know your speed better. If you can't even catch you, I'm afraid that few people can catch it."

"What you said" I couldn't help laughing: "In the entire Demon Realm, you have only met a few people in total, so you dare to say this, aren't you afraid of being beaten?"

"I'm not afraid, with you as a shield, who can beat me?"

Looking at the triumphant and arrogant appearance of the Blue Witch, I was also very helpless.

This girl is right, I am sure I will not let her be wronged.

What a shrewd girl.

The closure of the city continues, and according to the rules, we still cannot do without this town.

The next morning, when I went downstairs to buy breakfast, I met the first wave of assassins.

As I said, the level of the assassins of the Demon Realm is not generally low. They didn't draw their swords, but only three punches and two kicks killed them all.

When I bought breakfast later, I also encountered two poisoned ones, and I was easily taken care of again.

After this incident, I lost interest in buying ready-made breakfast directly, so I bought some vegetables and meat and wandered back.

On the way back, no assassins were encountered again. It is estimated that the assassins felt that they had gotten their hands on the idea, and they were quite vigilant. It was not suitable to do it today, so they hid them one after another.

After returning to the room, I saw a man in a waiter’s suit lying at the door. At his torn cuff, I vaguely saw a piece of brown, like a section of a wooden stick, kicked with my toes, and it was The stick, no, to be precise, a magic wand.

This is also an assassin, and also a magician. Based on this alone, I am disappointed with the assassin organization in the Demon Realm.

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